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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Maduro’s Support from China, Russia Collapsing

Monday, 04 March 2019 B

Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro sent his vice president, Delcy Rodriguez, to Moscow last week to see if she could arrange some more financing for Maduro’s failing and cash-starved Marxist regime. She came away with warm words but no cash. Russian president Putin was just too busy to see her and handed her off to Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who told her: “We think the best way to help the Venezuelans is to expand practical, pragmatic, and mutual advantageous cooperation.”Translation: Since you have nothing to bargain with, and since we’re greatly concerned about the return of the $17 billion that we spent propping up your regime, we’re not going to throw good Russian roubles after bad. Have a nice day.

In case that wasn’t clear enough, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “We hope our Venezuelan partners sort out as soon as possible the difficulties, both domestic political and, of course, economic, difficulties, that are currently taking place in the country.”

My Take - Some time back the media started blubbering about how we better do something about Venezuela since China and Russia were wanting to use them to get their foot in the Western civilization door.  The nose under the camel scenario.  I said then I hoped they would since Venezuela is an open sewer literally and financially, that no amount of money would fix it as long as these corrupt rulers remained, and the more they pumped into Venezuela the faster they would collapse. Apparently Russia and China agree, because here we are - they're going home with whatever marbles they have left and make no mistake about this.  The agreements they made with Maduro's government are not going to he honored.  The new government that comes in will renege and there's not one thing either Russia or China can do about it.   

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