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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Planning an Economy Is Not Elementary

Mises Daily: Thursday, March 06, 2014 by Jim Fedako

In the absence of prices, could a central planner efficiently run an economy? Before you answer, I’ll drop the Hayekian proviso that the planner be vile. Instead, I’ll only ask you to consider a planner who is a soccer mom wanting to maximize happiness among all. Would you still answer in the negative?

I live in a neighborhood that has an adjoining elementary school. Most mornings, a significant number of mothers (typically) drive their children to school. As I travel to work in the morning, the last left-hand turn before leaving the neighborhood leads to a school service road. There are cars and buses coming off the main road into the neighborhood, wanting to turn right onto the service road; there are folks leaving the service road, wanting to turn both right and left; there are folks coming from the neighborhood wanting to turn left onto the service road; and there are folks like me wanting to get past the service entrance in order to get to work as quickly as possible.

To no one’s surprise, this situation leads to congestion, delays, and anger. Now, enter the selfless central planner.....To Read More....

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