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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Kakistocracy: We are Ruled by Charlatans, Knaves, and Fools, Part I

Kakistocracy is a system of government run by the least suitable or competent citizens of a state!

By Rich Kozlovich

On November 29, 2023 by Scott Johnson posted an Inside the CIA article noting:

A high-ranking CIA official boldly shared multiple pro-Palestinian images on her Facebook page just two weeks after Hamas launched its bloody surprise attack on Israel — while President Biden was touring the Jewish state to pledge the US’s allegiance to the nation.

There were no repercussions for this. And we're shocked?  The only legitimate ally in the Middle East is Israel, and Secretary of State Binken is working to undermine their existence by undermining Israel's right to conduct this war as they see fit, especially given the murders, kidnappings, rapes and horrors heaped on Israel's civilian population.   

Biden, Blinken is sounding more and more as if they're Hamas spokesmen, and Michelle Obama was asked by a female Israeli official to condemn Hamas for the rapes and murders of women, and she got crickets.

There's even talk about withholding aid to Israel unless they kick out Netanyahu.  All that in spite of the fact every Middle East leader wants to see Hamas and Hezbollah destroyed.  In the long run, they're as big a threat to them as they are to Israel.

Recently the House of Representatives, currently, and very possibly in temporarily control by Republicans kicked out George Santos, who in spite of his issues was a consistent conservative vote.  

Now, I think ultimately he would have been found guilty of the charges being leveled against him, but that's a separate issue.  The invertebrate Republicans who infest the Congress totally capitulated to the Democrats expelling him before a conviction, because they're a bunch of idiots who might end up with a one seat majority, and then again, maybe not even a majority after all.  

Who knows where that would lead to under a Democrat controlled House?  Be careful what you wish for, you might get it. If he'd been found guilty of some crime or immoral act, then the House could have acted in complete harmony with the reasonable and rational precedents set by the history of the House. But now....if the Democrats take over they now have a precedent to kick out anyone just because they don't like them.  Remember how many Republicans were kicked off committees because they didn't like them, and how Pelosi rejected the Republicans named by McCarthy to sit on the January 6th committee for the same reason, all of which was in violation of House rules. 

Make no mistake, the Democrats would have never acted in this manner against one of their own, and the number of contemptible, corrupt, vile, and potentially indictable Democrat members of Congress are there to be seen by the most casual observer.  Why didn't these blithering idiots Republicans demand the same from the Democrats?  Because they're gutless nitwits.  And besides, the Democrats take a dim view of hanging their own, and will do whatever it takes to protect them. They've even apparently destroyed J6 commission witness testimony

According to Barry Laudermilk (R-GA) says the video depositions of witnesses for the Democrat-controlled January 6 Committee  were destroyed because the Democrats didn't think they were necessary.  Imagine that.  Worried about the government needing to store too much stuff.  I have to believe it might also have been illegal!  Will the Republicans go after them for this?  I doubt it. 

Morality is only for Republicans, and let's not kid ourselves, politicians have never let hypocrisy stand in the way of achieving their goals, and the Democrats excel at that.  

94-Year-Old Veteran Says He Was Kicked Out Of New York City Nursing Home To Make Room For Illegal Migrants, and Biden wants to turn over Federal lands set aside for national preservation to migrants.  Because of the actions of the federal government and this administration the economy is at the edge of a dangerous precipice.  Loans are becoming delinquent, savings accounts are being depleted, and retirement plans are being dipped into to pay bills.  The nation is heading into bankruptcy.  

Then we have John Kerry.  Now there's a nitwit of massive proportions for you.  Kerry is demanding all the world's coal fired power plants to be shut down, all the while China is building one right after the other, and he's demanding, along with another blithering nitwit, King Charles, we give billions, at the minimum to nations of the world calling it "Climate Justice".  In spite of the fact there's not one valid scientific reason for any of this.  The world isn't warming via anything mankind is doing.  And CO2 certainly isn't responsible, not to mention the fact the world is in what they're calling a warming pause.  For the last 25 years.  And this is an international insanity.  At the Neo-communist convention known as COP 28 the Pope declares the climate has run amok and the planet is overheating.  

In reality, as at least one attendee spoke the truth.  Sultan al-Jaber, president of the COP28 climate summit, stated:

"There is no science out there, or no scenario out there, that says the phase-out of fossil fuel is what's going to achieve 1.5," al-Jaber said in an online event on Nov. 21, according to The Guardian, adding a pointed barb to the hosts that it would be impossible to stop burning fossil fuels and sustain economic development, "unless you want to take the world back into caves."

And finally to top off this essay!  Democrats canceled their primary in Florida handing over their delegates to Biden, and few in their party care.  That from the party that unendingly claims electing Trump will destroy democracy.  Imagine that.  As Herodotus noted, culture is king, and the culture of the left is unabashedly corrupt.  

Hello world, we have a problem. 

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