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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Another leftist lie bites the dust

December 5, 2023 By D. Parker @ American Thinker

Another leftist lie bites the dust: Soviet Gulag documentary destroys lie that Nazis were ‘far right’ A new documentary on the history of the Soviet Gulag system also destroys a cherished leftist talking point that somehow the Nazis were ‘far right.’

There is a new documentary on the Soviet prison camp that makes the point that the Bolsheviks locked up their fellow leftists, just like the National Socialist German Workers’ Party........

Soviet prison camps were a criminal system of oppression that was widespread and long-lasting. The first camps were founded in 1918, and their number reached its peak in the 1950s. During more than 40 years, 20 million people were brought to almost 500 camps. Innocent people were made guilty. Every sixth adult citizen was forced to a camp or expelled. The writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn named this system the Gulag Archipelago. It extended thousands of kilometres from the White Sea to the Black Sea, from Moscow to Vladivostok, and from the Arctic Circle to Central Asia. It was hidden away, and its existence was denied for decades. Prison camps were hard to see and understand. They are not well known even today.

One of the fascinating aspects of the documentary is that interviews with former zeks, or prisoners of the camps, reveal that the Bolsheviks imprisoned many of their fellow leftists — Mensheviks, revolutionary socialists, and others considered “dangerous” by the Cheka, or secret police of the USSR.

Later on in the documentary, they note that Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda, the head of the NKVD who prepared public purge trials, was accused in a later purge of being a member of the Zinovyev-Trotsky conspiracy of the right-wing opposition to Stalin.

This follows right in line with the research paper on “How and Why Fascism and Nazism Became the “Right.’”.........

It’s an article of leftist “faith” that fascism and Nazism are supposedly “far right” or “reactionary,” as termed 100 years ago in one of the first reports about the “Bavarian fascisti,” because they were in opposition to other collectivists, as we illustrated with a series of excerpts from the early decades of the 1900s.

The fact is that different factions of leftists never seem to work and play well together — mainly because they desire power above all else, and their petty little rivalries get in the way of attaining that power.  It happened with the Bolsheviks incarcerating, exiling, or executing their rivals and continued with the Nazis, but somehow that was different — or at least that’s the lie from the left.  It continues to this day, with leftists squabbling over ideological minutiae no one else cares about.  ...............To Read More....

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