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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, January 22, 2017

George Will dumps on Trump’s inaugural speech

By James Longstreet

I know that you will brand me as a sub-intellect for disagreeing with you. It is your way. I held you in high regard. Was I an intellect then? You began your usually brilliant articles with snippets of history or historical quotes that immediately grounded your coming thoughts. Insightful and delightful. I enjoyed your affinity for baseball and relished your book Men at Work, one of the great baseball books ever written. But something went off the rails with you, George. Your flare-up with Bill O’Reily was really, for me, neither here nor there. Two egotists crossing swords is light comedy, really. But it was a watershed of sorts. You haven’t been the same. The flare-up was either coincidence or causal, but certainly a milestone. Why would you find fault with Trump’s inaugural speech? You reach for distant branches that substantiate your points, but as you do, you fall from the tree of logic...... Read more

My TakeA number of years ago I began to realize George Will had gotten strange because it was clear to me at least - he had become infected with the Washington ego know....big ego, small mind, stupid thoughts, and always stupid leftist thoughts.  The only difference now is - everyone else is thinking that also.  And it's about time!  If anyone ever believed Fox News was a conservative news site all they have to do is see that Geraldo, Will, and Krauthammer are still on there.  At least Will and Krauthammer don't talk over everyone else and spew out a lava flow of logical fallacies as does Geraldo.  Which makes them even more dangerous.  Geraldo always looks like a fool.  The other two are asps in the fruit bowl. 

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