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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, September 7, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

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“The most powerful country in the world is falling so fast, that it makes you rethink what are the real reasons. Something so big and powerful can’t be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within."—Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador; X/Twitter

By Rich Kozlovich

Well, it's been another interesting week, and as a friend told me yesterday, it's getting to the point there are some days he just can't read or watch the news it's gotten so insane. He just can't believe the things these people are saying, and on both sides of the aisle.   Some things must be clear to every sane person. Either they're really stupid, never read a history book, they're corrupt, or they're all just a bit certifiable.   How about all four?   

Liz Chaney has come out and said she's thought "deeply" (imagine that, thinking deeply and Liz Chaney in the same sentence) and decided she'll vote for Kamala, and one of the reasons why is she wants Kamala Harris to pick Sotomayor's replacement.   And it gets better all the time. Now daddy has come out and endorsed Kamala Harris.   How sane is that?  The right despises them, and the left laughs at them.  How many would be surprised to see Bush follow suit.  No wonder he never fixed anything. 

Hunter Biden has plead guilty. Why? Well, daddy won't be there to protect him any longer, the bureaucrats at justice see the handwriting on the wall, as are his financial supporters, and they're all abandoning him, and most importantly, daddy can still pardon him before he slithers out the door, and a lot of pardons can be expected before that happens.  

I no longer refer to the media as the "establishment", or "legacy", or "main stream" media, because they're in reality nothing short of a propaganda machine for leftism, and the Democrat party, just as Pravda was for the Soviet Union, and that's how I now define them.  

No matter how much you may despise the Pravda media, you don't despise them enough!  As Victor Davis Hanson says, the media lies are adding up.  The media is not in love with the truth, history, or reality, if all that interferes with the narrative of the moment, as they only tell part of the story as in this case about people dying from heat.  The Pravda media's bent is to mislead. Lies of commission, lies of omission, and logical fallacies are their meat and potatoes. The issue isn't whether or not people die from heat or cold, it's whether or not mankind is responsible for climate change. We're not!

Remember when the meme among Democrats was Trump was afraid to debate Kamala?  Well, truth and time are on the same side, and after her disastrous hand holding fake interview with Dana Bash, that pretty much disappeared.  

Then Kamala hedged on debating Trump regularly.  But Kamala has been put in a position where she can no longer avoid that debate, and guess what, she's scared.  But never fear, the Pravda media knows it's responsibility to protect the party, and while ABC , has announced the "official" debate rules, they've assured Kamala they can be bent.  Maybe like getting the questions in advance?    


And it gets better, they're expecting her to fail, and they're already making excuses for her anticipated rotten performance.  Which means they know she's a nitwit, they know she's incompetent, they know she's the dimwit they said she was for three years. 

Back in the 70's it was another Ice Age, then it was Global Warming, now because temperatures haven't been increasing for over 20 years, they're calling this a "pause", so now it's climate change, which can mean anything. If it cools, climate change. If it heats, climate change. If it storms, climate change. If it doesn't storm, climate change, so now whatever happens it's climate change.  I have massive files on this, take a look!The only thing they haven't blamed for this are the Jews, but I'm sure they'll get around to it. Corruption knows no bounds. 

The left lies, and then the media hides, twists, and convolutes the truth, while creating lies of their own to smear anyone who dares to attempt to expose the truth.

Ford is now backing off ‘Woke’ policies, along with a major beer company, share holders have had it with DEI policies and are demanding they be dropped, and Volvo is abandoning their electric vehicle targets.  Restaurants are closing faster than newspapers are going out of business, thanks to Bidenomics, and Kamala wants to double down on those polices, and Illinois's Governor Pritzger signs law banning hotel mini-shampoos, to save the planet.  Banning shampoos?  With all the disasters in his state, economic and criminal, he's banning shampoos!  Wow, with leadership like this what could possibly go wrong?  Well how about, blacks in America have been played, rising traffic deaths are the result of woke policies, dead bodies are turning up in New York

Well, here's my week as I've seen it, so, let's start with John Droz, Jr's. Media Balance Newsletter, followed by this Cartoon of the DayI had a much more productive week than I realized, with twelve commentaries of my own, and twenty five by others, along with the permanent links.  

The weather here in northern Ohio is getting wet, cold, it's 58 degrees right now and going down to 48 tonight, so it's time to start preparing the yard for winter, digging up bulbs and such for transplanting, preparing the ground for spring planting, and so on.  So, have a good weekend and best wishes to us all!

My Commentaries

  1. When it Comes to Abortion, There's Only One Choice
  2. News and Views
  3. C'mon Man, Those Republicans Really Are Weird
  4. 3 Billion and Counting Is Now Streaming
  5. Coming Attractions From Today's News
  6. Kakistocracy: We are Ruled by Charlatans, Knaves, and Fools. Scientific Integrity, Part VIII
  7. Shame on Us!
  8. Polls are a Corrupt Farce
  9. Illegal Aliens, Gun Control, National Security, and Treason
  10. Tim Walz Hits Keep Right on Coming
  11. Crime Prevention Isn't Racism
  12. "A Stranger in Town", 1943


  1. No Strategy. No Clue  By Alan Caruba
  2. From the Back Forty: Heartlanders Don’t Hold Back on Harris and Walz By Sarah Cowgill
  3. The Devil is in the Trump Details By Susan Daniels
  4. A Subscriber's Perspective on US K-12 Education By John Droz, Jr.
  5. Our COVID-19 Policies Were a Disaster By John Droz, Jr.
  6. Mike Johnson and the SAVE Act: A New Take on an Old Trick By James Fite
  7. Kamala’s Racist ‘White Devil’ Pastor By Daniel Greenfield
  8. Israel Has a Right to Win  By Daniel Greenfield
  9. Workers Worry Thanks to Harris & Biden By Robin Itzler
  10. Kennedy Family Values By Robin Itzler
  11. Positioning Kamala Harris, the California Candidate By Robin Itzler
  12. Comrade Kamala Bringing Joy to Communism By Robin Itzler
  13. Kamala Harris: “What can be, unburdened by what has been” By Robin Itzler
  14. Are We Now a Radical Socialist Nation? By Robin Itzler
  15. Arizona's Gone Totally Red By Robin Itzler
  16. Tyranny National Convention, AKA, the Democrat National Convention By Robin Itzler
  17. Don't Be Fooled: Kamala Is A Zero-Carbon Green Radical By Francis Menton
  18. Renewables: Are They Really Cheaper? By Francis Menton
  19. Great Moments in Socialism By Dan Mitchell
  20. Kamala Harris’ Dishonest Proposal for Per-Child Handouts By Dan Mitchell
  21. It Happened Again! The New York Times Writes about Venezuela’s Collapse and Fails to Mention Socialism By Dan Mitchell
  22. Reagan’s Victory Over Communism By Dan Mitchell
  23. Kamala’s Visit to Terror U  By Dan Mitchell
  24. Free Speech Opponents Are Coming for Elon Musk By Graham J. Nobel
  25. North Korea and the 13 Disappearing Submarines By James Patterson

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You know that voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, I don't have that!    We need to question everything because everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Much of what we're told does not!

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