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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

If the Left Hates America, How Can They Possibly Be Sane?

America has done more good for more people than any nation in the history of the world. By Rich Kozlovich

I often have “why” questions. I have always loved reading history, as a result I have often asked; “why did they do that?” History isn’t just about dates, events and places. History is about people and why they do what they do. It's about human psychology, human wants, needs and desires. It is about human flaws and human greatness in action and thinking. That's the beauty and wisdom of history. 

History is the fruition of the actions of millions of people over the course of thousands of years, and those fruits of wisdom, ripened fruits of wisdom, are ours for the plucking.   But in order to pluck those ripened fruits of wisdom we need to read that history, understand that history, and apply it wisely.  As a society we're doing none of that, and our leaders clearly aren't doing it either.  One writer noted the statement "history repeats itself" is wrong.  He says we just fail to learn and follow the lessons of history.  To a large degree, he's right.

As you grow older, and really delve deeply into the history of the world, you find that real history goes way beyond what must be considered the blatant propaganda taught in schools at the lower grades. Perfectly understandable propaganda mind you!  After all, most countries don’t want their children to learn about the unpleasant things that are a part of their heritage until they have learned the good things, the honorable things, the things that make it possible for a society to become whole, especially one such as ours; a diverse society which became the only truly successful melting pot of cultures in the world. Something that was truly alien in almost every other country in the world.

The big difference and the beauty of our culture versus the rest of the world is we have access to the damning information about America.  The kind of information completely hidden from citizens of other cultures about their cultures. We have the opportunity to see all of our warts and scars, repent of them, fix them, and become all the better for it as a society, even if it is in our own personal way. 

We can’t fix our flaws if we're unwilling to see and confront them, and in spite of all the rants about how evil is America, we've sacrificed America's young men and our money to make things right for all Americans, and we've been spit upon for it.

It is still very difficult to get information of the Rape of Nanking in Japan, which has been referred to as the forgotten holocaust of WWII. We don't hear much about it here either because the left controls the schools now and they subscribe to the idea that the only evil ever done in the world was done by Americans. So then, if that was the case, why then was America so successful merging so many diverse cultures?   Because those who came here all wanted to add to the American culture; not change it into the very thing they fled. 

My great grandparents and grandparents came from Serbia. They came here to become Americans who just happened to be Serbian. They didn't come here to be Serbians who just happened to live in America. The other side of my family is Croatian. So I am half Serbian and half Croatian. I tell people jokingly that I'm my own worst enemy, and I've been fighting with myself my whole life. Why? Because the hate, war and violence between them was legendary and went on for centuries. Yet, that age old problem, that went on for hundreds of years in Europe, was solved in less than one generation here, in America! I also have a contingent of Italian family members, a third cousin who is half Filipino, and others who are Hispanic. Only in America! 

But  this only can happen because if we all share a common vision as to how the world should work, and how we should conduct ourselves. My great grandparents and grandparents learned to speak, read and write English so that their children and grandchildren wouldn’t have to pay the penalty they were paying. A penalty they were happy to pay I might add, because they knew it was a penalty worth paying.  They were in America!!!!!!

It wasn’t easy as it is today. My great grandparents didn’t know that my grandmother had to go to school until she was old enough to be in the third grade, which is where they started her. She didn’t speak a word of English. The teacher couldn’t understand her and decided that her name was “Annie”. My grandmother was 90 when she died and there were people who still knew her as Annie for most of that long life. She was never offended. It just wasn’t that important to her compared to the benefits she received for she and her family by just being in America!

She learned to speak, read and write English, and was proud of her accomplishments, she was even a Democrat party committeewoman.  My grandfather worked in the coal mines and ran his own farm providing everything the family needed.  Everything we consumed came from the farm other than flour, coffee, salt, sugar and tea.   So I don’t have a lot of compassion for the whining of lefties over this.  And there's a reason why.  The results! 

One of her children became the president of a United Auto Workers union. Another became an aeronautical engineer working for a major airplane manufacturer with forty engineers working for him, and he never finished high school. Another became a successful small business owner, and many of their grandchildren became business owners.   A grandchild of one of her siblings was a graduate of Annapolis.  Only in America.

