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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, December 4, 2023

Runners, Joggers, and Vocal Spectators: Election 2024, Part VII

By Rich Kozlovich 

This essay is number seven in this series, and will deal with Third party/Independent/Moderate Party candidates, and just plain odd characters, including some Republicans.   Here's the series thus far:  Part 1,Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI.  

At this point there's a lot of talk about a Third Party for the 2024 election, including the Independent party, which claims they will be on the ballot in all fifty states by election day.  So, let's start with this whole Third Party issue, and let's start with this one incontrovertible historical fact.  There has only been one successful third party in American history!  And that was the Republican party which was devoted to ending slavery in America, and Abraham Lincoln was it's first President.  The reason it was successful?  Focus!  Slavery was an issue that was national in scope, emotional beyond normal politics, and those who fought against it were in effect, political missionaries with vision.  I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that.

In Derek Hunter's article GOP Beware: The Third-Party Option Might Have Some Legs This Year he shows how third parties can impact elections.  Ross Perot played the role of spoiler for George H. W. Bush and Clinton won with less than 50% of the vote, in both his victories.  He goes on to say:

Suppose a third-party option emerged with even nominal appeal that would make the race “interesting,” to put it mildly. And considering we’re looking at the prospect of several third-party options – Cornel West, Jill Stein, Robert Kennedy Jr., and now maybe Joe Machin,

In October Steve McCann published this article, The Impact of Third Parties on the 2024 Election saying:

October 10, 2023 A Gallup poll published on October 4, 2023 should serve as a wake-up call to both the Democrat and Republican Parties as well as their prospective presidential nominees in 2024. A massive 63% of those polled told Gallup they agree with the premise that the Republican and Democratic Parties do such a poor job of representing the American people that a third major party is necessary. 46% of Democrats and a whopping 76% of Independents believe a third party is needed.

Then there's the Hollywood crowd.  Rob Reiner continues to demonstrate he really is the Meathead saying Third Party voters are destroying Democracy.  Which is ironic claiming American Democracy can only be saved by not being democratic, even demanding "Trump “must” go to prison and all other candidates must be excluded from the 2024 race."  And he's not alone in this "Trump must go to prison" insanity and it isn't just leftists and Democrats.   So much for being real defenders of the rights of the American people! 


So, who are these third party destroyers of American democracy?

Let's start with the Green Party and Cornel West who claims to be a "Christian socialist", a true contradiction in terms.  For anyone to believe that is a true example of cognitive dissonance.   His whole life and his career in academia has been predicated on race baiting and hate mongering.  He's dropped out of the Green Party and will run as an independent.  He will generate some votes simply because he's black and a radical race baiting lunatic.  A bit harsh?  Not one bit, here is who Cornel West really is, as the Democrat media goes after him for his audacity, exposing him for the racist, hate mongering, antisemite for who and what his is, unlike their protection of the Biden Crime Family:

Jill Stein is running again, and I have no idea why except she likes the publicity. She's a nut, even for a Democrat.  Here's my Jill Stein file for some history. 

Then there is the Libertarian candidate, Lars Mapstead.  Never heard of him? Neither did I before this, and since they run someone every year, and in spite of contrary claims, Trump lost in those states where they polled larger numbers due to voter fraud, not the Libertarian party.

Independents of various strips besides Cornell West: Joseph ‘Afroman’ Foreman, Taylor Marshall, none of whom I've every herad of, and finally, Ye who used to be named Kanye West, and what sane person would vote for him?   Solidarity Party with Peter Sonski.  The Prohibition Party with Michael Wood.  Never heard of most of them?  Me neither, and almost no one else has either.  

The No Labels Party, wants to create an alternative centrist movement, and apparently are on the ballot's of ten states.  Going nowhere in spite of that!  All of them combined, their impact on the 2024 election will be meaningless.  A few years ago there were 88 parties running candidates, including the Transhumanist party.  Their impact was meaningless then, and these fringe parties impact will be just as meaningless now.  Except for JFK Jr, and his Independent run.  J.D Rucker's article, DNC Created Their Own Worst Enemy as RFK Jr Plans to Run as an INDEPENDENT, notes:

If they believed their boy could win fair and square, then they should have let it happen. But for whatever reason Democrats were so concerned about Robert F. Kennedy Jr harming Joe Biden in a head-to-head battle that they did everything in their power to essentially eliminate RFK Jr as a candidate.  They tried to ignore him while letting their proxies attack him. They even stooped so low as to engage with his family to speak out against his campaign. But when he didn’t cave, they took the purely evil approach of intimidation by making him the first major candidate since the last assassination to not be granted a Secret Service detail. That last candidate to be assassinated was, of course, RFK Sr.

