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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

ESG: Another Acronym for Societal Suicide

By Rich Kozlovich

Definition leads to clarity, and there is one thing the left excels at, and that's redefining their insane views over and over again to create the idea "it's new and improved".  Well, these things aren't new, they're not improved and they're not sane.

Over the years we find the left has "redefined" their goals and visions with the use of acronyms.  For years it was CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, and now it ESG, Environmental, Social, and Governance, DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, but they are all the same clabber, with the same goals and the same outcome, which is properly defined as Societal Suicide.  

If you pay any attention to the media you've been told Biden "saved" the economy.  Which must have created a moment of shocked silence in anyone who can read and think.  Was it the "historic year" he claims.  Well, yes it was.  

We have record crime, record illegal alien migration, record inflation, record energy costs, record food costs, and massive stock market losses.  My guess is anyone with a stock value or retirement funds of any proportion is now probably 20% poorer.   For the retirees that's not easily replaceable.  Once people get a certain age they no longer have enough time left to fix these things.  And states like West Virginia and Nebraska are aware of the destructive force ESG is and have abandoned, or encouraging the abandonment of these ESG supporting funds. 

ESG is a loser, why is that so hard to get?  

In my article, Bed Bath and Beyond Got Woke, Going Broke, I cover how the left demanded companies stop doing business with anyone they fell is insufficiently Woke.   ESG is perverse, destructive, anti-capitalist, anti-America and insane.

Wokesters claim they will refuse to support, and publicly shame and harass any company that refuses to publicly virtue signal and support illegal immigration, Islam is a religion of peace, homosexual rights, disarming society and eliminating police forces, embrace all the clabber a corrupt  and failed media spews out, doesn't support massive spending, all the world's problems are caused by white people, all of whom are racists, support reparations, refuse to support alternative energy schemes irrespective of the fact of what huge failures they all are, promote women into jobs they're physically unfit to perform, support the pandemic narrative and punish anyone who challenges that narrative, and that's just a fraction of their demands.  The list is flexible and goes on unendingly since there are no boundaries on the left.   

The left is a loser philosophy based on hate, envy, greed and violence, and eventually will destroy all it touches. If the left takes total control, they will not only destroy the world's economy, destroy individual freedom by imposing massive top down destructive control over ever aspect of our lives, eventually they will destroy their own.  That's history, and that history is incontestable. 

  1. Suicidal ESG Policies Have Failed Everyone Other Than Russia, China, and Financial Advisors
  2. Demonic Disney Lost $123 BILLION in Market Value for 2022, Proving Again That Going Woke Means Going Broke
  3. The “Woke” Economy Is Doomed but the PARALLEL Economy Will Blossom in 2023 and Beyon
  4. The Game of Life has a run-in with leftism and is quickly diminished to a heap of communistic rubble  
  5. Does woke corporate policy violate America's antitrust laws?
  6. Government by Gimmick Won't 
  7. Are We Headed for a Decade-Long Global Depression?
  8. The Globalist Scourge
  9. DIE on the Road to Global Tyranny
  10.  2022: The year ESG fell to Earth
  11. Report: Sustainable Funds Received Major Hit in Fourth Quarter

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