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By Rich Kozlovich
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Another week has passed, and I didn't realize just how busy I was this week. Six gazettes organizing many of my saved drafts, with more to come, and nine commentaries of my own.
This week's commentaries, 24 of them, are really excellent.
Clarity requires definition, and we need to pay attention to the lessons, and facts, of history to be able to defining things properly. This week's offerings do that ... a lot!
We must understand, what we're facing today started with Teddy Roosevelt's administration, expanded upon by the Wilson administration and put permanently in place by the FDR administration. All traitors to their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. A pattern leading to the corruption of the agencies of the federal government by Obama creating what we call The Deep State.
Global warming is a massive scientific fraud, just as the covid scare mongering was. Both of which were part and parcel of a vision to impose a socialist world wide tyrannous form of government on the world. Hello World: We have a problem.
Efforts to hide all the corruption and crime perpetrated by Biden and his family is even making the left uneasy, not because of the crimes they committed, but that's all that crime is being exposed, and more importantly, clearly demonstrated the dual standard of justice being practiced by this third Obama administration, and the misuse of the rule of law by leftists to silence anyone who stand against them. The fascist tyranny being practiced by Democrats is painfully obvious, yet who is called a tyrant and a fascist by the left and the media? Trump. If you eliminated all the projection, lies, misdirection, logical fallacies, and cognitive dissonance from virtually everything these misfits say, they wouldn't be able to talk at all.
The left is so worried that if Trump is elected he's going to do to them what they've been doing to him and all of his supporters, and he will. But there's a difference. Unlike all these people they're prosecuting, have prosecuted, or are trying to prosecute, they've actually committed crimes.
I hope you will enjoy this week's offerings.
My Gazettes:
- My Gazette: AG Ken Paxton Lawfare
- My Gazette: January 6th Videos
- My Gazette: Israeli/HAMAS War, Islamification of the West, Part I
- My Gazette: Argentina, Javier Milei, December 6, 2023
- My Gazette: Speaker Johnson, December 6, 2023
- My Gazette: Greet Wilders, December 6, 2023
- Leftist Liturgy: It's Not My Fault, It's Not My Fault, It's Not My Fault, Amen!
- Fix the Budget: We're Almost Out of Time
- A Generation Not to Be Replaced, and Not to Be Duplicated
- Nothing of Value
- The Pause is Real, and Has Been for Twenty Five Years
- The Germans Have a Word For It: Gleichschaltung!
- The Heartbreak and Outrage of Socialized Medical Tyranny
- Kakistocracy: We are Ruled by Knaves and Fools, Part I
- Runners, Joggers, and Vocal Spectators: Election 2024, Part VII (I didn’t bother to cover this last Republican debate. Even I can only stand so much)
- The climate agenda is blatantly anti-progress and anti-human By Joe Bastardi
- Will Pandemic-Era Election Laws Crush Republicans Again? Leeza K. Donner
- Political Blackmail – Biden Blasts GOP Border Demands By James Fite
- This is Why America Forgot How to Win By Daniel Greenfield
- Muslim Lives Matter. Jewish Lives Don’t. By Daniel Greenfield
- American Jews Never Learned to Fight Leftist Jew-Hatred By Daniel Greenfield
- No Truce With Terrorists By Daniel Greenfield
- The Nazi Roots of Hamas By Daniel Greenfield
- The Unhinged Among Us By Victor Davis Hanson
- Weimar America By Victor Davis Hanson
- Prepared Transcript Of Joe Biden’s Speech To The Nation About Antisemitism (Satire) By Robin Itzler
- Patriot Neighbors: Definition Leads to Clarity. Clarity Lead to Understanding! By Robin Itzler
- Another Conflict In Which The Left Has No Interest: Venezuela/Guyana By Francis Menton
- Fraudulent Emergency Spending By Dan Mitchell
- Industrial Policy and Mitchell’s Law By Dan Mitchell
- The IMF’s Campaign to Keep Poor Countries Impoverished By Dan Mitchell
- Debunking Deceptive Class-Warfare Data By Dan Mitchell
- Another Great Moment in Government-Run Healthcare By Dan Mitchell
- The George Floyd Effect: A Legacy of Economic Disaster By John Moran
- Just Raise Taxes to Solve America’s Fiscal Nightmare? – Swamponomics By John Moran
- FBI’s Wray Sees Highest Risk of Attack on United States in Years By Dave Patterson
- Hamas Atrocities Revealed as Israel Renews Attacks By Dave Patterson
- COP 28: UN fashion police and Kamala’s cash By Craig Rucker
- COP 28: UN targets America By Craig Rucker
- Pearl Harbor: Why was it chosen? What did FDR know? What was Stalin's role? Was it a sneak attack?
- Roosevelt’s Vicious Assault on the Bill of Rights
Fruits of the Israel/Hamas War
- Two Iraqi Migrants Brutally Gang Rape a Woman for Hours – Considered 'Integrated' and Allowed to Stay in Sweden (With My Take)
- How Were the Universities Lost?
- U.N. Adopts Eight Resolutions Condemning Israel, None Condemning Hamas -- Or Anyone Else
- Biden drops sanctions -- and another war happens
- College Students Revel in Blissful Ignorance at Pro-Gaza Rallies
- American universities an existential threat
UPenn Loses a $100 Million Donation Over Its President's
Kill All the Jews Trip-Up
- The Unbearable Mediocrity of the Ivy League (With Added Links)
Now this is something from WaPo that's encouraging. Just too short lived.
Leftist Thinking and Politics Is Monstrous
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