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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, October 9, 2023

Israel is at War!

Definition leads to clarity.  Clarity leads to understanding.  Understanding leads to good decision making.  Good decision making leads to harmony.   

By Rich Kozlovich
Editor's Note: Here is the link to all I've published about this horror:
Let's start out with this definition of Islam.  Islam isn't a religion.  It's a political criminal movement masquerading as a religion, and has the same foundational moral values as the left; hate, greed, envy, lust, and violence, and we have 1400 years of incontestable history to substantiate that. 
Let's take the next step and ask who really is responsible for so much of this Islamic violence?  Jimmy Carter!  Iran under the Shah was a very real American ally, and Carter refused to support him against these very same radical monsters who at that time were under Ruhollah Khomeini.  When he took control of Iran, that vile man and his cohorts spread their violent bile throughout the Middle East, and beyond. 
And we're seeing that play out right now in front of our eyes with this latest attack on Israel by Iran backed Hamas, the group that controls the Gaza Strip.   In short, this can only be properly defined as a declaration of war by the Gaza Strip on the nation of Israel.   
Now, this isn't a war with armies facing each other in uniform and attacking military targets.  It's murder, rape and violence against an unarmed civilian population, and done so in a surprise attack, starting with 2,500 rockets and even invaded with paragliders, and the atrocities abound killing over 700  and wounding thousands of innocent civilians, (that number will climb substantially over the next few days) kidnapping others, including Americans, even taking them over the border to Gaza, presumably to use as hostages for trade, and if they're women, they will be raped.  One young woman was paraded around naked, and we shouldn't doubt raped before she was murdered and the Israeli Muslims danced and one young man spit on her corpse. 
Riots are being reported in Northern Israel as local Israeli Arabs start to attack infrastructure with unconfirmed reports that they are attacking Israeli civilians and setting fires. Areas with mixed populations are becoming increasingly tense. Of course they are. Islam is Islam. It’s in the Quran.
  • Hamas kidnapping Israeli citizens: 'Babies being taken by terrorists' Israelis react to 'shocking' surprise attack  - "we are facing horror scenes. Innocent Israelis are murdered, babies, children and elders were kidnapped. People are still hiding in bushes and in their shelters in their houses.......... 
  • So Much For “Peace Posted on by John Hinderaker in Arab Israel conflict, Islam, Middle East  The Palestinians who invaded Israel have focused on kidnapping civilians, mostly young women. This was facilitated by the fact that there was a “rave for peace” going on near Gaza that many young people attended. The Palestinians no doubt knew this, and planned to attack the event. They took a number of young women captive there....
  • Doing Iran’s Bidding Who is behind the Palestinians’ attack on Israel? Iran, for one. The London Times minces no words: The British government believes that Iran is linked to the Hamas attack on Israel and that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is likely to have played a role in training and the supply of weapons (Dipesh Gadher writes). A Whitehall source said: “The Revolutionary Guards have their fingerprints all over this multifaceted...................Where would Iran get the money to finance the Palestinians’ war? Oh, that’s right. We just gave them $6 billion.............Report: Hamas Drones Used in Surprise Attack Bear ‘Iranian Fingerprints’
  • Taliban seeks to help Hamas destroy Israel with Biden's $80 billion in U.S. weapons  The last time the US gave stacks of money to Iran, during the Obama years, Iran launched a massive military build-up.As The Gateway Pundit previously reported – Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US weapons, armed vehicles, helicopters, ammunition, and piles of cash.  Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the country, Joe Biden surrendered nearly $85 billion worth of US military equipment to the Taliban..........The Taliban posted videos of pallets of weapons and stacks of $100 bills they have seized................... Taliban asks for 'right of passage' to Gaza to fight Israel: report
  •  Bidenites gaslight about where that $6 billion to Iran went -- and get debunked handily October 8, 2023 So Iran hasn't gotten its $6 billion yet from Joe Biden? Not a problem...and a former official explains why.............
  •  Joe Biden's $6-billion war on Israel October 8, 2023 Iran funds proxies who launch vicious attacks on the Jewish State. And who funds Iran? We do, through our government......
  • This is Israel’s 9/11, One side is civilization – the other is barbarism.  For decades, America and other Western nations have poured extraordinary sums of cash into that tiny area in the utterly misbegotten expectation that the savages who live there, if handed enough money, will choose to civilize themselves........Islam, even at its best, is nothing to write home about. It’s a violence-obsessed ideology, masquerading as a peaceful religion, that preaches the conquest and murder of infidels.

My first thought was at the first sign of Israeli retaliation we're going to see the same old horsepucky about it's the Jews fault, start negotiations, proportionality, and of course an immediate cease fire, because if Israel defends itself that merely re-enforces the cycle of violence.  And we've already seen some of that insane clabber already.  It's mind boggling. 

