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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Patriot Neighbors: Definition Leads to Clarity. Clarity Lead to Understanding!

“I’m not afraid of the country we’re leaving our kids, I’m afraid of the kids we’re leaving our country.” — Jack Miller, civics educator, November 2023 

By Robin Itzler 

Commentaries and insights selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. (Cartoons may  be added by me. RK)  E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. Let's start with this commentary:


In 2020, Sam Coonrod, then a San Francisco Giants relief pitcher, was the LONE man standing for our national anthem in an opening season game between the Giants and Dodgers. All the Los Angeles Dodgers and Giants players along with coaches took a knee for Black Lives Matters, except for Sam Coonrod. Coonrod cited the Black Lives Matter ties to Marxism and his Christian Faith for the reason he remained standing.

Without any hesitation, Coonrod made it very clear the he “can’t kneel before anything besides God.” Following the game, he said:

"I meant no ill will by it. I don't think I'm better than anyone. I'm a Christian. I just believe I can't kneel before anything besides God -- Jesus Christ. I chose not to kneel. I feel that if I did kneel, I would be being a hypocrite. I didn't want to be a hypocrite. Like I said, I didn't mean any ill will toward anyone."

Then he added:

“I'm a Christian, like I said, and I just can’t get on board with a couple of things that I have read about Black Lives Matters. How they lean toward Marxism and they’ve said some negative things about the nuclear family.I just can’t get on board with that.”

Stand tall Sam Coonrod, you've done more than you realize! The Giants released Coonrod to the Philadelphia Phillies in January 2021, stating of course it had nothing to do with his politics.Today Coonrod is a relief pitcher for the New York Mets wearing #45.

This was originally posted in July 2020 on Ronni Redmond’s “Garlic Fries and Baseball’s” blog which features odds and ends baseball commentary.


By the end of this decade, it is expected that 9 MILLION Americans (up from 7 million now) will join Joe Biden and show signs of or have dementia. (Consider that New Jersey has just over 9 million residents.) That’s a lot of people not being able to coherently function. Unlike the guy in the Oval Office, most will not have large staff helping with their most basic needs.

Sadly, almost every American knows someone like Joe Biden in the early stages of dementia (or some cognitive issues).

Chevrolet has released a 5-1/2-minute mini-movie/commercial called “A Holiday to Remember” that is sure to bring tears to your eyes. Anyone who has watched a loved one disappear to dementia will relate to this story and rejoice at the closing scene. Yeah, it’s a commercial, but once again Chevrolet is letting its car be part of the ensemble cast. 

The scene opens at a joyous family Christmas gathering, with grandma oblivious to what is happening. She is physically there, but mentally in another place. Hearing her mother and grandfather ache for the woman that grandma used to be, the teenage grandchild takes grandma for a car ride (in a Chevy) around town to show her familiar places. The teenager is determined to bring grandma “back” – at least for the day – so she can recognize family members and enjoy one final Christmas with her loved ones.

This is a story of hope, love, and family …See below:  (and have your hankie with you).

A new dementia As doctors and scientists study dementia, they are adding a new term: digital dementia. From “A New Type of Dementia Plagues America” by John MacGhilonn: Digital dementia occurs when one part of the brain is overstimulated. When we mindlessly use digital devices, the frontal lobe, which is responsible for higher-level executive functions, gets little, if any, use. Meanwhile, the occipital lobe, the visual processor located at the back of the brain, gets bombarded with sensory input.

If you want to thank Chevrolet CEO Mary Barra for the holiday mini-film: Email:, Phone:800-462-8782, Write:300 Renaissance Center Detroit, MI 48265 

BANKS CLOSING BRANCHES: What does it mean?

Even with Bidenomics’ multiple failures glaring at Americans (such as when we go grocery shopping), Americans still had a “boo-tiful” Halloween, a happy Thanksgiving and are planning for a joyous Christmas or Hanukkah.

But something happened in October and November that the MSM either ignored or played down. After all, as an extension of the Democrat party’s communications department, their job is to promote the disastrous Bidenomics. What is the MSM ignoring? Banks closing branches.

