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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Democrats Know a True Scandal When They See One! Nah, Just Kiddin!

The time has come the Walrus said, to talk of many things:  Of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings, and why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings.

 By Rich Kozlovich 


Are Democrats capable of seeing a true scandal when it appears?  Not unless it involves a Republican or a prominent conservative, and then whether it's an actual scandal or not is highly dubious.   False accusations and smear tactics don't count as scandals, except for those who make a practice of that kind of intellectual rot and moral corruption. 

On December 19, 2023 Frank Friday  published this piece at American Thinker, The great Comer non-scandal explained, saying:

.......the Biden Crime Family took tens of millions of dollars from foreign entities. To what purpose they won’t say, but none of them are even registered under the Foreign Agent Reporting Act (FARA). None of them even have a business activity to report related to these payments other than Hunter’s time as a Burisma Director.

And it appears, at least as far as I can tell, not one Democrat sees this as scandalous, or even illegal.  Some saying there's no evidence Biden ever committed any crimes that justify impeaching him.  Some claiming this is just another MAGA attempt to smear Joe Biden before the 2024 election.  Remarkable! In spite of the fact the Biden scandals got more bizarre by the day.  And we're surprised why?   That's their history and the pattern of corrupt enabling of the Democrat party, and leftists in general. 

Let's go back a way.  Joe Biden and his son Hunter can’t keep their Ukraine story straight:

Did Joe Biden discuss his son’s Ukraine business deal with him? Joe said “No” Friday when Fox News Channel’s Peter Doocy caught up with him at an appearance in Iowa. “Mr. Vice President, how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings?” Doocy asked. “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Biden said, and as Doocy tried to follow up, the former VP cut him off. “And here’s what I know, I know Trump deserves to be investigated,” Biden said. “He is violating every basic norm of a president. You should be asking him the question, why is he on the phone with a foreign leader trying to intimidate a foreign leader, if that’s what happened, that appears to be what happened, you should be looking at Trump.”...

Great misdirection in order to cover up a massive lie, that being Joe Biden was part and parcel of his son's corrupt and illegal business dealings.  But let's try and get this right, just once, the "Big Lie" is who and what Joe Biden has always been about.  No scandals? Biden repeats an old Obama whopper:

So let's get this straight here: The Benghazi coverup never happened. The IRS targeting of dissidents never happened, either. The Gold River pollution on traditional Native American lands by the EPA never happened. Solyndra never happened. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton never had an illegal private server in some guy's bathroom. She never sold 20% of the U.S. uranium supply to Russia, and her bleachbitting of her subpoenaed emails was perfectly scandal-free, as well as her smashing of Blackberries with hammers. The fact that top-secret emails turned up in Anthony Weiner's perverted computer, for the New York cops to read, was a nothingburger. And if you like your doctor.........Actually, the Obama administration was probably the most scandal-plagued of all administrations.......

Then there was "The Clinton campaign's plot to politically assassinate Trump":

There is a word for secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors to use against them. According to the latest court filing by Special Counsel John Durham, the Hillary Clinton campaign surreptitiously and likely illegally reached into protected White House and Trump communications data to try and show some link between Trump and Russia. The Clinton campaign during the election hid from FBI, CIA and the media that it was the source of the information gathered. Durham doesn't use the word "spy", but that in no way changes what happened.

Not one iota of scandal could be seen there by Democrats.  Really!  Well then how about this:  Fox Exposes the Clintons in the Scandalous Series.  The Clintons are corrupt to the bone and the Democrats and leftist loons - oooops, I'm repeating myself - have never found anything wrong with that for as long as they've been in politics. As time goes by it becomes more and more obvious these loons have no moral foundation other than doing and accepting everything and anything will gain them power and money.

Then there's this, Smothered: Six Democratic Scandals That The Elite News Media Suffocated With A Pillow This Cycle:

To better Democrats’ 2018 chances, there have been six rather major scandals that have hit some key candidates, which the elite media decided to smother with a pillow. From domestic abuse allegations to fraud and DUIs, Newsbusters’ Geoffrey Dickens found six major scandals, where the elite news media has devoted little to no coverage.

As they say in the infomercials, "But Wait, That's not All", as the list of outrageous and treasonous left wing Democrat scandals of every sort goes on and on, including the Clinton Scandals, the Obama Scandals, including their illegal spying schemes, and the Biden Scandal.

All of these links go back as far as 2016.  Massive scandals, many of which border on treason, and the media hid it, the Deep State collaborated with them, the public was kept ignorant of it, and the Democrats never saw a bit of it.   But finally, Eureka!  the Democrats have found a scandal they can see, and one they can sink their teeth into.  

The D.C. establishment exclaims, House Oversight Chairman James Comer bought a half interest in six acres of land in Monroe County, Ky, then put it in an LLC with his wife in 2017. Oh, this could be bigger than Watergate! The guy who sold him the land had given him $1,000 back in 2010 and apparently never again, until 2023. Comer truthfully said, he was not a contributor during the time he sold him the land. Oh, the shame! Sorry -- even for Washington Democrats, this is really pathetic.

As you read about the great Comer non-scandal it becomes clear Comer is a man who started out small, dealt honestly, worked hard, saved his money, invested wisely and legally, and the Democrats naturally hate him for that alone, not to mention he's white, a conservative, a Republican who is probably a practicing Christian and I'm betting he's a gun owner.  

But they really hate him because he's the Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, and he's going after Joe and Hunter Biden.  His committee has exposed the lies Joe and Hunter Biden have been spewing out regarding their corrupt business practices, and he's not going to stop.   

Democrat solution?  Accuse him of something, anything, smear him, and denigrate him, no matter how outrageous their claims may be, and the media will jump on board.  Oh, if there's any doubt about where the media will stand on this, here's my media scandal files, Media Corruption, Media Collusion, Media Complicity, and Media Hoax.  As the propaganda wing of the Democrat party they suffer from a serious case of conviction impairment, since they will immediately shift gears to follow whatever the leftist philosophical flavor of the moment may be.

SOP, Standard Operating Procedure, for the Democrats.  Only the public isn't as easily fooled these days. 

One more thing, after finishing this piece I came across this article,  Another Biden Scandal Might Be Brewing by Spencer Brown, and if this claim the Biden administration is allowing the export of American advanced technology to China is true, there may be charges of treason leveled against Biden and others in his administration.  

I wonder if the Democrats see that as a scandal?  Given their penchant for behavior that's cleanly destructive to America, they may actually approve.  

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