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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Drugs, brothels, al-Qaeda and the Beyonce tax: the Green Party plan for Britain

They are on the cusp of an electoral breakthrough - and an examination of Green Party policy reveals a extraordinary list of demands

By Matthew Holehouse, Jan 2015, 2015

Six months ago, they were on the very edges of British politics. Now, they are within touching distance of dictating terms to the future government.   A surge in support has seen the Green Party overtake the Liberal Democrats in the polls, with support at 11 per cent. Membership is now greater than Ukip's.   And, with hopes of winning three seats in the general election, Natalie Bennett believes her party will take part in a “confidence and supply” arrangement, propping up a fragile minority administration in exchange for key policies.

What might they demand?

The party is often dubbed the “Ukip of the left”. But an examination of the party's core priorities - in a document called Policies for a Sustainable Society, set at the party's annual conference - reveals they are far more radical in their aims than Nigel Farage's outfit. …..To Read More…..

My Take – Since the fall of the Soviet Union the greens became the spear point of the left.  I’ve often said I think the left is insane.  After reading this is it possible for any sane person to think otherwise? 

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