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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, May 1, 2023

You’re not imagining it: neo-paganism is on the rise in America

America’s political scene is dismal, but what’s most disturbing is the cultural scene and the speed with which it is changing. America was once a country that looked to the Bible for its values. Now, and with ever-increasing speed, it’s returning to paganism. That’s something that should terrify us because, contrary to the leftist vision of paganism as a non-judgmental time of love and flowers, the pagan world was judgmental, random, and remarkably cruel.

The Bible introduced ethical monotheism. Before the Bible, religion in every society revolved around animist gods tied to the earth. Pre-modern people created a pantheon of gods they believed were responsible for the mysteries surrounding them—crops, harvests, rain, storms, volcanoes, etc.

Because the natural phenomena people experienced were capricious, the gods were, too. Read the mythology from any pre-Biblical society, and you find gods that are immature, selfish, narcissistic, and vindictive. One did not placate these amoral gods with moral behavior; one placated them with sacrifices. These ranged from simple food offerings to live animal sacrifices to brutal human sacrifices. Their capriciousness made fixed rules of justice and morality impossible.............To Read More.....

Even Christian summer camps have embraced gender madness - By Andrea Widburg April 29, 2023 - When leftists use the phrase “safe space,” they mean a place where they won’t be forced to hear challenging ideas. When I use the phrase “safe space,” I mean a place in which parents need not worry that their children will be exposed to so-called “gender identity” theory or that their prepubescent daughter will be sleeping in the same cabin as an 18-year-old man who “identifies” as a girl. Once, Church-run camps were that kind of safe space, but one family’s experience shows that you can no longer assume that’s true. One of my favorite sites is Not the Bee, a real-news page for America’s most brilliant satire site, The Babylon Bee. Usually, the site has short news stories, tweets, or videos highlighting wacky leftism and good-guy regular Americans. Yesterday, though, there was something different: A detailed post about the author’s shocked dismay to learn that the wholesome church-affiliated summer camp he and his wife thought would be great for their 8-year-old daughter’s sleep-away camp experience was, in fact, a haven for so-called “gender identity.”..........
 Shocker! More than half of Christians don't believe Jesus lived a sinless life By Joseph Farah April 27, 2023 = Farah laments the decline in faith, abandonment of a biblical worldview, Well, now I've heard everything. More than half of born-again Christians don't believe Jesus lived a sinless life. That is what the respected George Barna survey tells us. >Many people want to blame this sorry state all on COVID-19, when 15 million people stopped attending church in America. The prohibition was all meant to "stop the spread" for a little while, but for Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden, the "little while" became years.............

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