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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

This is Islam

By Rich Kozlovich

When in the minority Muslims whine about inclusion, understanding and multiculturalism.  When in the majority they invoke the Koran and expose the violent monsters they are brutalizing any who aren't part and parcel of Islam, including those who don't embrace their particular brand of Islam and interpretation of the Koran.  

How it all went down in Israel on October 7 July 3, 2024 by Joseph Puder This is one of the most thoroughly documented terrorist attacks in history.  The female soldiers at Nahal Oz were called “the eyes of the army.”  They were the heroes on this deadly “Black Shabbat.”  They had repeatedly warned their superior officers in headquarters of Hamas’s unusual activities, including on October 7, but none of the officers paid attention.  The Hamas terrorists killed 15 of the female soldiers and took six of them hostage to Gaza......  At the Nova festival, they killed and raped hundreds of unarmed Israelis with impunity.  Israeli civilians risked their lives to save many until the IDF soldiers finally arrived........

I published this article, Muslim Says the French Aren't Civilized, in 2020, and I think it's a perfect example of the twisted thinking claiming Muslim "victimhood", and why Muslims have a "right" to kill French people.  And make no mistake, this same kind of rationale is applied to every non-Islamic society worldwide. 

On the day that a 70-year-old woman was beheaded and two other people were stabbed to death by an Islamist at a Catholic Church in Nice, France, the former prime minister of Malaysia, Mahatir Mohamad tweeted:

"Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past."…………a "knife-wielding Tunisian man shouting 'Allahu Akbar' (God is Greatest) beheaded a woman and killed two other people in a church in the French city of Nice on Thursday [Oct. 29] before being shot and taken away by police. In reference to the beheading of a French teacher on Oct. 16 by another Islamist, Mohamad said the murder was "not in keeping with the teachings of Islam.  But he also described the murdered teacher as "insulting" because he had used cartoon images of the prophet Mohammed in his class on free speech. 

French President "Macron is not showing that he is civilized. He is very primitive in blaming the religion of Islam and Muslims for the killing of the insulting school teacher,” tweeted Mahathir Mohamad. “It is not in keeping with the teachings of Islam.”………… 

“But irrespective of the religion professed, angry people kill. The French in the course of their history have killed millions of people. Many were Muslims."  Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past," he wrote.   But by and large, the Muslims have not applied the ‘eye for an eye’ law," he said.  "Muslims don’t. The French shouldn’t. Instead the French should teach their people to respect other people’s feelings.”

Okay, well then, let's talk about other people's feelings and Muslim reality.

Daniel Greenfield published this article, Muslim Terrorists Unveil World’s First Suicide Baby on

Islamic technology, always moving forward, appeared to be turning stale as formerly fresh ideas like suicide donkeys, burning people alive in cages and beheading multiple people on video grew repetitive and tiresome. But over in Nigeria, where an actual Muslim genocide against Christians is being forcefully ignored by the Biden administration, the media and the ceasefire crowd, Islamic terrorists proved they still have new ideas. Behold, the world’s first suicide baby............In one of three blasts on Saturday in the town of Gwoza, a woman with a baby strapped to her back detonated explosives in the middle of a wedding ceremony, according to a state police spokesman.........

Recently the Vatican announced Pope Francis will canonize "11 Christians hacked to pieces by radical Muslims in 1860 rather than renounce their faith in Jesus, known now as the “martyrs of Damascus.” 

..........captured by Shia Druze Muslims in July 1860 and ordered to convert to Islam. When they refused, they were chopped up by their captors...........The martyrdom of the eleven was just the tip of the iceberg. The Islamic rebels had already pillaged or burned every Maronite Christian village of the main and southern parts of Lebanon and some six thousand Christians were murdered or maimed. The massacre broke out in Damascus on July 9, and after just three days the Muslims had killed more than 3,000 adult males.

Definition leads to clarity, and we need to define this properly.  Islam isn't a religion.  Islam is a violent, political, criminal, military concept masquerading as a religion.  The fact they've managed to get away with that for almost 1500 years is immaterial.  

We also have to define Muslim controlled and dominated countries.  

These are medieval tribal cultures with modern weapons, transportation and communications.  But they're still tribal medieval societies with medieval tribal mentalities who only understand power and only fear those who have it, and who will exercise it.   

They respect no one and will happily turn on each other if they feel they can get some kind of advantage, and all these terrorist groups who are killing each other are merely an example of what Islam brings to the world.   Violence, rape, murder and mayhem.  That's what they're bringing to these western countries who've catered to them. 

We need to understand a few foundational things. The Constitution was written by Americans for Americans. Not for foreigners, not for those wishing to immigrate, and it certainly wasn't meant to be a suicide pact. Would you accept a rapist, a murderer or a thief into your home as a permanent guest? Neither would I! And I wouldn't want them living right down the street either!  Yet that's what Islam has brought to western civilization via immigration jihad

Daniel Greenfield posted this article, Who is Colonizing Whom?, at the saying:

Hindus are being butchered in India, and Christians in places as far apart as Nigeria and the Philippines as part of the new wave of Islamic conquests.  Islamic colonialism long predated British men with pith helmets strutting around the third world. Its death toll is in the tens of millions and the resumption of Islamic colonialism ought to be as great a concern as if Nazism had risen from the dead and tanks were speeding across Europe.

Unfortunately too many civilized peoples have forgotten their history and have been convinced that their former and future conquerors are the victims because they were briefly colonized for less than half a century, when Islamic colonialism lasted for over a thousand years, and would not be toppled by any number of peaceful protests or speeches the way that the British were.  Islamism is colonialism. The real decolonization is resistance to Islamic expansionism. 

If someone tells y0u they hate you and they're going to kill you, you should believe them. If that's the history of Islam, and it is, why would we think that history isn't going to repeat now?   We shouldn't!  If for some reason you doubt that, please review all of  

That's history, and that is incontestable.

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