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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Cartoon Round Up: Between a Rock and a Hard Place


The Left Is Coming Undone - David Prentice - Pandemonium is going to reign between now and the Democrat convention.

Biden Doth Protest Too Much - Jeffrey Folks - There is no way Biden’s people haven’t at least considered replacing him.


Can Reason Change Reality? - Anthony J. DeBlasi - Making everything relative is an ever-shifting non-position about what in fact may really be best.


Biden Enables Voter Fraud Vows to Block Bill Requiring Proof of U.S. Citizenship to Vote - President Joe Biden is seemingly vowing to block legislation, known as the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, that would require proof of American citizenship before an applicant is registered to vote in federal elections.

Illegals are indeed getting immediate Social Security, contrary to Democrat claims - July 9, 2024 by Monica Showalter- Social Security for retirement is off limits to them if they haven't paid in, but SSI is not. 


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