When banks decide to close branches, they must notify the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). This is from the notifications for branch closures all across the United States:


  • Huntington Bank closed 26 branches in the Midwest. November (sampling of the 64 announced branch closings) - PNC Bank plans to close 19 branches. - 
  • JPMorgan Chase said it would close 18 branches (while opening other locations)
  • Citizens Bank to close eight branches (six in New York state). - US Bank plans to close seven branches.
  • Bank of America will close five branches.

From the

This year alone a total of 1,144 national and regional banks were closed between January 1 and July 31 across 49 states, according to data from S&P reviewed by  In 2023, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs will have laid off 5 percent of their workforce. Citigroup has already laid off 7,000 employees and announced more layoffs are coming. Since the start of the year, Morgan Stanley has reduced its employee count by 2 percent and will slash another 3,000 employees from its global workforce by the end of the year. There are more, but you get the idea.

For an in-depth understanding of what all this means, go to “The Entire Banking System is Shaking” by Michael Snyder.

POLAND: Watching events elsewhere in Europe

October 27, 1991, was a milestone in Poland’s history as the nation held its first parliamentary election since the 1920s. It meant that Poland officially transitioned to a Western-style political system. Today, Poland has a population of just under 38 million. In September, Statistics Poland (a state agency) released its survey:

  • 71% are Roman Catholics, down from 88 percent a decade earlier.
  • 07% said they do not belong to any faith, which tripled from 2.4% in 2011.
  • 20.5% refused to answer the question as to their faith, up from 7.1%.
  • Muslims make up less than 0.1% of Poland’s population (and most are Sunni).

Still concerns about legal and illegal immigration were big topics in Poland’s recent election. Donald Tusk, former Polish prime minister, leads Civic Coalition, the largest opposition party. The party campaigned on not wanting Poland to allow more Muslim migrants into the country.

Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczyński, who heads the national-conservative ruling Law and Justice party, defended a potential bill that would expand the list of countries whose citizens can apply for a visa directly from the Polish foreign ministry, rather than at a consulate. At the time, this was only available to people in neighboring Belarus. Kaczyński’s party said this is related to Poland’s need for more labor.

During the campaign, Tusk said in a video:

“We are watching the shocking scenes of the violent riots in France and right now Kaczyński is preparing a document that will allow even more citizens from countries such as Saudi Arabia, India, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Qatar, the UAE, Nigeria, to come to Poland … Poles must regain control of their country and its borders.”

The immigration issue was just one of many concerns that drove voters to polls on October 15. Parliamentary election results showed a record turnout of 74.4 percent. The ruling Law and Justice party remained the largest party but lacked enough seats to form a winning coalition in the 450-member lower house of parliament. Now it must work with the anti-immigration Civic Coalition and other smaller parties. 

QUESTION: Who will take the Gazan population? There are 49 countries in the world that have a Muslim population of 50 percent or greater. How many have offered to take in some of the Gazan population? 

  • (a) 05 (closest to Gaza
  • (b) 11 
  • (c) 17 
  • (d) 24 
  • (e) 36
  • (f) None 
ANSWER: Who will take the Gazan population? There are 49 NATIONS where Muslims are 50 percent or more of the population, but NONE have offered to take in the Gazans. NOT ONE!

Egypt borders Gaza and Jordan borders the West Bank. Both countries have made it clear they will not take in the Gazans. Although not said publicly, it’s reported that the leaders of these two nations (and probably most of the others) view the Gazan population as supporting terrorists or being active terrorists. Who wants to import terrorists into their country? (Reps. Tlaib, Omar, AOC and the rest of the anti-Semitic squad would put out welcome mats for them to come to the United States.)

On November 28, the House of Representatives resoundingly approved with a 412-1 vote a resolution reaffirming Israel’s right to exist. House Resolution 888, introduced by New York Representative Mike Lawler, also “recognizes that denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of anti-Semitism; rejects calls for Israel’s destruction; and condemns the Hamas-led attack on Israel.”