These immigrants were on the lowest rung on the social ladder in their homelands, but they were the best that Europe had to offer. Smart, tough, hardworking, religious, self-sacrificing and family oriented. Those are the base components of a stable society.  When any one of them is missing the whole structure erodes; slowly perhaps, but the downward spiral is unmistakable. The sad thing about great grandparents and grandparents is that they die before you are old enough to fully appreciate what great people they truly were.

Today we see people who are descendants of those who worked to make America a great nation and a great people.  Descendants who have lived in the best culture the world has ever known and yet they hate that culture. They rant unendingly against its perceived inequities, screaming for social and environmental justice. Demanding that everyone should live at exactly the same life style as everyone else, irrespective of what they are willing to work for, or willing to work at all.  

They rant and scream with vile fervor that America is a racist nation, in spite of the fact that American capitalism raised more people out of misery, squalor and suffering than any other system the world has ever known, including black Americans.  Name one nation that's offered more opportunities to black people than has America!

Socialism exists primarily in its communist and fascist forms. Fascism as a leftist movement became defined (mostly by Mussolini) in the early 20th century as the right wing of socialism and communism as the left wing, but they are both totalitarian, two sides of the same coin. Both subscribe to the philosophy of the “19th century German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel”, who was the “most influential philosopher of the Left -- inspiring Karl Marx, the American "Progressives" of the early 20th century and university socialists to this day” that:

"All the worth which the human being possesses, all spiritual reality, he possesses only through the State."

Those socialist and “progressive states” who've have taken on the mantel of Godhood has brought nothing but death, destruction, starvation, mass murder, misery and suffering at a level that is unparalleled in human history. Dystopia is the true child of socialism. Why then to do so many in the western world embrace and praise those who practice this demented philosophy?  Especially among those who are allegedly well educated, and more so among academics!

Since they hate America, that means they hate Americans who practice and believe in American exceptionalism and capitalism. But that leaves them in a quandary. The normal functioning of the human mind is to see patterns.  Patterns allow one to draw conclusions.  That of course means being judgmental, how else can you determine what is true and false. What works and what doesn’t work. What information to discard and what information to embrace. 

Yet, they deliberately ignore the historically proven patterns of success and look for alternatives.   Alternatives they absolutely insist on believing in.  Alternatives that have failed over and over again, how can that be considered sane?  

But this is America.  They're allowed to believe in and promote their alternatives because they're living here, in America!  Here, where they don’t have to face the consequences of their passion for alternative lives or alternative forms of governance.   Here, where they can believe any idiotic thing they wish to believe without being persecuted, and even protected.  Yet they hate the system that permits their thinking and actions, and largely without penalty, and lately even when those actions are clearly criminal. How can we not wonder if they're sane!

A former Muslim man in Afghanistan was going to be executed because he converted to Christianity and refused to give up the convictions of his conscience, to give up his faith. This is from a society that preaches and demands the destruction of anyone who disagrees with them, including those who share the same faith with some differences, as in the Sunni and Shiite sects. Yet these lefties embrace and excuse them as allies.  Allies with whom they have only one thing in common:  Their hatred of Americans, American capitalism and American tolerance!

Do they really believe that if Sharia was imposed on Americans they would be allowed to practice their political philosophy and personal moral passions as they do now? They would be among the first to be killed!   So when I read their views it's impossible to not wonder if they're sane.

A number of years ago there were demonstrations against some world economic summit (I think it was in Seattle, there have been so many I can’t remember for sure) and the policies being outlined there. One National Public Radio interviewer (Yes...I actually listened to NPR) asked a young woman demonstrator what they were against and why. She made her case and then the interviewer asked her, “What alternatives do you offer”? She very confidently and smugly stated that “great minds” were working on this. Remember, this is NPR so I was amazed at his next question. “So then, you have no alternatives?” She wasn’t so smug at this point, but fell back on to her “great minds” claptrap. 

