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Friday, December 8, 2023

A Generation Not to Be Replaced, and Not to Be Duplicated

By Rich Kozlovich

Yesterday was Pearl Harbor Day, and this year I'm not seeing nearly as much about it as in times past. Typically, I don’t do sports or entertainment on Paradigms and Demographics unless there’s some social commentary involved, but I made an exception regarding the Midway movie release in 2019.

World War II has always been emotional for me. My father and uncles fought in it.  My father was in the Navy and took part in seven major invasions, and actually saw the flag raising on Mt. Suribachi.  My uncle had a ship blown up from under him by a Kamikaze pilot.  I had another uncle who served in WW II and Korea.  After Korea he was never the same.  When I look back at when they were born I realized they were just kids.  But all those kids serving in that war were real men, one and all.

The 2019 Midway movie isn’t a remake of the old movie, and I can honestly say this will be numbered among the best Word War II movies ever. I’ve seen a lot of movies on Pearl Harbor, Midway, and Jimmy Doolittle’s raid on Tokyo, and I think this one is the absolute best dealing with this subject, especially in the time frame of 2 hours and 18 minutes.  You can stream it on Prime. 
 Retired Navy Rear Admiral Sam Cox called it the most realistic movie about naval combat ever made.
That 2 hours and 18 minutes does not drag I assure you. In the past movies on these subjects spent way too much screen time on sub-stories and personal relationships that didn’t enhance the main story, and in this case the battle of Midway.

However, this version isn’t just about the Battle of Midway. It takes in the entire context of the war at that time, starting with the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor, and I can assure you there never was a move with a more convincing demonstration of the devastation that took place than you will see in this movie.  The special effects were startling, amazing.......and heart breaking.  Then they covered the attack on Tokyo by Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle, and ended with the battle of Midway and the courageous young men who fought it. 

In this version the sub stories enhance the main theme, which was all about the heroism, dedication to duty, and sacrifice by a lot of very young men who went into battle knowing they were facing an enemy with superior numbers and equipment.   Such courage.   Pilots attacked the Japanese fleet with substandard planes and equipment knowing they were probably not coming back. I found watching the scenes showing so many of them being blown up very emotional. 

This movie was all about the story, and the sacrifice.  Describing this war in the movie “In Harm’s Way”, Commander Eddington tells Captain Rockwell Torrey:

“Old Rock of Ages, we've got ourselves another war. A gut bustin', mother-lovin' Navy war.”   

That  movie was fictional.  This movie shows just how gut busting it really was, depicting another generation that shames the current generation.  I found it very emotional.  

How many Pearl Harbor survivors are there?  There were 87,000 military personnel at Pearl Harbor that day, but  no one keeps track of the number left alive.  We do know there were five at a recent ceremony honoring those who died at Pearl Harbor.  We also know of the sixteen million who served in WWII, and there are only about 120,000 left alive, with 131 of them are dying every day.  

That generation is almost gone. It's clear that generation can't be replaced and won't be duplicated.  As I watch the devastation being done to America by the charlatans, knaves, and fools leading the nation I often wonder if these last survivors of WWII aren't sick to their stomachs, asking:  Did all those brave young men throw their live away for this? 

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