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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Kamala Harris: “What can be, unburdened by what has been”

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK 

Through her word salads, Kamala Harris says enough to let us know that she is a Marxist. Harris often says:

“What can be, unburdened by what has been.” 

That comes from a communist saying frequently used by Soviet communists starting with Vladimir Lenin’s Bolsheviks:

“We have the ability to see what can be, unburdened by what has been, and then to make the possible actually happen.”

In The Communist Manifesto pamphlet, written along with Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx suggested that society must move on from the past for communism to succeed.

Karl Marx did not hide from any of this. In his 1852 essay, “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte” Marx wrote: 

“Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. '“The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living.”'

Part of Kamala’s statement “by what has been” refers to the democracy and freedom in this country since the passage of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. As you know, Marxist-Democrats often comment about how some sections of the Constitution and Bill of Rights are outdated.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Harris’ father was a Marxist economist that taught at Stanford University and was educated at the University of California Berkeley. This explains her contempt for a free-market economy and for the freedoms allowed under the U.S. Constitution.

Speaking on his July 22 podcast, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani discussed Harris’ frequent use of the phrase:

"That's pure Marxism. That comes from Karl Marx. I don't know who came up with the specific line, but it's the absence of history. Get rid of history, unburdened by the past, meaning you forget your history, which assumes that all our history was evil and bad. And what a stupid statement; now she's either stupid, brain injured, or a communist. I don't know if she knows that it comes from Karl Marx. I don't know if she's smart enough to know."

In “Oh, To Be ‘Unburdened’ by Progressive Socialists Any Longer,” Frank Hill writes: There’s no secret Democrats want to expunge U.S. history of any references with which they disagree, or which make them feel “uncomfortable.” Cancel culture, desecration of American monuments, replacing Western civilization history and philosophy classes on campuses with books written by critical race theorists such as Ibram Kendi all follow the same path: Past history in America written by white men based on Judeo-Christian values and Western civilization norms is bad; current enlightened thought “unburdened” by any such historical foundation is good.

Democrats since 2008 have turned their backs on everything considered basic to our shared common life together in America. 

  • They have neutered and defunded police enforcement
  • Appointed liberal judges who have let thousands of convicted people out of prison unilaterally; flung wide open our southern border to let another 10 million people enter illegally; 
  • Canceled tens of billions of dollars of federal student debt without legislative approval;
  • Spent trillions in federal dollars on unnecessary programs which have jacked up prices of everything to unreasonable heights through rampant inflation.

When Barack Obama declared “Change has come to America!” the night he was elected in 2008, he was not kidding. They have spent the last 16 years doing it.

There is no other way to put this, except that Marxist Kamala Harris and Marxist Tim Walz want to destroy our Constitutional Republic. Sadly, there are a lot of ignorant voters who believe Harris as she flip-flops on almost every position. My goodness – the Cacklin’ gal has put out commercials embracing Trump’s border wall!

If this doesn’t scare the hell out of Americans, what will? We re-elect Donald Trump or say goodbye to our Constitutional Republic.

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