Once again, Kentucky Republican Representative Thomas Massie is the lone Republican out. What is wrong with him? Michigan’s anti-Semite Democrat Representative Rashida Tlaib voted present while fellow Democrat anti-Semite Cori Bush of Missouri did not vote.

Rep. Massie only accepts emails from constituents, but if you want to call and share your thoughts: Phone: 202-225-3465 

Many people ask what is the difference between a radical Muslim and a moderate Muslim? A radical Muslim wants to cut off your head. A moderate Muslim wants to watch a radical Muslim to cut off your head, and if you're interested in time travel? Convert to Islam!  It’ll take you back 1400 years.

GEORGE SANTOS: 105 GOPers forget “innocent until proven guilty”

New York Republican Representative George Santos was tossed out of Congress on December 1 in a 311-114 vote based on a House Ethics Committee indictment. This is the same House Ethics Committee that refused to charge New York Democrat Representative Jamaal Bowman for maliciously pulling the fire alarm in order to stop a House vote. And nothing about Michigan Democrat Representative Rashida Tlaib who led a pro-Hamas riot INSIDE the US Capitol! Another example of a two-tiered justice system!

 The key word with Santos is that he was INDICTED, not found guilty. (As a reminder, President Trump has been indicted in several states and most of us roll our eyes knowing it’s lawfare.) The House leadership, starting with House Speaker Mike Johnson, urged his caucus NOT to oust Santos but said to vote your conscience—105 spineless Republicans ignored their speaker. So much for Johnson’s leadership skills as 105 Republicans ignored his pleas.

There were 105 Republican representatives (many RINOs) who joined with Democrats to toss out a fellow Republican based on an indictment by voting yes on Resolution 878 – the expulsion of House member Representative George Santos. Santos has a strong conservative voting record. If any of these 105 congressmen represent you, contact them and let them know that you will be considering other candidates in their district’s 2024 primary.

Also, ask yourself if Democrats in the House would have tossed out any Democrat member based on an indictment, much less even if they were found guilty. Would House Democrats have gone against then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if she urged her caucus to vote a certain way? Then you will understand why the Republican party is often called “the stupid party.” And why Republicans lose elections they should win. 

Shame—Shame—Shame on those 105 weak Republicans who ignored House Speaker Johnson and voted to oust Rep. Santos!

Is your representative one of the 105 that voted to oust George Santos? See Here. 


We’ve repeatedly heard from the left (when they’re not busy burning buildings or rioting for BLM and Hamas) how horrible it is that President Trump never conceded the 2020 presidential election.

Let’s walk down memory lane as to some recent Democrat candidates who never conceded their election and/or questioned election results:

  •  2013 & 2016—Democrat Joe Biden said that there was no question that Al Gore won the 2000 election. 
  • 2018—Democrat Stacey Abrams refused to concede that she lost the Georgia governor’s race. She frequently challenged the “legitimacy of the election.” VP Kamala Harris agreed with Abrams. 
  • 2018—Democrat Andrew Gillum withdrew his concession and announced that there were “questions over the handling of the vote” in several Florida counties. VP Kamala Harris agreed with Gillum. 
  • 2019—In May, Biden said he “absolutely agrees” that Trump is an “illegitimate president.” Harris concurred and also referred to Trump as an “illegitimate president.” 
  • 2019—Former Democrat President Jimmy Carter said of Trump, “He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf.” 
  • 2020—Hillary Clinton said of Trump, “He knows he’s an illegitimate president.” (This is just one of many statements Hillary has said since losing the presidential election to Donald Trump in 2016.) 
  • 2020—When former New York Democrat Representative Anthony Brindisi lost his re-election, he wanted authorities to investigate voting irregularities and issues of “massive disenfranchisement of voters.” 

America First Patriots donate DIRECTLY to candidates and not to local, state or national Republican organizations. According to The Washington Post:  

  • The Republican National Committee disclosed that it had $9.1 million in cash on hand as of Oct. 30, the lowest amount for the RNC in any Federal Election Commission report since February 2015.
  • That compares with about $20 million at the same point in the 2016 election cycle and about $61 million four years ago, when Trump was in the White House.
  • The Democratic National Committee reported having $17.7 million as of October 30, almost twice as much as the Republican Party, with one year before the election.