But a Kennedy is a Kennedy.  Nothing he says can be trusted, if Joe Biden wasn't the candidate, he'd be at the Arctic circle in this race.  He claims he would have a national abortion ban after the first trimester,  then walked that back, as Democrats are all in on murdering the innocent unborn.  His Global Warming credentials are in place as he promises to ban fracking.   Transgenderism?  He's taking a stand against the Democrat party on that, but a little pressure from his wife and consultants, he'll change on that also. If you can justify the murder of the innocent unborn, you can justify anything.   Remember when Dennis Kucinich was running for President, that life long Catholic who opposed abortion all of a sudden had an epiphany that abortion wasn't all that bad after all.  No wonder Kennedy picked him to be his campaign manager, from which he resigned when Kennedy decided to run as an Independent presidential contender.

Kennedy's switch creates a conundrum for Democrats as he's presenting himself as the middle way. He's not in any way "in the middle".  We'll come back to that.

He's against voter fraud, at least until/or if he gets the nomination, remember, he wants "his" party back, so he will do what he has to in order for that to happen. But his party is adamantly radical now, and for that to happen, he'll have to conform. 

Jewish voters have been adamant in their support of the Democrat party, which I find mind boggling!  This isn't the Democrat party of their great grandparents!  But now they're upset at the massive antisemitism being expressed by the Democrats, which has been there all along.  How can they vote Democrat under those circumstances?  Kennedy gives them that option, as he wins a standing ovation form this Jewish audience.  Also, his thoughts on the Russo/Ukraine War are a condemnation of the Biden administration.   

Let's try and get this right once, just once, and for all time.  That's all smoke and mirrors, Kennedy is a radical Democrat, big on the radical part, who voted accordingly.  Hannity exposed his support and admiration of the most radical leftists in politics, how he will ban fracking, ban fossil fuels including coal,  supports the massive fraud called Climate Change, calls the NRA a terrorist group, supports raising taxes to 70%, called the SCOTUS ruling of Biden's student debt "unfortunate", and supports affirmative action along with reparations

Andrea Widburg  published this article on October 2, 2023 If you think Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is a good guy, think again saying:

 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a lifelong, true, loyal leftist, suddenly became popular among conservatives because he was one of the few leftists to speak out against COVID vaccines. This wasn’t any particular wisdom on his part; he’s always opposed all vaccines. However, because of this stance, when RFK Jr threw his hat in the Democrat primary ring against Biden, some conservatives got excited. This man, they thought, would siphon votes away from Biden, handing Republicans a win. But that’s not what will happen—and RFK knows it. In other words, he’s another weapon against Republicans..........“I take more votes from President Trump than I do from President Biden.”

Going back to the idea Kennedy will take more votes from Trump than from Biden.  I think that's a load of horsepucky, in spite of all the claims that will happen, and based on NPR polls makes it laughable.

What conservative would ever vote for a Kennedy?  Some Republicans will, but they're not conservatives, they're all like Mitt Romney, Liz Chaney, George Will, and John Kasich, but so what?    They're all Never Trumpers who weren't going to vote for Trump anyway, so does it matter whether they vote for Biden, Kennedy, or simply fail to vote, the numbers remain the same?  And time has shown all of them to be contemptible in one way or another they're not even considered Republicans by the base.  As for any claims about being conservative, John Kasich once said he can define conservatism as he sees fit, which in his case is on the left side of a one way street. 

Could the Mitt Romney crowd and the Joe Manchin crowd come together and create a "middle of the road" party that would be successful?  No!  This whole idea of a third party is based on one thing, and one thing only.  They all hate Trump.  That will not bind a party, nor will it create a viable leadership, or the funding necessary to create one.   

It's all smoke an mirrors.  

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