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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Heartland Institute's March Environment & Climate News

McConnell Seeks to Block EPA CO2 Regs

 Also in this issue:

Two new polls show the American public is growing increasingly skeptical of assertions about an imminent global warming crisis.

Western Energy Alliance, an organization of energy producers in the western United States, is challenging the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s last-minute decision to remove 57 parcels of land from an oil and natural gas lease sale.

President Barack Obama has hired incendiary lobbyist and political activist John Podesta as a top advisor for the president’s remaining two years in office. The hire promises to reduce transparency and increase partisan rancor coming from the Oval Office.

The full text of the issue is available online in Adobe Acrobat’s PDF format: March 2014 Environment & Climate News.

All issues of Environment & Climate News are archived here: Environment & Climate News Issue Archive.

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