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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, October 2, 2023

America in Crisis: Diversity, Division, and Disintegration

By Rich Kozlovich 

The first all news site I visit everyday for my searches is American Thinker, which invariably is a totally reader friendly site, which I like.  Everyday they present excellent commentaries, occasionally, some not so excellent, and unlike so many other sites, their reader comments are usually more insightful and more intelligent than most others.  AT has it's idiots and trolls who comment just like all others by not nearly as much because those who regularly comment are clearly smarter than the misfits.

Today's offerings were almost totally devoted to how the left is doing everything in it's power to destroy America.   The title of this piece is based on Peter J. Sandys' piece of the same title, Diversity, Division, Disintegration, where he starts with this question:

What is wrong with the U.S.? What is wrong with the Western world? Indeed, they are coming apart. The terms “racist,” “racism,” and “hate” are now commonplace charges and allegations in political discourse and the sphere of public opinion where whites are called to ceremonially denounce the “white privilege” into which they were born.......Is there no limit to the racial, religious, ideological, political, social, cultural, and ethnic diversity America can accommodate before it splinters into its parts?..........

America was no longer America, and everyone had noticed; Britain was no longer Britain, and everybody had observed it. France was no more France, and all had recognized it; Germany was no more Germany, and people had realized it. Europe was no longer Europe, and everyone had seen it.  Of course, they despised you for noticing. The powerful, the establishment, the do-gooders, the journalists, the politicians, the academics, the sociologists, the elite universities, and the religious authorities told you that it was all a delusion, that it was all wrong, that you were all bad. But in time, you understood that they did the deluding; they got it all wrong and harmed you.

America is on the verge of becoming a non-sovereign nation to accommodate the leftist drives to destroy the American identity, the American culture, the American economy and the Constitution, and they do it by creating "crises", which P.F. Kelly, Jr. explains in his article, Almost Like Metaphysics: Democrats Use Issues to Push for Total Control, saying:

The Democrats are playing a game of hide-and-seek with voters. The party hides what they are up to, and voters do very little seeking. The game revolves around the philosophical mystery at the core of the party.  Who are the Democrats? What do they believe? Democrat leaders, especially the older ones, still speak the language of caring, but their policies say otherwise. They are no longer the party of the New Deal..... they are the party of the international managerial elite.......Two current issues provide insight into the philosophical foundation of Democrats today: transgenderism and climate change..........Transgenderism and climate change are problematic issues. Men cannot become women and women cannot become men. Gender is not a social construct, but a physical reality. No matter how often you assert the opposite, it will not become true.

Likewise climate change. “Everyone” knows that man-made climate change is destroying the planet. The “entire” scientific community is united in agreement. Both of these statements are false, but they are never debated. The science upon which climate catastrophe assertions are based is not settled. Just ask Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. John Clauser, who was recently cancelled for undermining the supposed monolithic climate orthodoxy.  Why are these two issues, each with a questionable foundation in reality, at the forefront of Democrat activism?............The WEF and the leftist Democrat elite here want to duplicate across the globe the CCP’s total control of the people..........The international managerial elite does not want any limit on their ability to reshape the world...........What is at the core of the radical Democrat party of today? Nothing. The Democrat party of today has no soul, and no interest in your soul, and voters need to wake up to this new reality....

Expanding on that J.B. Shurk posted this article, The New Rules for Radicals saying:

It is a reflection of these volatile times that the Supreme Court's First Amendment ruling Brandenburg v. Ohio echoes in the back of my mind whenever I sit down to write.  In that case, the Court defended inflammatory speech from government punishment unless it is "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action."  How the government defines "lawless action," though, is quickly changing.  Just being a concerned parent opposed to a school board's sexualized curriculum can make an otherwise law-abiding American a potential "domestic terrorist" in the eyes of the FBI.......

Congress engages in Soviet show trials devoid of due process or exculpatory defense but rife with unsupported accusation and criminal innuendo.  The Department of (in)Justice and the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation maliciously prosecute Americans for merely opposing government policies. As part of the expanding system of two-tiered"justice," leftist violence is regularly defended as "free speech," while speech articulated against leftism is illogically denounced as "violence."  ............The "War on Free Speech" is raids, mass surveillance, financial coercion, ideological targeting, the designation of law-abiding citizens as "domestic terrorists," and thinly veiled threats to use military hardware to quell potential public unrest.  

If there ever was evidence of all these writers are saying, we need only to just look at the Deep State and judicial corruption involving the Jan. 6 defendants!   Eileen F. Toplansky points out: 

Of all the evil that Biden has perpetrated, none is so vile as the imprisonment of Americans known as the J6 defendants.  Daily, they suffer cruel and unusual punishment; they are incarcerated in solitary confinement, their medical needs are ignored, and they do not have proper legal defense.  The term "American Gulag" aptly describes their ongoing plight. 

The Epoch Times video titled "The Real Story of January 6 "reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people.  While a narrative has been set that what took place that day was an insurrection, key events and witnesses have been ignored until now.  The documentary takes an unvarnished look at police use of force and the deaths that resulted in some measure from it."

Robert Spencer asserts that "it is by now abundantly clear that the Jan 6 "insurrection" was not the work of Trump supporters, but of Leftist plants in the crowd at the Capitol[.]  Any lingering doubt about this has now been put definitively to rest by the revelation that those who ran the House Jan. 6 Committee show trial did not preserve mountains of evidence that apparently disproved the left's official narrative about what happened on that fateful day.  Like the Stalinists they are, it looks as if they framed their enemies and then destroyed the evidence of their own crime."

And it's the intention of these elites to see this kind of treasonous insanity continues.  It's clear Joe Biden won't be their candidate, so they need another Manchurian candidate president, and they're offering up Michelle Obama, only I've not seen where she thinks this is a good idea.   Her history is replete with a lack of accomplishment and high living, not hard work or dedication to anything except her own self interests.  Her family's history is also replete with self interest, but it is testimony to why they want her as a replacement for Joe Biden.  She has the same qualities and character of Joe Biden.  And just as anti-American as Joe, maybe even as anti-America of America's first Manchurian candidate,  her husband. 
Over at Kurt Schlichter  asks, "How Can We Keep Living With These Damn Commies?", and he's concluding the nation is heading to crossroad, with these choices.  A national divorce, or:
"We need people who are not afraid to be “mean” – people who will lock up criminals, deport all illegal aliens, fire government flunkies, cut commie college conformity factories off without a dime, and tell the corporations, “You better choose whether you want us as friends or enemies, and I’ll know you made the wise choice when I see you ending your DEI crap and your donations to our enemies.”

I prefer the second solution. 

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