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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, February 4, 2019

P&D Today

By Rich Kozlovich

Over the years so much has been published to show climate change is a naturally occurring cycle, and the current claims of disaster have no basis in reality.  Both the Roman Warming Period and the Medieval Warming Period were substantially warmer than it is today and none of the disasters they're predicting for today occurred then.  Should we believe they'll occur today then? No!

Scientific integrity has become an oxymoron as these leftist "scientists" sold their integrity long ago.  Whether it's glyphosate or global warming, they've sold their integrity.  But whatever reward they're expecting, ultimately history will condemn them for what they are.  Junk scientists. 

History hasn't been kind to Rachel Carson, and it won't be to them either.  

All this funk science is all about taxes, power and control.  We really need to get that.
 This issue deals with an old Stalinist spy who was defended by the left, until they confessed.  It appears they now hate him.  For his spying?  No, for his confession to spying.   The left is corrupt to the core.  We really need to get that also.  

Anthropogenic Climate Change is a Fraud
Media with Daniel Greenfield
Scientific Integrity

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