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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Masks, masks, masks! I'm so sick of masks

One would think that now that Fauci's emails have been released and reveal that he knew and told those close to him that masks do nothing to prevent COVID, everyone would stop wearing them.  But no.  The mask Nazis are alive and well, giving the evil eye to anyone they see without one, even if riding his bike alone in the fresh air.  Despite the CDC's advisory many months ago that they are no longer necessary outside (they never were), the mask-dependent cannot give up their masks.  What's interesting is that it's leftist Democrats who are the face-covered mask police and conservatives who are done with them.

What can possibly explain this weird left-right disparity?  Let's see...  Could it be that leftists love Big Government and willingly submit to its control over every aspect of their lives?  Conservatives, on the other hand, revere the Constitution, with its guaranteed freedoms and reverence for individual liberty.  Leftists willingly embrace the easy compliance that leads to servitude; conservatives resist submission to the state.

Throughout this pandemic, those in charge always claimed to follow the science.  In reality, the lefty tyrants who want to control us all preferred scientism, an exaggerated trust in the efficacy of the methods of natural science applied to all areas of investigation (as in philosophy, the social sciences, and the humanities).  Scientism is just another -ism, like racism, extremism, and sexism.  It means whatever the person using the term wants it to mean, and those definitions can vary widely depending on who is using them and whom they mean to indict...............To Read More....

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