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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, December 22, 2023

The ‘two-state solution’ denies the reality of Muslim culture

December 20, 2023 By Jerold Levoritz 

“From the River to The Sea…” Hamas promises the land will be free of Jews. Of course, that is not really what Hamas means. Their publicly stated goal is to rid the world of all the Jews except the doctors and scientists who will be forced to remain in any future ‘Palestinian’ entity.

Frankly, in my humble opinion, the Muslims are severely underestimating their need for the Jews if they limit their demands to only doctors and scientists. Countries that decide to live without Jews usually fail miserably, not necessarily because the Jews left or would not come back, but because a country that rids itself of its Jews has a defective soul and was doomed to fail anyway. Let me explain.

If the Muslims wanted to succeed, they would be better off if they preserved all of the following subgroups: Yeshiva (academy) students and their teachers, experts in agriculture, members of Kibbutzim (collective farms), employees of the (electronic) chip forges, research institute members, entrepreneurs and their families, musical institutes, theater companies, engineering and architectural firms, hydrologists and water experts, university professors, etc. While bright enough individually, traditional Muslim societies have failed to produce accomplishments that required cooperation among large groups. Every joint venture of theirs seems to have been founded upon forms of coercion based upon fear.....................To Read More.....

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