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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Aspartame is safe — Really!

Posted on by admin
Along with BPA, DDT, and PCBs, Aspartame has been the focus of fear-mongers for decades. Anything that can go wrong with the human body — from cancer to lupus to brain tumors and multiple sclerosis — has been blamed on this innocuous artificial sweetener. And the internet, of course, has been the medium for many of these false claims. But now, the internet is also providing some redress in the form of a well-written essay explaining what Aspartame is, its component parts, and why it is no danger to anyone except the few with a genetic disorder.

In brief, Aspartame is about 200 times sweeter than sugar, so much less of it need be used for a given sweetening effect. This alone should make us doubt that it could be harmful since so little is necessary,

The constituents of the sweetener are phenylalanine and aspartic acid, two amino acids found in many different proteins, and methanol, an alcohol found in many fruits and vegetables, as well as in wine, whiskey and beer. At the levels supplied by Aspartame, only the phenylalanine is potentially dangerous, and then only to the relatively small proportion of people who are born with a condition known as phenylketonuria — an inability to metabolize this particular amino acid. In light of this, the FDA has mandated a label on Aspartame-containing products warning those people of its phenylalanine content……To Read More….…..

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