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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Pam Geller's Atlas Shrugs!

Jihad in the Philippines: Muslim Fighters Kill 27 Cops: Officials - The Philippines has made extraordinary concessions to the violent Muslim uprising. But as we know, that only leads to more violence and more demands for an even bigger Islamic State. Islamic terror rages on in the Philippines. Worse, these supremacist savages are rewarded. The modern-day manifestation of the caliphate, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), has “observer status” in the “talks” between the Philippine government and the jihadist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). Muslim terrorists slaughter and the OIC “mediates.”  It would be comical if it weren’t so deadly. The Philippines (a former American protectorate and 95% Catholic country) has had to give up territory and “share wealth” with...

BBC Chief: We must not call Charlie Hebdo killers ‘terrorists’ - This is a perfect example of the sickness in the media that I rail against every day. Sanitizing savagery. Whitewashing Islamic jihad. My G-d man, they are beheading journalists. Why is the BBC sharpening the dull blade at their own necks (and ours)?
Infiltration.  We are under siege by the jihadists, a siege made possible by their their step and fetchit errand boys on the left.  This is why Atlas Shrugs is so critical……

Turkish court orders Facebook to block pages insulting Mohammad - Obama’s number one “trusted” and “most favorite” ally, Turkey — the “moderate” Muslim country. It is astonishing how much damage the abdication of the leader of the free world can do in so short a period of time. The twentieth century of Ataturk is now a mere historical blip. The secular Muslim countries of Africa and the Middle East are drowning in a sea of blood unleashed by devout Muslim wars.  And Obama has been instrumental in all of it…..

Pentagon Creates Essay Contest To Honor Saudi King, Muslim World - President Obama couldn’t go to France to stand for freedom of speech in the wake of the Islamic slaughter of the editorial staff of a French weekly magazine but he’ll fly to Saudi Arabia for the King of shariah and then force feed this dung down the throats of our schoolchildren.  We are under siege, my fellow Americans. Jihad in the White House.  Dhimmitude and submission at the most senior levels.  TR: The Pentagon announced Monday that Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey has come up with a way to honor the recently deceased Saudi monarch, King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz: an essay contest.  Despite Saudi Arabia’s abysmal record on human rights, the contest, to be hosted by the National Defense University,......

84% of “Palestinian” Muslims believe Israel was behind Paris jihad mass murder - Here’s the craziness: thousands of “Palestinian” Muslims protested Charlie Hebdo and freedom of speech. They support the slaughter commanded under Islamic law (Shariah). They agree with the murderers. But at the same time, they have no trouble holding the completely conflicting view that the Jews did it. No wonder they are so violent — their brains explode along with their bombs.  “Israel was behind terror attacks in France,” by Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch, January 25, 2015:  Following the terror attacks against the Charlie Hebdo magazine and a Jewish store in which Muslim terrorists killed 17 people in France earlier this month, columnists writing for the official Palestinian...

Thousands of Muslims Protest Charlie Hebdo Cartoons - Instead of seeing tens of thousands of Muslims protesting the slaughter of writers and cartoonists, we see the Muslim world standing in support of the savage law that calls for the death of those who criticize this monstrous ideology.  “Pakistan: 30,000 rally against Charlie Hebdo and the freedom of speech”, thanks to Jihad Watch, January 25, 2015.  How good it would be if, in the face of these ongoing and growing protests, we had a Western leader who would stand up and explain why the freedom of speech is important, and declare that we were determined to defend it. But we don’t.   “Blasphemous caricatures:...

Italy: Muslims Urinate on and Destroy Virgin Mary Statue - More of that mutual respect and mutual understanding we are always being schooled on by our Islamic superiors. Imagine if anything, even remotely like this, was ever attempted in a mosque — the mind reels. Photo above from a previous desecration of a Virgin Mary statue by Muslims.  They are slaughtering people and burning churches because of a couple of drawings. Imagine this.  Italy: Muslims Destroy and Urinate on Virgin Mary Statue, [Source: Alerta Digital] Portuguese (thanks to Raymond Ibrahim), January 17, 2015.  January 9. A man was kneeling in prayer before the statue of the revered Madonna, with the photograph of a loved one in hand, in the small chapel of St. Barnabas in Perugia (Italy), when he was attacked by...

Pamela Geller, Breitbart: American Muslim Group Attacks American Sniper, Demands Eastwood and Cooper Denounce Fictional ‘Islamophobia’ - Do read my column today at Breitbart. It’s not to be missed.  American Muslim Group Attacks American Sniper, Demands Eastwood and Cooper Denounce Fictional ‘Islamophobia’, Pamela Geller, Breitbart, January 25, 2016 One of the foundational principles of the Bush Doctrine was and is the oft-repeated dictum, “You are either with us or against us.” Little did President Bush know that the American Muslim community was…against us.  George Bush believed that the moderates in the Muslim world would denounce and destroy the devout (that is, the “radicals”). He was expecting a war within Islam that never actually took place. Imagine Bush’s dismay when he discovered that no one was behind him, like John Belushi in Animal...


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