President Trump is just the latest Republican to be on the receiving end of such cheapness.
Dov Fischer January 8, 2018
In the latest iteration of the never-ending Democrat campaign to disrupt President Donald Trump’s agenda and to throw him off message, a full-blown smear campaign now is afoot alleging that he is stupid or, even more concerning, mentally unbalanced. This campaign initially must be understood in the context of two factors.
First, the Democrats and their mainstream liberal media allies have leveled the same defamations against virtually every Republican President who has served during the past forty years. Second, this smear campaign is the latest in a series of never-ending Democrat efforts to find a weak spot in President Trump’s personal armor in the hope finally of unsettling him to the point of disgust with being President.
Forty Years of Democrat Liberals Defaming the Intelligence of Republican Presidents
In many ways, the Democrat arrogance dates back to the Gerald Ford presidency. After Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman occupied the White House throughout most of the 1930s and all the 1940s, Dwight Eisenhower was elected President in 1952. He had been the commanding general of the victorious American forces during World War II and thereafter served as president of Columbia University in the City of New York. The label “stupid” could not fit him. After the Kennedy-Johnson years, the next Republican president was Richard Nixon. No matter what one thought of Nixon, he clearly was not intellectually stupid. And then came Ford............
There always will be liberal Ivy League professors to call a Republican president “stupid.” Does that prove the truth of the matter? And how many of those professors, though bona fide scholars in their fields, otherwise are stark-raving nuts — crazy, unstable characters who would commit suicide if they ever lost their safe jobs in their safe spaces and had to earn a living in the outside world without the lifetime job security of tenure? Similarly: Is Alec Baldwin, who mocks the President on Saturday Night Live, mentally stable? How about other critics of the President like Leonardo DiCaprio? Lena Dunham? Russell Brand? Miley Cyrus? Ashley Judd? Look them up...............To Read More...
My Take - After reading this article please ask yourself: Who really is insane?
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