On the REPUBLICAN side, Chris Christie insists he is staying in the race no matter what happens in Iowa or New Hampshire. It’s apparent to most observers that the big loser solely wants a forum to lambast Donald Trump. Christie is bothered that Trump appears to be locking in the nomination even before the first primary votes are cast. If he dropped out, it’s likely that his Never Trumper votes would go to former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley who Vivek Ramaswamy accurately described as “Dick Cheney in three-inch heels.”

On the REPUBLICAN side, from Gary Bauer’s American Values:

There was a big globalist conference in Manhattan yesterday (November 29) featuring business titans and political leaders. Among the elites at the conference was Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase bank. During his remarks, Dimon discussed the 2024 election. His remarks were revealing. He told all the wealthy globalists in the room, most of them liberals, “Even if you’re a very liberal Democrat, I urge you, help Nikki Haley. Get a choice on the Republican side that might be better than Trump.”

Also on the REPUBLICAN side, California Representative and former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has not yet decided if he will run for re-election.

On the INDEPENDENT side, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is on course to have a major third-party campaign, which could alter the political landscape. He will be on the ballot in all 50 states. The Biden administration has refused RFK’s Secret Service security protection request THREE TIMES. Are they hoping he will be assassinated like his father?

Something to consider: As RFK, Jr., leans further to the LEFT of Joe “Big Guy” Biden on most issues, we believe he will siphon more votes from Democrats than from Republicans. These would be radical Democrats (those who think Hamas is a great group of guys), along with moderate Democrats who do not want to re-elect an old man with obvious signs of dementia but would never vote Republican.

Also on the INDEPENDENT side, by the end of the year, No Labels will have completed the paperwork to be on the ballot in nearly 30 states. The party will be on the ballot in all 50 states by the November election. Until we know WHO their presidential candidate is, not much else can be said. Many think it will be West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin who recently announced he is not running for re-election.

MEET DR. REBECCA EDGEWORTH: Candidate in Nevada’s state assembly district 35 Dr. Rebecca Edgeworth, candidate for Nevada state assembly district 35:

"I believe the government should be transparent and thatpoliticians should be held accountable to voters. Join me in ensuring that we have a voice in Nevada."

If you live in or know people who live in Nevada’s state assembly district 35, tell them about Dr. Rebecca Edgeworth who is running for office. She is a third generation Las Vegan, born into a military family in Nevada.

Having completed her Internal Medicine residency with UNR at UMC hospital, she went on to become the medical director at Volunteers in Medicine in Southern Nevada, a non-profit medical clinic offering free care to individuals unable to afford it otherwise.

As a physician with both clinical expertise and a compassionate community-driven approach, she remains resolute in her mission to support those with limited access to healthcare. Dr. Edgeworth actively engages students, guiding them not only in delivering appropriate medical care but also in attending to the needs of the most vulnerable within our community.

Everyone in state assembly district 35 who wants to be represented in Carson City with someone who believes in limited government, lower taxes and cutting wasteful spending, should support Dr. Rebecca Edgeworth.

For more information:


Some recent events that make us wonder if the republic can be saved.

  • It’s on video for the world to see: in September, the former middle school principal and now New York Democrat Representative Jamaal Bowman removed warning signs and wickedly pulled a fire alarm in a congressional office building to delay a vote. Yet, the House Ethics Committee voted against opening an investigation. Ask yourself if they would have voted the same way had a Republican congressman done the same.
  • Christine Geiger owns Studio B salon in Michigan. In July, Geiger posted on Facebook: “If a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman, please seek services at your local pet groomer. You are not welcome at this salon. Period.” You can guess how this story ends. Michigan officials have charged Geiger with discrimination under Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act. Would you have expected anything different since Democrats believe there are 130+ genders?
  •  It was always a mistake to allow others to take the CHRISTMAS tree and hijack it as a HOLIDAY tree. The festive tree is part of the CHRISTMAS celebration, but everywhere you go, it’s often called a holiday tree. Which holiday? CHRISTMAS!!!

