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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, August 31, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

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“The most powerful country in the world is falling so fast, that it makes you rethink what are the real reasons. Something so big and powerful can’t be destroyed so quickly, unless the enemy comes from within."—Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador; X/Twitter

By Rich Kozlovich

Well, the kids are going back to school, and I've only recently discovered none of them can write cursive, and have trouble reading it.  I really am shocked at that.  When did that start? 

One thing I've concluded is fixing education in America is job one, because our education system has turned Americans into a massively illiterate and historically ignorant nitwit brigade.  Take Hollywood for example. 

Barbra Streisand who has demonstrated outside of entertainment, she knows squat about anything else, claims Trump violated the Arlington Cemetery rules, and continued to promote the lie Trump called the men who serve as "suckers and losers". turns out Babs was wrong on both counts.  Amazing, Babs was wrong! Imagine that....I'm shocked, shocked I tell  you, to find out stupidity is still running rampant there.  

It turns out Trump was invited by a Gold Star mother who's son was "murdered under the Biden-Harris administration", and the campaign had permission to take pictures.  

Over the years Babs has clearly demonstrated she deserves the honor of being a member of the Club For the Galacticly Stupid, and in point of fact,  she should be considered a distinguished member, much like Pelosi, AOC, Mad Maxine, Al Sharpton and a host of others.

I just had a thought. This club should consider creating a "Tower of Babel Award" just for Babs.   It’s a highly deserved honor since Babs' is a virtual banshee of banality, a bizarro babbling pool of balderdash, a blowhard of  baloney and blithering idiocy, succored by the brain dead blathering of a beclowned baroness of battiness, befuddling the base with beaucoup intellectual blunderings.  

And people think she’s worth listening to because she sings a good song.  Well, the bird outside my window sings a pretty nice song also. Perhaps I should ask the bird what it thinks?   Bird brains of a feather flock together?  Just a thought, after all, what could it hurt? 

As  David Horowitz states: “Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out.", and we're finding that true at all levels of government.  In Surprise, Arizona a citizen attending a city council meeting saying:

.......she had “factual information” of malfeasance against the city’s attorney before the Surprise, AZ council chamber, Mayor Skip Hall abruptly told Massie to shut up or be forcibly removed from the building. Massie stood her ground against this obvious First Amendment breach and persisted, stating she had every right to opine on matters of the city. That’s all it took. Mayor Hall told police to remove her, and they were all too eager to handcuff and drag her out."

You see, he modified the rules for city council meetings.  Now, no charges or complaints will be permitted against any employee of the city or members of the body.  Sieg Heil!  Apparently attorneys think she has a legitimate first amendment case.

Western civilization is disintegrating, and it's leaders are responsible, so free speech just cannot be tolerated :

The Political News Hour with Chris Michaels – The West intensifies its crackdown on free speech as tensions escalate globally. From Israel’s conflict with Hezbollah to the Biden-Harris administration’s controversial policies, the world edges closer to chaos. LGBTQ+ inclusion in nuclear strategy, fluoride risks, and the arrest of Telegram’s CEO signal a growing dystopian reality, threatening our freedoms and security.

I'm the beginning of the Boomers, July, 1946, and I've been watching Patton 360.  My family was involved in those invasions. As I watch these shows I marvel at what American men were, and what American men are now.  Leftism is an intellectually pathological disease that disintegrates the very moral fiber not only of a nation, but all of humanity.   It's time for American men to end the "Mr. nice guy" clabber. That starts with dumping the Boards of Education and all the local officials who are destroying the very foundation and fabric of America society.

You might find my commentary  "A Stranger in Town", 1943, is applicable to that thought.  

California is wanting to give.....give mind you.... up to $150,000 to illegal aliens to buy homes.  If there ever was evidence that the insane leftist Cloward-Piven strategy was in play here, with the goal of destroying the United States and overturning the Constitution, this is it.  

California's broke, and has a massive deficit, and unlike the federal government, they can't print money, and the biggest tax producers are moving out of the state and because of the insane administrative and legislative policies businesses are closing at rates that represent economic suicide for California.  

Where do they think that money is going to come from?  They think if they can hold onto power at the federal level they'll steal money from the other states via federal grants and other leftist scams and schemes.  

The FBI says they have no idea why Crooks wanted to kill Trump, but he wasn't politically motivated.  Amazing, if they don't know what motivated him, how do they know it wasn't political, or even if it was a ..... watch out now.... here is comes.....gasp.... a conspiracy!

It's clear a massive purge of the federal government is needed, including the DOJ and the FBI, actually especially the DOJ and the FBI,  and other than the federal marshals, they all need to be disarmed. 

Why world is the "EPA, the IRS the National Institutes of Health, NASA, the Small Business Administration, and more  armed to the hilt?......why does "NASA [have] it's own militarized SWAT team with "armored vehicles, submachine guns, and breeching shotguns? The Environmental Protection Agency has purchased drones, GPS trackers, radar equipment, and night vision goggles, in addition to stockpiling firearms."   Why does the EPA need with 'mobile command post.  Why has the agency been spending millions on military equipment?

The warning signs have been there for a long time, and the mentality "it can't happen here" has been shown to be a fallacy. It can happen anywhere!!!

