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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, July 12, 2024

Fraud is Still a Crime, Including Green Fraud!

By Rich Kozlovich 

Daniel Greenfield published this piece entitled,  Environmentalists Killed Logging to Protect Owls. Now They Want to Kill the Owls, saying:

Thirty-five years after “save a logger, eat an owl” could be seen across the Pacific Northwest, the government environmentalists at US Fish and Wildlife want to kill half a million owls….......the Owl Wars that entered the 1990 presidential election seem implausible. But they cost tens of thousands of jobs, wiped out sizable amounts of the logging industry in the Pacific Northwest........listing the spotted owls as an endangered species. The northern spotted owls (which to non-owl fanciers look like most other owls except smaller) were listed as endangered by that noted scientist, Judge William L. Dwyer, who apart from destroying logging also helped create the Seattle Mariners which placed two crimes against humanity on his checkered soul.

Okay, "noted scientist" was for those who didn't get it, was a bit of snarc, and rightly so.  But being wrong is legendary for the environmental movement, right along with lying, and corruptly using the Endangered Species Act as a bludgeon for their fallacious claims.  

This insanity didn't only kill jobs, it killed forests, and people.  In October of 2022 Kevin Nelson, posted this article, Two Words Explain California’s Wildfire Woes: Spotted Owl, saying:

Some things in life are hard to understand and explain. The theory of relativity, for example, or the origins of black holes. Other things are easy to grasp, however,  Such as: California’s wildfire woes. In the past five years summer and fall firestorms have killed dozens of people, wiped out homes, businesses and entire communities, torched millions of acres of forestlands, caused billions in property losses, and swept away untold numbers of animals and wildlife.

The cause of all this wreckage is easy to pinpoint. It’s simple as two words: spotted owl.........The fight was over protecting the owl’s habitat. After lawsuits, protests and even violence, the environmentalists won............. delivered a death blow to an entire way of life. Sawmills shut down, loggers lost their jobs, and those little backwoods lumber towns went from boom to 1930s Depression-era bust.............

At the risk of over-simplification, the prevailing forest management wisdom in the post-spotted owl era has been: Don’t touch those trees. Leave ‘em where they be, for people coming up from the city to enjoy on the weekends. And sue and regulate the hell out of anyone who dares try to make a profit by harvesting them

It wasn't logging that decimated the spotted owl population, it was the barred owl.  Repeal the Endangered Species Act and remove enforcement authority from the Fish and Wildlife Service, or even better, eliminate the Fish and Wildlife Service. 

Their claims about owls, frogs, polar bears, honey bees, and more, were outright lies, misrepresentation of the facts, or speculation without foundation.  A common thread in all environmentalist writings.  But who really got that ball rolling was  Rachel Carson's and her "science fiction" book Silent Spring ultimately causing the unscientific ban on DDT.

As an  exterminator for 40 years who wrote extensively defending my industry I had to do a great deal of reading delving into the twisted reasonings of the green movement and it wasn't long before I began to realize everything they say is a lie, speculation, logical fallacies, and projection, with just enough truth to give the impression what they're promoting is right and true, mostly based on emotion. 

From that point on no matter what they promoted I started out with the valid premise it was a lie, and then did the research to find what was a valid and what was not, then develop the intellectual response to show why it's a lie.  

I posted this article in March of this year, Junk Science Thirteen Years Ago, saying:  I have to point out this was 13 years ago and nothing has changed.  We know the scientific fraud perpetrated to promote global warming initiatives, we know alternative energy is a bust, we know the EPA is corrupt to it's core, we know sustainability is a code word for the imposition of big government tyranny, and we knew it 13 years ago. 

So why are we still listening to these misfits promoting it.  Nitwits like John Kerry who thinks the world would like Russia better if they were more concerned about emissions.  How delusional is this man?  However, we know two things for sure from that.  Kerry is a blithering idiot, and we dodged a gigantic bullet when it wasn't elected President.  We can thank the Swift Boaters for that, not Karl Rove.  

No matter what the media and others regurgitate about ‘science,’ it’s always about money and control - People should know by now that they can’t trust so-called experts, and they certainly should not believe anyone who makes absurd claims in the name of “science.” ......

Whether it's endangered species, global warming, endocrine disruption, or any other green meme, it all ended up being lies, and many times promoted by scientists who abandoned truth in favor of grant money.  And the EPA has been party to this, and as my now passed friend Jay Lehr, one of the founders of EPA, the EPA needs to be dismantled.

The end of the Chevron Deference should help to end a lot of the tyranny of these agencies. but the question I keep coming back to is now that we know all their claims were lies, and government agencies, and the heads of these agencies had to know their claims were lies, how do we make it right?  

  • When will someone finally realize all these environmental movements are blatantly promoting fraud.  The last I heard fraud is a crime?
  • When will someone finally realize it's only these green organizations who are promoting fraud, but also those who fund them, and the agencies that enable them?
  • When will someone finally realize this is all part of a massive international criminal enterprise, and decide an equally massive RICO investigation is needed?  
  • When will someone finally realize someone needs to be sent to prison over all this?

As I watch the events unfolding all around the world I look at those who are in leadership roles, and I can't help but think of the words of one of my personal heroes, Col. John Boyd who said:   "One day you will come to a fork in the road. And you're going to have to make a decision about what direction you want to go."..... "To be somebody or to do something. In life there is often a roll call. That's when you will have to make a decision. To be or to do? Which way will you go?"

Definition leads to clarity, and it's clear the time as come to make the decision do properly define these people as the enemy of all mankind, with dark pursuits, and darker goals.  

Update:  Talk about fraud!  The Ninth Circuit shoots down COVID vaccine.  The COVID shot was put on trial in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and coming from California the result might surprise you.  Three of four judges agree it was never a “traditional vaccine” and therefore could not legally be mandated. ....

I really like seeing this as so many of us were saying this from very early on and criticized .... seriously criticized, including by scientists who until then worked together to expose junk science.  Now I really do want someone to go to jail as untold numbers are people are dying from these false vaccines that were in reality gene manipulating chemical compounds. 

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