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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Why No One Should Ever Listen to Max Boot

March 15, 2023  By Paul Krause

Max Boot, one of the most bloodthirsty American analysts and commentators, has apparently woken up long after most Americans with half his education, about the limits of American power and the disastrous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Thankfully for us, he has penned his reawakening in the pages of Foreign Affairs, that astute bulwark of the establishment, a journal of which I am, in fact, a subscriber.

For 20 years, Boot has been calling for regime change, democracy building abroad, and even leaving American troops in dangerous brushfire to “polic[e] the frontiers of the Pax Americana.” Now, he says he’s changed................Not only has Max Boot been wrong on all the major foreign policy issues since the end of the Cold War, he is also wrong in presenting what the older, indeed, venerable, tradition of neoconservatism was about. Boot is an atheist; he despises religion (just like most contemporary “neocons” who have fallen very far from the tree), and has called for an openly and unapologetically atheistic president. Too bad Irving Kristol isn’t alive to rebuke him. A man who has been wrong for so long and a man who lies about his rediscovery of genuine neoconservatism is a man no one should listen to ever again.............To Read More....

My Take - One of the things I find in common among neocons like George Will, Charles Krauthammer, now dead, and this guy, is they're atheists.  They press the idea they're conservatives but they're bent is toward more government control.  

In truth, I don't think they know what they believe since they're atheists they have no solid moral foundation, just like the left.  I wonder just how many of this ilk are atheists.  I know people like John Kasich attend church, and he quotes scripture to push his views, but his use of scripture is clearly twisted, and he embraces views that may be popular in Christian churches today, but that doesn't make them scriptural.  

Is there a pattern there?  I think so, and will be paying closer attention to that from now on.

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