I have a very conservative friend who retired to Colorado, and he told me during the Covid imposed insanity by the state of Colorado, the local authorities refused to comply, and claims those outside the major cities in Colorado may be even more conservative than me, but the state has been overrun with Californians.
The former California residents who moved there, and did so to get away from the disaster they created in California, have now contaminated the state, and in large numbers, and are going to destroy Colorado as they destroyed California if this is allowed to continue.   Armed with heavy firepower, Venezuelan gang of illegals seizes control of an entire apartment complex in Aurora, CO, and actually they've taken over a number of them going door to door, all heavily armed,  demanding the tenants rent money.  Now we find out this is part of an international criminal gang that Venezuela's Maduro created.  
This was in point of fact a military takeover of these apartments, so the question that needs to be asked and answered is where are the SWAT Teams, or the Colorado National Guard?  Apparently no one called for them and the Mayor says he loves all these illegals, and the Governor want's everyone to ignore the video of armed migrant gang taking the apartment building over.  I think it's an easy conclusion there's a civil war brewing in the nation. 
America, we have a problem with disease control and science.  Scientific integrity is an oxymoron.  We all want perfection, but the best we can hope for is the most acceptable imperfection, and prevention is one of those acceptable imperfections.  If we can't have cures, we should be happy to have preventive medicine, provided that's what it really is and not political corruption

I was one of the first to receive the Salk vaccine, and I've been a pro-vaccine guy my whole life. I've defended vaccines over and over again, and I've even (with caveats) defended pharmaceutical companies, but, the world changes, and now what we're seeing is a corruption of the entire system because the watch dogs of the federal and state governments are now the enablers, and even promoters of this corruption. There are no checks and balances any longer.

I wrote defending my industry against junk science for years, and developed a large group of scientist friends who were all on the same page, until covid.

Initially my only opposition to these "vaccines" was it was being pushed with lies, and the Asian flu of 57 and 58 was most likely far worse, and the nations of the world didn't see the need to shut down, and like the Asian flu, it was going to go away because the world would have developed acquired immunity.

But, when I discovered these weren't true vaccines, but gene altering chemical compounds I said so, a lot, and I published the health consequences of these fraudulent vaccines, a lot. I lost a lot of scientist "friends", and I asked on more than one occasion, "What happened to you, we were always on the same side in the fight against junk science?" Answer? Crickets.

There really is such a thing as right and wrong, and the failure to be willing to see and define what's right, and the willingness to stand up for what's right, has become a chronic intellectual and moral affliction. 

Today I'm listing six commentaries of my own, twenty nine from others, the four permanent links, and more.  So, enjoy and have a good holiday weekend, and my very best wishes to all. 


Cartoons of the Day, Thought for the Day and Quote of the Day

  1. Cartoon of the Day
  2. Cartoon of the Day 
  3. Thought For the Day By Mark Levin
  4. Quote of the Day!

Press Release

PRESS RELEASE, From the Buckeye Institute

My Commentaries
  1.  My Gazette: Kamala/Walz Pre-Taped Interview. Illegal Aliens, Gun Control, and National Security
  2. If Walz is Talking, He's Lying
  3. Camelot Really is a Myth
  4. Today's Dose of: "Ya Just Gotta Be Kidden Me!"
  5. Highly Educated, Very Intelligent, and Under Smart
  6. Pay Attention! He's a Kennedy!!!!!


  1. Maggots Mar the Democrat Love Fest, and Kennedy Joins MAGA By Sarah Cowgill
  2. Hillary Concussion: Fall at Home or Plane Crash? By Susan Daniels
  3. Will the Real Kamala Harris Please Stand Up? Leesa K. Donner
  4. Looming ‘clean’ energy disasters off our coasts  Paul Driessen
  5. CO2 Has Been Indicted by Consensus, Not Real Science or Critical Thinking By John Droz, Jr.
  6. The Second Amendment Is Making a Comeback By James Fite
  7. Elon Musk is Giving Democrats Heartburn By Joe Fried
  8. Germany Vows ‘Knife Control’ After ISIS Refugee Slashes Throats at Diversity Festival  By Daniel Greenfield
  9. Whiteless Privilege  By Daniel Greenfield
  10. Survey Shows Majority of Muslim College Students Hate Jews  By Daniel Greenfield
  11. Spokesman Says Walz’s Lies Make Him Authentic  By Daniel Greenfield
  12. Flight Attendants for Islamic Airline Hijackers  By Daniel Greenfield
  13. Democrat Platform Says America Was Built on Stolen Land  By Daniel Greenfield
  14. Stopping Woke, It's DEI-ing By Robin Itzler
  15. President Kamala Harris: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? By Robin Itzler
  16. Bidenomics: Lies, Liars, and Statistics By Robin Itzler
  17. Venezuela Timeline to Marxism By Robin Itzler
  18. Ladies and Gentlemen, and Those Who Think They May Be! By Robin Itzler
  19. Morale Boosters: Border Agents “just following orders” By Robin Itzler
  20. Yet More Reasons Why Green Hydrogen Is Going Nowhere By Francis Menton
  21. The Big Difference Between The U.S. And Venezuela Is Economic Policy By Francis Menton
  22. The Economic Damage of the New Deal and the Progressive Era By Dan Mitchel
  23. European Policies = European Stagnation By Dan Mitchell
  24. Foreign Aid Is a Failure By Dan Mitchell
  25. Friedman vs Stiglitz: Estonia and Poland vs. Argentina and Venezuela By Dan Mitchell
  26. If You Want Good Tax Policy, Spending Restraint Is Needed By Dan Mitchell
  27. The Cold Hard Truth of Kamala's Unrealized Capital Gains Tax By Andrew Moran
  28. California, Oregon Helping Illegal Immigrants Buy Homes By Andrew Moran
  29. The Woke Mind Virus Rob Pue

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You know that voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, I don't have that!    We need to question everything because everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Much of what we're told does not!