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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Celebrity Experts Are Just Celebrities

'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players' 

By Rich Kozlovich 

As the years have gone by we've seen more and more "celebrities" expound on just about everything under the sun.  Global warming, genetically modified foods, and a host of other "science" related subjects.  But one thing is becoming clear.  Fewer and fewer people care what they think.  

Also, they've been "threatening" to leave America over and over again if the nation failed to accede to their demands, and make no mistake about this; their failure to do so has been a major disappointment to many a conservative.   

But, of course there's always hope for the future, they may even return to their home planets. 

All this blusterous emoting and irrational behavior out of Hollywood over Trump, and how outraged they are because Twitter will now allow opinions other than theirs to be seen is telling.  Does anyone other than me think that makes them look like a bunch of spoiled brats?  Does anyone other than me think that further erodes their credibility?   

So, let's try and understand this. 

First, what these are people really excel at is pretending they're someone else, mostly people who never existed, and even when they're playing people who exist or have existed, it's all a show.

While portraying these fictional characters they brilliantly mouth words written by someone else, and told how to say those words by someone else in order to maximize the emotional impact on an audience.  All the while being professionally made up to look great and professionally filmed by others to enhance that image. 

Depending on the role they’re playing, all that makes them look smarter, faster, tougher, and depending on the theme they're promoting of this fictional person's character, they are made to look more intelligent, more empathetic, more compassionate, more likable, or more sympathetic than ordinary mortals.  

Now, take these movies that have disclaimers saying, "Based on True Events", or,  "Based on a True Story", please understand the event took place, but what they're presenting is most likely ....... mostly wrong.  It's always scripted to create a narrative of their choice. 

Take the Mutiny on the Bounty.  All that was portrayed there was an historical event, but the story offered was seriously flawed.  Mr. Christian wasn't a hero he was deserting when the crew decided to mutiny and they caught him and told him he had to lead the mutiny or else.  We know the answer to that.  Captain Bligh, wasn't the vicious monster they portray, as was common with sea Captains in those days.  In fact he was considered "an enlightened" Captain, which is what probably what got him into trouble, and he was a brilliant navigator and seaman.    But that's Hollywood!  Never let reality interfere with the narrative, or as one movie disclaimer said, "if it didn't happen this way, it should have".

It's all just an illusion, that's why they call it acting.   And that seems to be pretty much the theme of celebrity thinking.

Being a celebrity is their only qualification for being unendingly asked for their opinions on things in which they're totally unqualified to speak!  It's not even being an actor, singer or comedian.  It's being a celebrity!   Why don't you see actors, singers or comedians no one ever heard of being asked to expound on life?   The answer is simple.  No one ever heard of them, and no one cares what they think, they're not "real" celebrities.

How many actual scientists who've testified before Congress do you know?  Unless you're involved in their fields, or involved in writing about them, the public is clueless as to who they are, and whether or not their views are meaningful.  But remember, they're testifying because they really are experts, they're not celebrities playing the role of experts. 

Although in recent years we're finding there are many "experts" who are becoming more and more like "actors", like The Science Guy, Bill Nye, and Doctor Oz, both of whom have been ripped by scientists for a lot of their views.   When these "expert/actors" say things that other experts in their field view as nonsense, they must face the music within that scientific community, and sometimes that gets nasty.  But who do these celebrities have to answer to?  No one!

When they're called before some Congressional panel to testify about issues in which they're completely unqualified to speak, it's a stage play.  Unless they're there to sit down, shut their mouths, listen and learn, they shouldn't even be there.  But that's not what "celebrities" do and that's not why corrupt politicians invite celebrities there in the first place.  

'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players', and these celebrities are there because they bring an audience to the play.


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