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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, December 7, 2023

The Pause is Real, and Has Been for Twenty Five Years

By Rich Kozlovich 

Over the years P&D readers have seen me state this catestrophic "warming" these Church of the Warming Globe misfits are screaming about is nonsense.  All of which they're doing it right now at Dubai, like the Pope telling the world because of "fossil" fuels the world's climate has "run amok" and changes need to be made.  And John Kerry who is getting "militant" over this because nations won't destroy their economy and go along with the insane policies he promotes.  

 What 97 Percent of Climate Scientists Do – The Heartland Institute

All of which if followed would put everyone back into caves.  And there would be plenty of room because the death toll worldwide would be massive.  

The world is not dangerously warming, and if it was mankind wouldn't be responsible for it, and CO2 does not warm the planet.  These people are at the center of the information world and must be aware of that, they can't possibly be that stupid.  What these "leaders" are is part of a worldwide kakistocracy of knaves and fools.

For years I've discussed what's being called "the pause" in warming.  Which is now been in place for the last 25 years, and by way of confirmation I'm republishing this.

On Thursday, February 28, 2013 I published this piece:

Lord Lawson Calls On Sir Paul Nurse To Acknowledge Global Temperature Standstill, which was a Press Release of 27/02/13. Letter to the President of the Royal Society London, 27 February:  In a letter to the President of the Royal Society, Lord Lawson has criticised Sir Paul Nurse for denying the reality of a global temperature standstill. 

Lawson was responding to a gratuitous attack by Sir Paul in a recent lecture at Melbourne University. In his speech, Sir Paul appeared to reject empirical evidence that the global warming trend of the 1980s and 1990s has come to a temporary halt since the beginning of the 21st century. In his letter, Lord Lawson writes: 

You claim that I “would choose two points and say ‘look, no warming’s taking place’, knowing that all the other points that you chose in the 20 years around it would not support his case”. That is a lie. I have always made clear that there was a modest degree of recorded global warming during the 20th century (see, for example, my book An Appeal to Reason, which you have clearly not taken the trouble to read). However, so far from choosing any arbitrary ‘two points’, I was drawing attention to the fact that this warming trend appears to have ceased, since – contrary to the predictions of what you describe as “consensus scientific opinion” – there has been no further recorded global warming at all for at least the past 15 years, as even the IPCC Chairman, Dr Pachauri, has now conceded. Whatever the precise reason for this, it cannot simply be dismissed or denied. Full letter

That was ten years ago! The pause is real, it's been with us for at least 25 years, and in point of fact, no one can tell us what the world's temperature is supposed to be, and if the worldwide temperatures a thousand years ago during the Medieval Warming Period is the standard, we're not even close to that global temperature.

Which brings up this.  

If the temperatures were far warmer then than they are now, and they were, then we need to ask if any of the disasters they're predicting for today occurred then?  Since there's not one iota of historical evidence there was, we must reason, those disasters never occurred.  If that's the case, and it is, then why should we believe these disasters are going to occur now?  

We shouldn't.

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