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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, May 5, 2023

What's the World's Temperature Supposed to Be?

By Rich Kozlovich

I find it disheartening at the social disintegration we're seeing taking place in America, and I have serious concerns all this may be unfixable.  No matter what leftist narrative the media may spew out, or leftist insanity that's their thought of the moment, there's always reality.  Reality, like truth, can be ignored, it can be twisted, it can be vilified, it can be fought against, but it can't be changed.  Reality, truth and time are on the same side.  And time eventually brings humanity to an inevitability factor, where reality reaches it's apex. 

No matter how many times they tout the idea we can alter our climate decades out, I think it well to remember we can't control natural phenomena like El NiƱo, which we know about and witness on a recurring basis.  If that's so, and it is, why would we think they can control events that have not taken place, have no idea if they can or will take place, and speculate over potentials history simply does not support?  

They ignore things they know because they're inconvenient, and they make up the things they don't know. 

I keep coming back to this.  What's the Earth's temperature supposed to be?  They have no answer.  A thousand years ago during the Medieval Warming Period it was substantially warmer than it is now, as it was eight hundred years before that during the Roman Warming Period.  So then, here's the question we really need to ask.  During those much warmer periods did any of the disasters they're predicting for today occur then?  

There's absolutely nothing in the historical record to show those much warmer periods didn't cause any of their predicted disasters, and in point of fact, humanity prospered during those times.  If that's so, and it is, if the planet was going through a warming cycle, why shouldn't we expect to prosper now as well?  That's history, and that history is incontestable. That's the reality we need to accept. 

Here's another reality we're most likely going to have to accept.  I believe there is a good possibility we're heading into another "solar minimum". 

Senator John Kennedy (R-La.), grilled the Under Deputy Energy Secretary David Turk about the cost of green energy reforms, and the cost of being carbon neutral, which he hedged on over and over again.   While others have claimed it will cost the United States taxpayers 50 trillion dollars to become carbon neutral by 2050 Senator Kennedy asked, over and over again, if we spend that money how much will it have reduced the world's temperatures by 2050.  Turk hedged on that answer over and over again, until the Senator started bluntly and clearly: 

'You Don't Know, Do You? You Don't Know, Do You?

Yet, according to these leftist misfits we "have" to save the world from catastrophic climate change, and in order to do that we must destroy our economy with suicidal ESG investments, destroy our ability to feed ourselves, and abandon any rational concept of energy production, eat bugs, and accept serfdom.   All of these leftist schemes are actually one scheme.  Destroy America by attacking the fundamental values that made America great.  

So much blood has been spilled, so much pain has been endured, so much has been lost, and now in the end, there may be so little to show for it for our children and grandchildren.  We're losing everything, and so many have been made to believe all this leftist insanity is right and necessary.  Whether it's environmental scaremongering, pandemic scare mongering, or social and economic destruction, the nation, and the world, are walking straight into the dystopic leftist future being planned and imposed on humanity by a tyrannical and corrupt elite.  However, we have to understand this one all important fact. 

It can only happen if America no longer exists.  

That's the reality everyone needs to grasp, and that reality is a religious battle, a battle of faith.  The battle against leftist faith! And what's leftist faith? "The Lord our God is one God", and the state will be that God, and everyone will bend the knee, or else.  That's leftism.  An evil religious movement that's an irrational, misanthropic, morally defective neo-pagan secular atheistic religious movement that in no way can abide things that are decent, pure and good.   Starting with the French Revolution we have 235 years of history to substantiate that statement, and that history is incontestable. 

Make no mistake, global warming, or now referred to as climate change since the world's CO2 levels are skyrocketing and climate isn't warming, is a 'leftist faith based initiative', and ranks at the top of all the scientific corruption and fraud ever perpetrated on humanity in all of human history.  

So, back to developing the intellectual response for hy the ravings of the left are wrong.  Let's start with this fundamental truth.  Leftism is evil.  After we accept that everything else falls into place. 

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