When the government takes a role in policing online speech, it does so because leadership has yielded to the loudest screamers or whoever pays the freight. Usually, we can follow the money from the varied do-gooder NGOs or nationality groups like Islamic CAIR that speak soothing sentences of cooperation to entice our government’s financial support while encouraging the genocide of Jews. Everything is political! 

All sides have a message, mostly propaganda, that only works when the government alone is allowed to use it. In the former Soviet Union, dissenters were called “counter-revolutionaries,” rounded up and shot or sent to one of many prisons in the icy Gulag Archipelago to be worked to death. When our government asserts a role in policing the relativity new phenomena of online internet communication, then free speech becomes the target of single opinions, right or wrong, they determine must be eliminated as counter-revolutionary opposition.

The need to censor the comments of ordinary Americans employing their First Amendment rights by using social media’s own rules of what is “misinformation” to accomplish their deed is an end run around the Constitution. Unmistakably too, it shows how far we’ve entered the world of fascism.

What makes the issue even more difficult is that the old mainstream media, still blundering around on the public airways and in newspaper editorial offices, have sided with the fascists to censor the American people. It’s a simple matter of taking sides. Do we anymore recognize right from wrong or good from evil?

Are we for or against exhausting our treasury on foreign wars? Are we for or against continuing official support for Israel because it’s the right thing to do? Are we for or against Islam’s exercise in genocide like we witnessed on Oct 7? Are we willing to allow our Ivy League and other “Woke” infested colleges and universities to continue polluting student’s minds against right and for what’s wrong?

Our choices go on and on and on while we’ve been turned to look at the dark side, to use a cliche. We know what side Obama-Biden’s government has taken, and we don’t like it. We had better decide soon.

We’ve been resisting censorship ever since Barack Obama corrupted the government before reluctantly surrendering the reins of power to Donald Trump and not Hillary Clinton. It was a shock felt around the world!

In their desperation, the panicked Deep State unsuccessfully attempted to destroy Trump’s presidency. In his favor, Donald Trump, a successful multi-billionaire businessman, quickly demonstrated to the world how a Great Republic should operate by nullifying the unfavorable NAFTA trade scheme, improving our energy independence lowering fuel prices, creating a high employment rate increasing living standards, and demanded a sensible plan to determine that America should not continue subsidizing its enemies, especially China................To Read More...