The National Railroad Museum in Wisconsin has 66 trees on display at its annual Festival of Trees. Among the organizations participating are The Satanic Temple and Bay Area Council on Gender Diversity. National Railroad Museum CEO Jacqueline Frank has no problem with this. She told the Green Bay Press Gazette:

“There was no hesitation. We’re not a religious organization. We focus on trains. And honestly, the Christmas tree is used by so many different secular and religious organizations. All we’re doing is putting up decoration in that room.”

If you would like to share your thoughts with CEO Frank: Email: Link below Phone: (920) 437-7623 Write: 2285 South Broadway, Green Bay, WI 54304

AND … if your community is holding a Holiday tree lighting ceremony, let them know that it’s a CHRISTMAS tree lighting ceremony. 


With our prayers and involvement, we must have hope of saving our republic. Let’s look at some recent wins that show the tide might be turning in the direction of Conservative Judeo-Christian values.  

If you ran a company that would be losing about $750 MILLION per year because 13 woke products failed in the marketplace, wouldn’t it be smart to change course? Not Disney! Shareholders should consider a class action lawsuit against the C-suite executives who insist on giving the green light to woke trash that the public clearly does not want. Disney knows it is creating products the public does NOT want. From its annual SEC report:

"We face risks relating to misalignment with public and consumer tastes and preferences for entertainment, travel and consumer products."


ARGENTINA: Javier Milei’s win continues to reverberate throughout the world. Argentina was once one of the most prosperous nations in South America. Like the impoverished Venezuela, Argentina moved toward socialism where Marxist doctrine invaded their cultural institutions and government. (Sound familiar?) Today, Argentina suffers from massive inflation. We complain about single-digit inflation, but this year in Argentina it was about 150 percent! The nation has a huge government bureaucracy and immense debt (sound familiar?) and many report an economy on the brink of collapse. Electing the populist libertarian Milei, who campaigned on MAGA—Make Argentina Great Again—is a good first start to saving the nation.

GERMANY: The European nation announced that it would freeze funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which is specifically dedicated to Palestinian refugees, due to reports the group has distributed anti-Semitic material, incited violence, and even had some alumni members who participated in Hamas’ October 7 pogrom in Israel.

EUROPEAN UNION: The European-Union voted to withhold 39 million euros from dozens of Palestinian non-profits arising from the group’s “incitement of hatred.” 

STEVEN SPIELBERG: Silent on the Hamas Pogrom Robin’s Itzler’s latest column opens with: 

As the Academy Award-winning director of Schindler’s List and founder of the USC Shoah Foundation, which records the testimonials of Holocaust survivors, the Jewish Steven Spielberg has been surprisingly silent about the barbaric October 7 Hamas pogrom in Israel. As the Academy Award-winning director of Schindler’s List and founder of the USC Shoah Foundation, which records the testimonials of Holocaust survivors, the Jewish Steven Spielberg has been surprisingly silent about the barbaric October 7 Hamas pogrom in Israel.

Link to the full article. 

If you would like to share your thoughts with Steven Spielberg: Email: Phone: 818-733-7000 Write: Amblin Entertainment, Inc. 100 Universal Plaza, #477. Universal City, CA 91608 For a right leaning view of Hollywood, visit

If you would like to share your thoughts with Steven Spielberg: Email: Phone: 818-733-7000 Write: Amblin Entertainment, Inc. 100 Universal Plaza, #477. Universal City, CA 91608 For a right leaning view of Hollywood, visit 

And Finally, Some Points to Ponder

  • Not to brag, but I’ve been the same gender since birth.
  • Teacher: You have five dogs and someone wants two of them. How many dogs do you have left? Me: Five.  Teacher: Okay, let’s say someone forcefully takes two dogs. How many do you have left?  Me: Five dogs and one dead body
  • A moment of silence for all the Facebook friends I’ve lost because of the stuff I post.
  • I like retirement since each week has six Saturdays and one Sunday.

See you all next week, and in the meanwhile remember, warm memories never wear out their welcome in our lives.  

Best wishes, 


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