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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Now I Know What's Wrong With Sweden!

By Rich Kozlovich, Tags:

On June 20, 2013 I wrote an article entitled, What is it With the Swedes?  Then on November 2017 I wrote, What is it With the Swedes? Part II, and over the years I've linked a number of articles showing  is in deep trouble.  But why?  It wasn't that many years ago Sweden was almost crime free.  Murders rarely happened and bombings never happened.  What changed? 

Well, now I know the real underlying source of Sweden's problems.

On October 1, 2019 one of my favorite writers, Monica Showalter, posted the article, Greta Thunberg is Christ's successor, Church of Sweden proclaims, saying:
By there's anything out there that explains why the Church of Sweden boasts the lowest church attendance in all Europe, against some tough continental competition, it's because of claptrap like this, as the Washington Examiner reports:
The Church of Sweden declared teen star climate activist Greta Thunberg to be an appointed successor to Jesus Christ in a 2018 tweet that resurfaced in the wake of her speech before the United Nations.
"Announcement! Jesus of Nazareth has now appointed one of his successors, Greta Thunberg," the tweet said on Dec. 1, 2018. The account, operated by the Limhamns Church, had previously tweeted several sentiments of climate activism.
St. Greta isn't a saint appointed by Christ to lead the world anywhere, let alone to the dystopia adopting Global Warming initiatives would create. 

She's a 16 year old snot nosed spoiled brat with lunatic parents who have allowed this silly child to be used, and like all 16 year olds, she's clueless, and shooting off her mouth about things she's doesn't understand.  Just another Hitler Youth, without the Nazi's this time.

But Greta isn't the real story here.  The real story is the Church of Sweden. 

Now I understand how the government, along with so many Swedes, have bought into the multiculturalism leftist scheme that's destroying their society!   The Church of Sweden is now apostate, and has probably been so for many decades, it just took a while before they were able to completely infect Swedish society with their heresy.  And of course, once that happened Swedes looked around and said, "Who needs you?", and left the church.  

Muslim immigrants are murdering, raping, robbing and abusing Swedes to such a degree it's now unsafe for young women to go into urban centers worrying whether or not they'll be assaulted and worse.  And Sweden's leadership not only tolerates it, they whitewash it.

And why has the leadership and Swedish society tolerated this? 

Because the solid moral foundation of Judaic/Christian values that made Sweden a great place to live not that many years ago have been abandoned by the institution that's supposed to be the moral touchstone for their society.  The Church of Sweden, and the rest of the mainstream "Christian" churches infesting Sweden.
2 Timothy 3-5. "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry."
The Church has abandoned its mission to "keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry."

Is it any wonder Sweden is being destroyed?  They're being led by heretics and apostates who've abandoned Christianity for leftist dogma, leaving Swedes with a moral foundation of quicksand.  Is it any wonder Swedes are being devoured by wolves?


  1. I’ m a swede and you have made perfect analyses of the whole situation. I prefer to say that ppl over here literally have sold their souls to satan himself. If we don’ t vote for sane leaders in next election we will lose our country, we will find ourselves in an open war. Two nights ago a Swedish man who tried to prevent a robbery in a hotel-restaurant was killed with a machete-knife. Jihad is here already and it is difficult not to hate our polical leaders and the Satanic Authorities which protect the killers and rapists and leave the victims bleedng both bodily and spiritually. It is tragic to lose your country, it is a nightmare...
    God bless you, Sir, telling the world the truth.

    1. Ingrid,

      Thanks for your interest and comment. Best wishes to you and your fellow Swedes. Sweden's leaders have imposed a heavy load on your people.

      Rich K.
