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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 1, 2024

Post Debate Reality Sets In!

By Rich Kozlovich


In this article, Obama's chickens come home to roost the writer does something I really love.  He outlines the actual history of events, and the unending ability of leftist to be wrong.  If wrong was a corporation, they'd have a monopoly.  

After the Massiah of the Left, Barack Obama was elected, and I said both of his elections were the result of voter fraud, just not as blatant as in 2020,  it was declared, with great fanfare and immense joy, the Republican party was dead.

The left wing English verision of Pravda, the Guardian took a poll asking “Is the Republican party dead?” They also editorialized: “Without a clear leader or direction, is this the end of the GOP?” 58 percent responded: Yes, start planning the funeral."  Robert Reich, a true prophet of wrong, "posted on his blog: “I’m writing to you today to announce the death of the Republican Party. It is no longer a living, vital, animate organization. It died in 2016. RIP.”  And " Obama was hailed as the Machiavellian genius who had engineered the death of the rival party", and it's now clear Biden first term was Obama's third term, and it's turning into a nightmare of exposure as to the level of incompetence and corruption that permeates leftism, including Obama, Biden, and the Democrat party.

Admittedly schadenfreude among Trump supporters is running at peak levels. The misery of the CNN/MSNBC crowd has maxed out. There is no joy in Joy Reidville. The mighty Biden has struck out.

That great Machiavellian genius who made the oceans stop rising, assured the death of the Republican party, vilified all that made America great is "most likely responsible for the pending electoral bloodbath in November. Indeed, the Democrat chickens have come home to roost. It could not have happened to a more deserving group."

It could get better though.  I'm convinced there are serious RICO violations involved in all of this, and if Trump is elected, and if he appoints an Attorney General who has  mad dog in a meat market mentality, Obama, Hillary, and a lot of the corrupt myrmidons of the Democrat party could end up in jail.   

Mike Johnson posted this piece, An affront to America, noting the debate was conducted fairly, and exposed how the "fabled and very effective Democratic propaganda machine lies to Democrats", as well as everyone else, and then asked who picked this guy in the first place?  That's followed by all the failures of the Biden administration, both domestic and foreign.  But that's a bit unfair, Biden and his crew are the symptom, the disease is the democrat party, and they've merely been a reflection of that reality. 

Some time back I came across information regarding Maryland's black Democrat governor, Wes Moore and stated he was impressive, and suggested he could be the dark horse candidate at the convention to replace Biden.  Well, guess what, this article,  After Biden -- Moore, or less?, by Ned Cosbis discusses that.  I think we'll see more of him in the future, and since he is impressive, and if all that turns out to be true, he's the most dangerous man in America.  

In the meanwhile, replacing Biden carries a lot of problems, as J.R. Dunn outlines in his artilce, Replacing Biden: More facts, saying:......they are headed for the falls, and there’s nothing they can do about it.  And it appears the Biden Crime Family agrees.  He's the candidate and if you don't like it tough, in effect saying to the party, it's all about me, get over it.  Yet, O'Reilly claims it's been decided, Biden will quit the campaign.  We'll see, especially since I trust neither the Bidens or O'Reilly.   I wouldn't trust either of them to tell me day was light and night was dark.

The author has written other articles, quite good, on how desperate are the Democrats, and this idea of replacing Biden in some fashion or other. Replacing Joe: The facts, and Cancelling the election: The facts.  Explaining why there will be no replacement.  But that assessment is based on election rules.   Well, the concept of "rules" for democrats have always been subjective.  To paraphrase Benito Alfonso Bedoya, "Rules, what rules, we don't need no stinking rules."  So, we'll see.

Jack Hellner has a way with words as he says, "Biden’s cognitive abilities are as good as ever "After all, he never was too sharp", noting he signed a ton of executive orders almost overnight after entering the White House, asking:  Who wrote them?  It seem clear it wasn't Biden.  Did he even read them? Probably not, so is it any wonder he was caught in lies in the debate over his policies?  He didn't read them, didn't understand them or remember them.  So, it's clear he doesn't know what his polices are.  

As we see this playing out how can anyone not view this as anything but elder abuse.  But Biden's so despicable, who cares?  

Hellner goes on to say that "everyone should remember what Ronald Reagan said about liberals:  “the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

Littered With Lies Trevor Thomas When it comes to the most important moral issues of our time, few entities have been on the wrong side of the truth more often than has the Democrat Party and its apologists.

In this article, Who’s Behind This Show?, the author states:

Joe is not capable of running the country.  That’s a fact.  The bigger question:  Who is it that will actually now make the decisions?  More important, who has been running this country these years while pretending Joe was President?.......This cabal extends to most of the leftist media and the tech oligarchs.  They lied ........promulgated to maintain and aggrandize their own power, wealth, and ideological beliefs.  Done at the expense of an entire country, done at the expense of each and every citizen of this country......setting the world on fire, as they clearly and perhaps inadvertently have......... What kind of people would want to pull this travesty off?  Answer:  Very sick people, people awash in evil, people who value power over all, people who willingly lie and cheat to maintain their power.   People who think their moral status is so high they are willing to go into the gutter and use a man with dementia so they can clandestinely run this country. 
The final question that will be answered after November, Are we past the election cheating era?, and in spite of all the caveats the author offers, the answer is ....No!  The difference is now it's become so blatant it won't be so easy to get away with, and if Trump is elected, we're going to see all those who've been part of this massive national criminal movement who've given a pass by those who are supposed to be enforcing the law, investigated, indicted, tried and sent to jail.  Then we'll be past election cheating, at least at the level we've seen. 

These aren't all the articles worth reviewing on this issue, so, I'll have more commentary on this tomorrow.

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