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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Patriot Neighbors

“Republicans in Congress who are afraid of telling the truth about (Attorney General) Merrick Garland and his Gestapo-like tactics are either cowards, useful idiots, bribed, playing for the other team or blind, deaf and really dumb.”Wayne Allyn Root

By Robin Itzler 

From Robin's weekly newsletter Neighborhood Patriot.  E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.


Twila Le Page Hughes is 93-Years-Young

There is constant chatter about Joe Biden’s age, with many people from both sides of the aisle encouraging the aging Marxist NOT to run for re-election. Democrats and RINOs seek to make Biden’s obvious dementia synonymous with his age (he will be 81 in November) in hopes of connecting the age factor to Donald Trump who is just a few years younger.   That’s ridiculous! Whether you like or hate Biden’s Marxist policies, the issue is that he has dementia!    

Today, Americans are living longer, more vibrant, and active lives with many energetic people in their 90s mentally and physically fit. Forget a person’s age and focus on their mental acuity! 

Last week, I joined with several others for lunch at Long Beach’s Seaport Village to celebrate my friend Twila Le Page Hughes 93rd birthday. This woman is one of the most active ladies I know.

Twila has no time to be old!  This year, she stepped down after seven years as First Vice President and Program Chair for South Bay Republican Women Federated, where she has been active in Republican politics for many years. It was a time-consuming task securing speakers for the monthly meetings, and she needed to focus more on her husband’s health issues.

But with many new members joining her club and wanting to do more than attend monthly meetings to hear a speaker, Twila and another senior member have asked their club’s board of directors about forming an action committee to offer campaign training, teach how to register people at church and elsewhere, plan rallies and fundraisers, walk precincts and hold neighborhood meet and greets with local candidates.

Just a few months ago, Twila participated in several interviews to join one of her city’s many commissions and remains disappointed she wasn’t selected. Being an active Republican, in a Democrat city, might be the reason why.

Twila continues to give public speeches up and down California. She’s an author with her 2020 self-published book, “Why Your Vote Matters.” (That was her second book. In 2012, she self-published “Don’t Hit the Iceberg: Vote!”)

Now Twila is busy working on a podcast she will co-host with Julia Parmeter who lives in Oregon called “Let’s Talk America!” They plan to post on YouTube and possibly expand to radio.

At age 93, Twila is still going strong with so much more to give her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren along with the Republican community. A professional writer, her columns have appeared in various publications. The sprite 93-years-young Twila still drives on the freeways at night, takes long road trips, has sharp hearing, and wears glasses for distance only when driving. She ably walks without a cane or walker and her mental acuity is better than many people half her age.

Age is not the issue, it’s a person’s mental and physical ability! Joe Biden will be 81 years old in November and seems much older in how he looks, speaks, and acts. Whether he’s squinting at a teleprompter or reading off note cards, Biden’s dementia-laced comments and actions have become almost daily events.

Let’s not focus solely on age although it should be part of the conversation. Most likely you know someone like Twila – in their 90s and mentally and physically fit. Keep Twila in mind anytime a biased columnist or TV host discusses Joe Biden’s dementia and tries to align it with Biden’s age.

Twila shared that a 65-year-old member of her Republican Women’s club recently told her, “I want to be like you when I grow up.”

To contact Twila about ordering “Why Your Vote Matters” 


In a September 21 interview with the popular Swiss weekly, Die Weltwoche, Tucker Carlson touched on many issues, including Joe Biden’s mental acuity issues. Here is an excerpt; link below to the full interview.

 “...Joe Biden has dementia. He's not capable of speaking a complete sentence much less running the largest organization in human history, which is the US government. The whole premise is ridiculous, and now they're telling us? He's 80 years old. He can barely speak. He can barely walk. And he's going to run, again, for president of the United States while there's a war going on? The whole thing is so demented that we're moving to the point where they're not trying to convince anybody. They're just trying to suppress and arrest people who ask questions. They've arrested dozens of people, political opponents, not for committing crimes, but for opposing them in the past month. Dozens in the past month.”


