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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, July 16, 2021

L.A. Chamber of Commerce Sides with Democrats on Gavin Newsom Recall

Jacob Bliss 15 Jul 2021 

The Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce announced Thursday the passage of a resolution to oppose the recall against California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom, ultimately siding with the Democrats on the effort.

The chamber, which says they serve more than 244,000 businesses in the L.A. country, released a statement following the passage of their resolution saying they oppose the effort because they believe that recalling the Democrat would “lead to a tumultuous and unnecessary interregnum where political wrangling and uncertainty will detract from the state’s economic relief efforts.”

“Recalls were devised to be used with evidence of grave malfeasance and risk to the general public, and during a time when Californians face a wide range of threats to post-pandemic economic recovery,” the L.A. Area Chamber President and CEO Maria Salinas said in a statement following the vote.

Salinas continued, this includes a “resurgence of coronavirus variants, struggles with the state’s power grid, devastating wildfires, and a historic drought, it is irresponsible to distract our officials from the economic recovery which Californians desperately need.”...........To Read More......

 My Take - Over the years we've delusionally believed the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and all these local Chambers were functionally conservative.  This is one more piece that demonstrates they aren't and they aren't truly representing small businesses. 



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