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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, March 7, 2014

School Choice Weekly #28: Education and Poverty

Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan responded to President Barack Obama’s renewed push for further redistributive taxes and social welfare with a huge analysis that calls for overhauling social spending, including $94.4 billion every year in funds for education programs such as Head Start (birth through preschool programs), K-12 funds aimed at poor children, and Pell Grants for college students.

Ryan’s report notes the reality that many still prefer to ignore: inflation-adjusted spending per pupil has nearly tripled over the past four decades with largely stagnant achievement to show for it. Not only does federal education spending typically accomplish nothing, it may even harm kids. The report notes research showing daycare vouchers aimed at getting single moms into the workforce can actually end up making them worse moms and their kids less healthy; Head Start may actually make some kids worse at math; and for every $1 they get in Pell Grants, some colleges increase tuition $4. Yes, that’s a quadrupling of college tuition, thanks to federal help.
Ryan’s document is only the latest demonstration that the War on Poverty has failed while helping enslave future generations to crushing debt. How ironic--and typical of federal meddling--that programs intended to help children and the poor accomplish the opposite.
It would not be prudent, however, to immediately root out federal programs and leave nothing in their stead. Even many entities one would think are private-sector substitutes for government action, such as nonprofit organizations and business, are captured by liberal ideology, rent-seeking, and cronyism. Government programs have been steadily emaciating civil society and free association for now a hundred years. The answer for those who love freedom and our neighbors is to follow the tradition of Nehemiah, whose little band rebuilt their homeland with one hand and held swords in the other to repel invaders.
What does that mean, practically? As Paul David Miller writes, “Alexis de Tocqueville believed that the way to sustain and renew democratic civilization, was to encourage face-to-face human relationships. It is trite and cliché but true: the first step in saving democracy in America is to go to school, get and stay married, spend time with your children, and go to church.  The solution is to devolve power away from the federal government, diffuse it among states, individuals, civil society, and the market, but also to strengthen its exercise through our participation.”
Some second steps might be forming parent-school associations actually responsive to parent concerns, councils for literature and math teachers that elevate content and excellence, organizations representing conservative school board members, vibrant new schools, teacher preparation programs that jettison political activism for knowledge and experience, and more. Many such efforts are already underway. The more, the faster, the better.
MORE INFORMATION: The Washington Post, The Federalist

·         School Choice Roundup
·         Common Core Watch
·         Education Today

School Choice Roundup
·         ARIZONA: Bills to expand the state’s pioneering education savings accounts are moving forward in the House. Proposals include expanding the choice program to military children, siblings of kids with special needs, and special-needs preschoolers.
·         DC: President Barack Obama again decides to use poor and mostly black kids for political gain by axing the District’s vouchers in his new budget proposal.
·        NEW YORK: The new mayor is attacking charter schools that successfully educate poor and minority children.
·         LEGISLATION: In February, ten states considered school choice bills. Half of these are education savings account proposals, and three are tax-credit scholarship proposals.
·         CALIFORNIA: A ballot initiative would prohibit businesses from running charter schools and require charters to comply with open records laws. Fewer than ten charter schools in the state are for-profit entities, according to the California Legislative Analyst’s Office.

Common Core Watch

·         INDIANA: Folks on both sides agree: The state’s new draft standards are junk. They are meant to replace Common Core but essentially layer more, incoherent mandates atop Common Core.
·        CCSS ALTERNATIVES: It’s not that hard to give kids a good education. Here’s how.
·         MISSOURI: The House education committee approves a bill to repeal Common Core. “This is not an anti-standards bill,” says the Show-Me Institute’s James Shuls.  “It’s a bill that disputes the idea that a world-class education must come from a centrally imposed standard.”
·       TESTING: Why the coming Common Core tests will likely not be very good, and how they could be improved. The real problem? Political correctness and its small band of enforcement harpies.
·       FLORIDA: A panel recommends the state choose tests from the American Institutes for Research to measure Common Core standards.

Education Today
·         WASHINGTON: After meeting with U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Gov. Jay Inslee agrees to tie teacher evaluations to student test scores to keep the state's No Child Left Behind waiver.
·       CALIFORNIA: A new bill would prohibit education software and apps from sharing, permanently storing, or selling personal student information.
·       MATH WARS: A retired military man turned math teacher almost singlehandedly started the “math wars of the 1990s, says teacher and author Nakonia Hayes. Hear John Saxon’s story.
·       CALIFORNIA: Why the Ninth Circuit Court is wrong in letting a school ban students from wearing the American flag on Cinco de Mayo. Teaser: “Part of being an American citizen is learning to tolerate speech that you don’t like.”
·       DEMOCRATS: The intra-party split on education politics has reappeared, as teachers union forces and pro-charter Democrats duke it out in New York and elsewhere. These writers say this fight is coming to the 2016 presidential primaries and towns everywhere.

Thank you for reading! If you need a quicker fix of news about school choice, you can find daily updates online under the Ed News Roundup. And if you’d like to encourage Heartland Institute Research Fellow Joy Pullmann to ‘keep up the good work’ on education issues, please consider making a contribution today. You can earmark your gift by selecting education at the bottom of the online form, under “optional questions.”
Joy writes this e-newsletter, is managing editor of School Reform News, and is available for speaking engagements on Common Core and other education topics. For more information, contact Heartland Events Manager Nikki Comerford at 312/377-4000, email

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