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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, March 8, 2014

C-PAC's Muslim Brotherhood Problem

By Diana West on Saturday, March 08

One of the hallmarks of the post-9/11 years is the Western democracies' systematic failures to analyze and debate the issues of this era of aggressively ascendant Islam -- their systematic failures to connect the Islamic terrorist war on the West with the colonization of Western countries through Islamic immigration, with the clashes between Islamic and Western law and custom that occur at every nexus. This failure marks this same era of ascendant Islam as an era of Western submission.

As a conservative forum of American politics, C-PAC is no different. It may be the "mecca" of American patriots who want to defend their Constitution, but CPAC organizers have seen fit to enforce radio silence on these same issues, just as though they didn't exist -- just as though there were no threat to liberty posed by the expansion of Islam through the advance of sharia, Islam's law. This is another feature of leadership's abdication, cowardice and corruption -- The Death of the Grown-Up and American Betrayal, both.

Read the following column, and ask yourself whether a chain of influence related to the Muslim Brotherhood might have something to do with it..... All Americans, not just conservatives, should read the Statement of Facts. In concise and measured language, it lifts the curtain on the complex machinations of Islamic influence agents and operatives orbiting around the network of U.S. Muslim Brotherhood front organizations that have multiplied throughout the U.S. in the past 50 years. (Suhail Khan’s parents actually founded several of them.) The group’s goal? Nothing less than to destroy the United States and transform what is left into an Islamic-ruled land... Read More »

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