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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The climate agenda is blatantly anti-progress and anti-human

December 5th, 2023 By Joe Bastardi 14 Comments @ CFACT

I have been told many times to stay in my lane. Don’t bring up racism, abortion, or religion when discussing climate and weather. But the problem is this runaway train of climate change lunacy does not discriminate as to what lane it will drive in, Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL LINKED TO THE SAME DECEPTIVE, DISTORTED, AND DELUSIONAL Philosophy that is anti-human.

Am I right? Let us take climate anxiety among children. There is no reason for this to be occurring except for the brainwashing that has taken place by people whose ignorance on this matter is only exceeded by their arrogance in spouting it. It is like watching Gavin Newsom, who despite having a state where a million people have left and to rent a moving van to move out of his state is much more than one moving into his state (since the demand is so great to get out of the green and brown hell — example San Francisco poop map) get up there and rely on ignorance to fuel arrogance. So you have teachers teaching things they were told and in this matter back up the old adage, if you can’t do it, teach it.

Bad enough these kids have a face a hellscape of truly human-induced problems (drugs, pornography, homelessness, economic destruction, the threat of mad power brokers blowing up the planet), just to name a few. Let’s tell them their biggest hell is where people live enduring .19C above average is a sign of their doom despite rising personal GDP, more food than ever produced and despite 4x the amount of people on the planet, there is 1/28th the amount of deaths related to climate and weather.


(John Kerry, who is breathtakingly ignorant and arrogant on what drives the climate, continues to push the “HOTTEST EVER” gibberish not knowing that the warmth is a sign that it has to be water vapor driving this via warming oceans that CAN NOT BE FROM CO2. I ask any rational human being, is 57.54 hot? I am sure he is not walking around in short sleeves and shorts on his yacht when it’s 57).

Human progress has led to adaptation, whether there is a problem or not.

So their solution: Push policies that stop the advancement of the Human condition.

Lately, we have heard about environmental justice and that warming is racist. Given most of the warming is occurring where it is coldest and driest in the winter, where few people are, and in areas where there are fewer people of color, this is gibberish. So they are moving to make it a racism problem. The high priest of AGW, Al Gore, somehow spent many years as a senator from Tennessee, has a state park and a large monument dedicated to the head of the Ku Klux Clan, Nathan Bedford Forrest, yet did nothing about it; but climate racism, well that’s a different story. He is all over that. He can recognize that but can’t recognize the offense he so loves to criticize others over.

Then there are the great catholic theologians Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. As of this writing, the pope, despite his foray into sectarian politics (a good way to be ripped apart, with one foot in the city of God, the other the city of man), still appears to be pro-life. But who knows where he is going. In any case, despite Nancy Pelosi, in her defense of gangs saying every life has a spark of divinity, is indeed a climate change high priestess and has no problem supporting policies that snuff out sparks of divinity, 60 million by last estimate, and 75% of them people of color. And those that do make it, well, they have to face the living hell of climate change she pushes. So, in her warped world, she advances the cause of climate justice and anti-racism by advocating policies that would eliminate the chance for so many people to have to face the living hell she paints.

Then, of course there is the aforementioned John Kerry and his daughter, who is a special climate envoy to WHO on climate. It is rich they are doing this, given man’s progress in the fossil fuel era has caused life expectancy to increase over 30 years.

You simply can’t make up the level of hypocrisy here that has links across the board on every issue we face today. But they are rolling it all into climate. I wrote a few months ago that their ideas are Deceptive, Distorted, and Delusional.  It is up to people to see the linkage and stand up to it. Because it’s the main message of an agenda that will do away with freedoms as we know them.

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