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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, March 7, 2019

China’s Super Rich Exiting as Economy Fades

By  Tuesday, 05 March 2019

A popular online meme perfectly expresses where China’s economy is headed: “The year 2019 may be the worst year in this decade, but it will be the best year in the next decade.”

China’s economy is decelerating so rapidly that the super-rich are getting out while the getting is good. One of them is Chen Tianyong, a real estate developer in Shanghai, who posted this on the Internet:
“China’s economy is like a giant ship heading to the precipice. Without fundamental changes, it’s inevitable that the ship will be wrecked and the passengers will die. My friends, if you can leave, please make arrangements as early as possible.”
As the New York Times noted, “It is unclear how many saw the article before it disappeared from China’s heavily-censored internet,” but some no doubt are doing what Tianyong did. He moved to the island of Malta.

In his speech that opened the annual session of China’s rubber-stamp parliament on Tuesday, China’s Number Two communist, Li Kegiang, was surprisingly forthright: “In pursuing development this year we will face a graver and more complicated environment as well as risks and challenges … that are greater in number and size. We must be fully prepared for a tough struggle.”.........To Read More...

My Take - I hope there are readers out there who remember my predictions regarding China's ability to sustain any embargo or trade sanctions.  Russia's just as bad.  Why is that so hard to get. 

Everyone spouts about how big that market is, but I keep asking the same question.  If their market is so big and great  - why can't they develop it? Why do they need maximum exports to survive?  Once again.  Eventually all the national debt being accumulated by the world's nations are going to cause a major international economic crisis and there's only one nation on Earth that will survive it.  They United States. 

We're going to take a major economic hit, but we're the only nation on Earth that can feed itself, arm itself, defend itself and fuel itself without any help or support from anyone else.  Furthermore, we have our own developed market that will sustain us during the disaster, and very soon we're going to start seeing companies moving back to America because the rest of the world is going to be unhinged. 

As for China - the natural social paradigm for china is warlord dominated regions, and that's what they're going to revert to, and so will Europe.  As for Russia, they'll be so reduced we'll be seeing areas breaking away from Moscow and they'll not be able to do anything about it.

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