.....“It’s part of the Democrat playbook and quite frankly there are basically two issues that Democrats have used as long as I can remember to win elections,” Viguerie said. “They invariably bring these out particularly if they feel threatened, and that is they play the race card and they play the senior card, saying ‘oh the Republicans are going to throw grandpa out in the snow,’ so they’ve made a pretty good living over the decades by doing this.”.......“I don’t fault the Democrats so much on that as I do the Republicans because you know they’re gonna do that, they have done it for my 55 years in politics, but it’s the weak Republican response that allows them to do that,” he said. “Trump is speaking about race relations but in a way that is not always resonating. Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan are of course silent........“They get almost into a fetal position.....and they get their head handed to them”.........
Peterson said the city of Gary, Indiana, “was once a beautiful place to live, full of all sorts of businesses, people were working, crime was low, and as soon as the first black mayor took office all hell broke loose, blacks started attacking whites, and now even descent black people are afraid to walk the streets. Look at Detroit, Milwaukee, wherever black liberal Democrats have taken control they’ve gone to hell.”...........
Peterson said the city of Gary, Indiana, “was once a beautiful place to live, full of all sorts of businesses, people were working, crime was low, and as soon as the first black mayor took office all hell broke loose, blacks started attacking whites, and now even descent black people are afraid to walk the streets. Look at Detroit, Milwaukee, wherever black liberal Democrats have taken control they’ve gone to hell.”...........
Another prominent black American, Alveda King, said she has not endorsed Trump but does not believe he is a racist. She said he is speaking the hard truth about America’s inner cities.
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