Leftism, in all it's forms and permutations, and their "allies", are part of the same package. There is a reason greenies are called watermelons. The lefties embrace economic and social concepts that have been shown to be so seriously flawed, and that no matter how many times they're tried, they've failed. They eschew concepts that have succeeded over and over again.  No matter how many times they're tried, they succeed, and the left is against them.

  • They rant, rave, demonstrate, destroy property, and attack people (physically and personally) while claiming to be paragons of compassion. 
  • They scream disruptively, and throw pies in the faces of speakers in an attempt to silence their views, while claiming to be the ultimate defenders of free speech. 
  • They illegally occupy public places without permission or compensation. 
  • They leave violence and filth behind. While screaming that they have rights they completely ignore the legitimate rights of others. 
  • They embrace extremist and murderous dictators and tyrannical systems of governance while decrying every action taken to defend the innocent by defunding the police.
  • They embrace energy concepts that have failed over and over again in the past, and even eventually turn against any of the alternatives they support. 

Why? Because they're irrational, misanthropic and morally defective.  As a result, they can never be pleased, no matter how hard anyone tries, because their foundational values of all these misfits are based on hate, anger, envy, greed and violence. Without hate they can't exist. Happy people cannot be haters and haters cannot be happy. As a result there is nothing you do that will ever satisfy them.  

They hate truth:  It defies the narrative of the day.  They hate history: It condemns them.  They eschew compassion:  Leftist dictators murdered 100 million people in the 20th century and green activists are responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people since the 1960's.  They hate solutions that work:  That exposes their incompetence and stupidity since they have no solutions that work. 

The reality is that they are really great at finding fault, but their failure and incompetence at finding solutions is legendary. That's history and that history is incontestable.  Is it unreasonable to wonder if they're even sane?

I read an article (about a Lutheran church that had an event of "guided meditations" "by a high priestess of the pagan fertility goddess Isis." They refer to this as the "fifth annual Faith and Feminism Conference" hosted by the "Ebenezer Lutheran Church in San Francisco, which bills itself as "herchurch." The article goes on to say, "Among the scheduled participants is Loreon Vigne, high priestess of Isis Oasis – a temple, retreat and animal sanctuary Vigne founded in 1978 in Geyserville, Calif. "I personally see Isis as Mother Nature," Vigne says, "and that she encompasses everything with her wings. She's a winged goddess. She encompasses any other goddess from any culture."  

You just can't make this stuff up. It is one thing when concern about the environment turns into a pseudo-pagan secular religion, and another thing when the media, the universities and government agencies are complicit with this. After all, the kind of Druidic paganism that environmentalism has become has been very subtle. But what is wrong with the minds of those in their own churches (especially their leaders) who adopt this stuff right out in the open?

One the things that the founding fathers never considered was the idea that this nation would be based on anything except Judaic/Christian principles. It was obvious to them that Christian thought was so far superior to every other religious concept that no one would even consider anything else. 

Boy, were they wrong! 

In ancient Israel the Jews adopted local pagan religions practices and pagan gods on an ongoing basis over the centuries. The priests even had pagan images right in the Temple at one point. I used to wonder how such a thing could occur; after all they did have a permanent priesthood that was supposed to have all the knowledge necessary to stand against such actions?

It turns out they were the parties most guilty of these actions. They didn't do this all by themselves either. Between the ruling classes and their society as a whole, this is what people wanted and they went along with and found "reasons" to justify it. I have no doubt that every argument that's heard today about inclusion was used then. 

There is nothing new under that sun and apparently there is no level of gullibility that is too great for humanity to swallow. Going along to get along requires a degree of gullibility and culpability, both of which are first cousins to stupid!  And you can't fix stupid!

How did our culture come to this? Why as a society do we listen to these people? Why do we tolerate the insane things they promote? As a result, as a society, I then have to wonder as to our sanity.  I am not optimistic.

Editor's Note: This is a reprint and update of an article I published in 2011.  That article could have stood alone without change and still appeared as if it was written today.  That's disturbing!  RK


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