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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Leftist Liturgy: It's Not My Fault, It's Not My Fault, It's Not My Fault, Amen!

By Rich Kozlovich 

On a weekly basis from all over the world I see another leftist lame brain claiming some failure on their part isn't their fault.  It's either the fault of Christians, white supremacists, conservatives, and in America, most certainly the Republicans.  They especially love putting the blame on Jews, and even more than Jews, they thrill at putting the blame on Donald Trump, and this Trump Derangement Syndrome is a worldwide phenomenon.

American sanctuary cities are going broke and facing massive crime waves because of illegal aliens, defunding the police and refusing to prosecute criminals who are arrested.  Well, that must be Trump's fault!  And in collusion with Jews, along with Christians, white supremacists, who are all Republican conservatives.  

Streets of San Fransisco are too dangerous to walk on, the businesses are all leaving, and crime is rampant.  The city filled with homeless druggies, bums, thieves, thugs and there are massive levels of excrement and urine everywhere.    Now clearly, if that isn't the fault of the Jews, then it's certainly Donald Trump's fault in collusion with the Jews.   Not to mention the Jews and Trump were supported by conservatives, Republicans, Christians who are all white supremacists befouling all of America's major cities.   
There is a bit of problem with that.  All these cities are run by Democrats, and all this is a consequence of policies they promoted, which conservatives all opposed predicting the outcome we're now seeing.  Chicago has been run by Democrats since the 50's with a massive history of corruption, and it's now an absolute disaster,  but .... let's be's still Trump's fault. 
And we know that must be true because the media says so.  After all, you know they can't say it on TV, or write it in the newspapers, if it's not true.   Right?  You do believe that, don't you?  You do believe they're there to help you know the truth, don't you?  Because if you don't believe that you're a right wing conspiracy nut and worse yet, you might be a traditional believing Catholic, and you know then the FBI just might need to investigate you for being an extremist, who thinks the Church should return to the Latin mass.  And we know just how dangerous that is to the America.  Right?

But now, we have "the" go to excuse.  It was the covid pandemic that did it!  
Now, I really find that interesting, and have to chuckle a bit over that.  Whether it was in Europe or here in America those who are in the forefront using that excuse, are also those who were in the forefront for promoting the hysteria that caused so much economic havoc the world is now unable to come to grips with.  Not to mention and the blatantly unconstitutional mandates surrounding this blatantly false pandemic here in America.

Recently it was reported math scores are plummeting in American schools, and guess what.  The head of the teacher's union, Randi Weingarten, blames the pandemic. Amazing, wasn't she in the forefront trying to prevent a return to class room education because of the false hysteria surrounding covid? 

The world's economy has taken a hit, a serious hit, because the world's governments decided to shut down the world over this false pandemic. Another example of how the world is being led by knaves, charlatans, and fools. 

I was an exterminator for 40 years and I'm also an autodidact, who has written science articles defending my industry and the use of pesticides, and in fact, on every junk science issue that's come down the pike.  I also had a number of scientist allies with whom I shared information, including co-authoring articles with my now passed friend, Dr. Jay Lehr, one of the founders of EPA.

One of the values of being an autodidact is you learn how to think, not what to think, and I knew from the beginning all these insane claims about the horrors of covid was either nonsense, outright lies or computer modeling, and said so publishing information to prove it.

I've been accused of being unkind, and from the perspective of some, that's probably true.  However, as one of my readers recently said to his wife:  "You know, Rich has been right on everything".   The search for truth must be about the mission, not the person, and that means following the facts wherever they may lead.  Then, you have truth, and truth isn't unkind, it's just the truth, and if stating that truth defines me as being as abrasive as a sandblaster; I accept. 

Not all, but many of those scientists "friends" I worked with to overcome all the junk science that is spewed out like lava out of a volcano, turned on me. They all.... each and every one of them.... turned out to be wrong, and the bug man was right. Imagine that!   Why is that important?  The question everyone should be asking is this: If the bug man knew this, how could all these highly educated people not know it?

For all that's happened to nations following the insane covid mandates, none of which worked, was insanity.  These people are at the center of the information world, and there was more than enough information, right from the very beginning, to know shut downs, masks, and social distancing didn't work. As for these vaccinations, they turned out not to be vaccinations at all, but gene altering chemical compounds that will be our thalidomide era, only it will be far more devastating, with decades of negative health consequences to come.

These nations are suffering the consequences of their own folly, being led by socialist political hacks as their leaders, and now Europe is an unstoppable spiral to it's economic doom, and truthfully, because of the EU's immigration policies they're facing suicidal social destruction. All as a direct result of the actions of fools, knaves, and charlatans. A worldwide kakistocracy.

For this to have happened in Europe isn't all that shocking for those who read history books, but to have happened in America is mind boggling. Mandates, censorship, persecution, and prosecution of those who dared speak out. Abject and unconstitutional imposed tyranny in America, and the media, academia, industry and the political element went right along defending it. Here, in America!!!!!

We're coming to the end of a historical cycle, to which all those who write about these things agree. And all end cycles end in massive economic downturns and violence, and it's clear that's where we're heading, and I'm not optimistic. 


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