This appeared here and my thanks to Alan for allowing me to publish his work. RK
On January 16 The New York Times reported the lies
NASA keeps telling about global warming with an article titled “2014 Breaks
Heat Record, Challenging Global Warming Skeptics.” We
have reached the point where neither a famed government agency nor a famed
daily newspaper can be believed simply because both are lying to advance the
greatest hoax of the modern era.
Remember that 2014 started off with something
called a “polar vortex” to describe the incredibly cold weather being
experienced and remember, too, that we were being told that it was evidence of
global warming! That’s how stupid the “Warmists” who keep saying such things
think we are.
The Earth is in the 19th year of a
natural cooling cycle based on the reduced radiation of the Sun which is in its
own natural cycle. It hasn’t been getting warmer and most people who give it
any thought at all know the truth of that.
Enough people have concluded this that, according
to a recent CNN poll, more than half, 57%, say that global warming is not a
global threat. In addition, the poll revealed that only 50% of Americans
believe the alleged global warming is not
caused by man-made emissions, while 23% believe it is the result of natural
changes, and 26% believe global warming is not a proven fact.
That’s progress. No youngster under the age of 19
has ever experienced a single day of global warming. No computer model that
ever predicted it has been accurate. Neither the Pope nor the President, nor
any other world leader who repeats the global warming claim is correct.
The latest claim came from NASA and, as I continue
to remind readers, it is a government agency whose budget depends on parroting
the lies the President keeps telling about global warming.
Astrophysicist, Dr. David Whitehouse, said “The
NASA press release is highly misleading…talk of a record is scientifically and
statistically meaningless.” He was joined by climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer who
said “We are arguing over the significance of hundredths of a degree.”
Do you believe that a hundredth of a degree makes a
difference? Well, it does if you are a government agency desperately trying to
keep the global warming hoax alive. Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels asked “Is
58.46 degrees distinguishable from 58.45 degrees? In a word, NO.”
Marc Morano, the editor of CFACT’s, said, “There are dueling
global datasets—surface temperature records and satellite records—and they
disagree. The satellites show an 18 year-plus global warming standstill and the
satellite was set up to be ‘more accurate’ than the surface records.” As for
the NASA claim, Morano dismissed it as “simply a political statement not based
on temperature gauges.” Morano, a former member of the staff of the U.S. Senate
Environmental & Public Works Committee, is working on an upcoming
documentary “Climate Hustle.”
How does this affect you? The lie that carbon
dioxide and methane emissions, dubbed “greenhouse gases”, are causing global
warming is the basis for the Obama administration’s attack on the nation’s
energy sector and, in particular, the provision of electricity by coal-fired
plants. In the past six years many of these plants have been shut down or will
be. The result is less electricity and higher prices for electricity. The other
result is an attack on the oil and natural gas industry that drill to access
these resources. There is not a scintilla of truth to justify what is being
done to Americans in the name of global warming
There is yet another result and that is the loss of
jobs in the energy sector and the reduction in revenue to the nation and states
it represents. The nation’s economy overall has been in sluggish state which
the word “growth” doesn’t even begin to describe. That hurts everyone.

NASA has been allowed to degrade to the point where
the agency that sent men to the Moon no longer has the capacity to even
transport them to Mir, the space station built by the Russians. We have gone
from the world’s leader in space exploration to an agency that has been turned
into a propaganda machine asserting that a hundredth of a degree “proves” that
global warming is happening.
The U.S. and the rest of the world are setting
records, but they are records for how cold it has become everywhere. There was
snow recently in Saudi Arabia from a storm that swept
across Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan. Does that sound like global
warming to you? For an excellent source of information on the cooling of the
planet, visit Ice Age Now.
You have an obligation to yourself,
your family, friends and co-workers to not just know the truth but to denounce
entities like NASA, the EPA, and The New York Times, Time, Newsweek, National
Geographic, and others that keep repeating the lies about global warming.
© Alan Caruba, 2015
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