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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, March 7, 2014

Second baby to date clears the HIV virus

Posted on by admin

The “Mississippi Baby,” a baby born HIV-positive, was introduced to the world last year as cured and virus-free. However, several folks in the scientific community remained doubtful about the treatment used to “cure” the infant because of lingering uncertainty as to whether the child was truly infected to begin with. If truly HIV-infected, then the drug regimen, administered within 30 hours after birth, would become yet another preventive tool useful in protecting babies born to HIV infected mothers. 
A new report, presented Wednesday at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, described a second baby clearing the HIV virus with a similar regimen, perhaps erasing any doubt the treatment works. The second baby, a girl currently 9 months old, is free of the virus that causes AIDS. .....To Read More....

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