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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Wordsmithing and CO2

December 6, 2023 By Dann Kroeger

Wordsmithing can be defined as reshaping the meaning of commonly used words to imply something different.  Used over and over, wordsmithing can charge the meaning of a word.   The Left is good at this.  Take ‘White Supremacy.’  This implies if your skin is light, you are a bad person that believes in racial discrimination.  Or ‘Black Lives Matter’ suggests that black people are less important than others.  All the while, most of us know better.  Not all Whites are racial, and all lives do matter.

The Right needs to take some lessons. 

A group of scientists, businesspeople, and common-sense interested parties have joined together to counter the ‘global warming’ mantra.  The group calls itself the CO2 Coalition.  As their website points out, CO2 is required for both plant and animal life.  It is greatly beneficial for all life.  Unfortunately, COhas been wordsmithed into something very negative.  Maybe the coalition should consider just a spot of wordsmithing of their own...........To Read More.....

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