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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Which of Two Dangerous Candidates Poses the Greater Risk?

Hillary Clinton poses a clear threat to constitutional freedoms, while Donald Trump endangers the nation with his self-absorbed recklessness. 
by Thomas Sowell
A year ago, in August 2015, this column called “The Donald” the Democrats’ Trump card. It is hard to imagine any other Republican candidate who could rescue a thoroughly discredited Hillary Clinton from a devastating defeat in this year’s election. Now 50 prominent Republicans with foreign-policy and national-security experience have taken the unprecedented step of publicly and collectively announcing that they cannot vote for Donald Trump because they believe that he would be “the most reckless president in American history.........With Hillary Clinton in the White House, there is no question whatever that she will nominate candidates for the Supreme Court who will destroy both the First Amendment right to free speech and the Second Amendment right to armed self-protection. And that will undoubtedly be just the beginning of the dismantling of the Constitution...........Why not vote for Donald Trump then, since he has no known agenda for undermining Constitutional freedoms? There are few things worse than being deprived of our basic Constitutional rights.............How did we get into the predicament where our choices for president are narrowed to a candidate who inspires distrust versus a candidate who inspires disgust — and where both are dangerous?...,,To Read More...


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