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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Biggest Losers in the Debate

Yeah, this is fun to watch 

By Michael D. Shaw July 6,2024 @ Mike's Point of View

I'm only calling what occurred on June 27th a “debate” because that term was universally applied to the no-audience/muted microphone weenie roast in which Joe Biden’s…uh, limitations were exposed for all to see. (As if this had not been evident for years.)

The Media—It is worth remembering that even though FDR garnered heavy support from the media, there were nonetheless some major outlets, including the Chicago Tribune and New York Daily News, that went against the trend. Lest we forget, there was definitely some pushback at a press conference on February 17, 1942, mere weeks after Pearl Harbor.

These days, though, based on a sick combination of Trump Derangement Syndrome and a complete lack of awareness of what the media is supposed to be about in a free society, the Fourth Estate has become nothing more than stenographers for the Democratic Party. Thus, they would have you believe that they were shocked…shocked at how impaired Biden appeared during the debate.

Perhaps, some of them really were shocked, given that their minds had been clouded for so long.

The media’s problem now is how to proceed. Amid calls for Biden to step down, there were an equal number for him to stay the course. Presumably, the prospect of a Trump presidency is so terrible that having a demented old man in office to face the likes of Putin and Xi—among a host of other responsibilities—is preferable.

In certain cases, those who did call for him to get out of the race felt it necessary to soften their position by referring to him as a “beloved” figure. Biden can be called a lot of things, but “beloved” would not be on a list of the top 500. Further gaslighting included references to his wonderful policies, without mentioning any specifics at all. Maybe because there aren’t any, what with inflation, crime, and open borders.

Perhaps, the media’s pathetic performance will finally cause the public to lose all confidence in this institution—which has been a national travesty for more than 50 years.

The Democratic Party—Apparently, the brain trust in charge figured that Trump’s goose would be cooked with their vile lawfare—only that didn’t work out quite the way they planned. Whoever is running things was quite happy with the status quo, whereby a corrupt and senile puppet, along with his grasping wife and joke of a vice president, can be their puppets. In fact, they were so happy with this arrangement that they didn’t seem to notice how things were deteriorating.

So…what to do now? Biden and Dr. Jill will surely not go gently into that good night. And, even if they do, who becomes the new standard bearer? The widely mocked and disliked Kamala Harris? The man who arguably destroyed paradise more than Jerry Brown…Gavin Newsome? Michelle Obama? Hillary Clinton? Will they try to find an effeminate, non-threatening Halfrican American state senator again?

Don’t forget that bypassing Kamala Harris will be a massive turn-off to that most ardent faction of Democrats—black women. And, there’s a chance that this same faction may start to think about why they should even identify with a half-Indian half-Jamaican, who is married to a Jewish white guy. Heck, maybe they’ll even wonder why they ever supported Biden—a big pal with the likes of ardent segregationists James Eastland and Herman Talmadge.

But, the biggest Biden problem of all is articulating exactly when he became impaired.

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