  • Vile: MSNBC Blames Israel–Sez Made People Vote for Hamas - During MSNBC’s coverage of the Hamas attack on Israel on Saturday, MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin argued that the attacks on Israel are due to “people who have been living in Gaza,” being “blockaded, besieged, decimated economically and politically” and host Ali Velshi stated that Israel’s behavior is “why they voted for Hamas in the first place.”
  • The ‘Squad’ Responds to the Palestinian Murder Spree in the Most Morally Bankrupt War - Hundreds are dead, thousands are injured, and dozens have been kidnapped after Palestinian terrorists invaded Israel overnight. Horrifying scenes played out, with women and children being tortured and murdered in the streets..............It wasn't long before those in the group who did speak settled on a narrative. Namely, they want an "immediate ceasefire."
  • IDF Spokesperson Predicts the World's Response as Israel Begins to Strike Back - Then, Israel will account for all civilians and soldiers, close the border and prevent future attacks, and finally, strike Hamas' military targets, which is ongoing.  That’s usually the stage when the world starts to count Palestinian deaths and lecture us about humanity and the use of force,” he said. “Let me remind everybody how this started: It started with the butchering and the cold-blooded execution of Israeli civilians by Hamas—unprovoked…” 
  • Tweet Delete Shame! Biden Admin Backtracks on Telling Israel Not to Fight Back…GOP Rep. Rips: Shows They Don’t Back Jewish State - During an interview with Newsmax on Saturday, Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) reacted to a since-deleted post from the U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs where it reacted to the attack on Israel by Hamas by stating that it condemned the Hamas attack and urged “all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks” by stating that the post “tells me that the administration is not standing up for Israel.”  Tenney stated, “It was egregious for the administration to look as if this was both sides. This is a clear attack from Hamas, sponsored by Iran, against our greatest ally.............“That tells me that the administration is not standing up for Israel. Their initial response was to condemn both sides, instead of condemning the aggressor here, and not standing up for our democratic, best ally, really shameful on the [part of the] Biden administration. …
  •  Is This the Worst Media Take on the Hamas-Israel War? - Hamas attacked Israel in a coordinated attack whose sophistication was not lost on observers. It was an assault out of the ordinary for this group, with rocket attacks followed by an air, sea, and land attack by its terrorist operatives. Hamas used paragliders to enter Israeli territory.........And yet, the liberal media reaction to Hamas’ terrorist attack that sparked a new war is as expected—they blame Israel or insinuate that they had it coming. The New York Times, CNN, and MSNBC were all had their ‘those poor Palestinian terrorists’ talking points.  
  • CAIR, SJP, American Muslim Groups Back Palestinians After Terror Attack - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and a variety of other Muslim and pro-Palestinian groups in the United States failed to condemn the Hamas terror attack on Israel on Saturday, and instead offered their support...........

Now Do You Understand Why Jews Are Paranoid? This pattern of shifting the blame and responsibility to Israel has been going on forever. James Baker, Henry Kissinger, along with the Israeli government with it's leftist leanings, and every Jew in the western world, including America needs to ask themselves: Can this happen here?  You bet it can with our open borders and the influence of so many Voices of Tehran, and outright anti-Israel forces, including Obama, Biden, their anti-Semitic groups who infest Washington.  

 All the good Trump did with his Abraham Accords has been wasted by Biden and his corrupt administration, putting all this into play, and while world leaders condemn this ‘despicable’ attack by Hamas, what do they plan to do about it? Nothing!  But Israel is going after these savages, and make no mistake, Israel must destroy the jihadist terrorists once for all

Israel needs to take the Gaza Strip back, totally take over the West Bank and kick out every Muslim living in Israel. When the Spaniards finally defeated the Muslims the first people they kicked out were the Jews, who were very assimilated Jews, but left the Muslims stay as they felt they could work with the Muslims. After all those centuries how could they be so stupid? They finally had to kick out the Muslims.

Any Muslim living in Israel isn't an Israeli, whether they're citizens or not.. That's true everywhere in the world where they reside in a non-Islamic nation, and it's long overdue for the civilized world to recognize that, ignore the over educated and under smart elitists, and realize the 1400 years of hate, greed, envy, lust and violent history of Islam wasn't an accident

And when the UN whines, cries, and threatens, Netanyahu needs to tell them to shove it, and if it's proven that the weapons came from Iran, "expect Israel to use the attack as a reason to eventually unleash their forces to neutralize the nuclear capability of Iran. Netanyahu has already said that “we are at war.” There is concern that the number of rockets used by Hamas may have depleted Israel’s Patriot missile defense capabilities. That may delay any expanded conflict, but there is still danger that the middle east may yet explode into a bigger war."

Finally, I have wondered for years why it is American Jews remain unrepentant supporter of these far left misfits they call Democrats.  This is the party that's supported all the anti-semitism on America's college campuses, and funds these Muslim fanatics to the tune of billions of dollars.  A lot of the responsibility for this disaster falls directly on Joe Biden, and yet there's no backlash from Jews.  

It is a puzzle!

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