Some comments about the Fox Business September 27 second “presidential” debate. We put it in quotes because this scenario has never happened before in our nation’s history: the 45th President might be running against the 46th President—kinda like two incumbents. Meanwhile, others in the out-of-power party are trying to win the nomination.

While the debate was taking place in California, Donald Trump was in Michigan speaking to striking and former UAW workers. Trump’s opening comment:

“I want to begin this evening by saluting these truly great Americans who do not get the credit they deserve. . . To the welders, assembly line workers, machine operators, forklift drivers, pipefitters, tool and dye makers, mechanics, electricians, technicians, and journeymen -- we love being with you. . . You built this country. You love this country. And you are the ones that make our country run.”

Other Trump comments:

“The only time Joe Biden has ever gotten his hands dirty is when he's taking cash from foreign countries.”

“You can be loyal to American labor, or you can be loyal to the environmental lunatics, but you can’t really be loyal to both – it’s one or the other.”

As to the debate, instead of Ron DeSantis attacking Joe Biden on inflation, Ron DeSantis went after Donald Trump.

Ron DeSantis during debate: “...Donald Trump is missing in action. He should be on this debate stage tonight.  (Applause) He owes it to you … (Applause) … to defend his record, where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt. That set the stage for the inflation that we have.”

Joe Biden and his handlers were so thrilled with DeSantis’ comment about Trump being the reason for today’s inflation, that they posted the clip on Biden’s Twitter/X account and added:  

“Couldn’t agree more.”

Some other media comments:

  • Whose Side is Fox on Anyway? - By Paula Bolyard - The Fox Business GOP presidential debate was a total trainwreck—and that’s putting it mildly. If you watched, you were treated to nearly two hours of left-wing talking points from the moderators, who not only had no control of the debate but ignored their own rules and allowed candidates to attack one another without the opportunity for rebuttal.
  • Biden Campaign is Now Using This Clip of DeSantis From GOP Debate - by Leah Barkoukis - President Biden shared a clip from the Republican debate at the Ronald Reagan library in California on Wednesday of Ron DeSantis casting blame for the inflation Americans of all stripes are experiencing. That’s because the Florida governor pointed a finger at former President Trump—a mistake conservatives say will be highlighted every time the White House is asked about the issue. 
  • Trump Played the Debates Perfectly—Without Him, They’re a Pointless Spectacle - by Brent D. Griffiths - In the end, GOP primary voters are poised to reject any replicas of Trump — half the stage dressed like him, after all — when the original   is right before them.


Texas Republican Representative Chip Roy wanted to stop taxpayers from having to pay for gay Pride events and drag queen shows in the military. Hmmm, maybe that’s why our armed forces has a recruiting problem.

Of course, EVERY Democrat voted to fund gay Pride and drag queen shows in the military with our tax dollars. Every. Democrat. No surprise there.

But the reason the amendment failed was because 18 REPUBLICANS voted with Democrats to keep gay Pride events and drag queen shows in the military. From Gary Bauer of American Values:

Here’s the main lesson: Progressive politicians are all in on this cultural insanity. They are owned lock, stock and barrel by the radical LGBTQ movement. There is nothing too insane, nothing too extreme that progressives won’t embrace.  

But it is also infuriating that 18 Republicans don’t have the spine to stand up against it. 

If these Republicans “represent” you, let them know how you feel about their “stewardship” of your hard-earned tax dollars.

If one of them represents you, please let them know your thoughts.

Ken Buck (CO), David Joyce (OH), Ken Calvert (CA), Thomas Kean (NJ), Lori Chavez-DeRemer (OR), Kevin Kiley (CA), John Curtis (UT),  Nick LaLota (NY),  Anthony D’Esposito (NY),  Michael Lawler (NY),  John Duarte (CA),  Nancy Mace (SC), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA), Marcus Molinaro (NY), Andrew Garbarino (NY), Jay Obernolte (CA), Tony Gonzales (TX), Michelle Steel (CA)

CONSUMER DEBT: Late fees might be reduced

US credit card debt reached $1 TRILLION for the first time ever. WalletHub estimates that a typical American household carries $10,000 in credit card debt.

As we have seen with Biden’s student debt “relief,” which rewards those who took loans they don’t want to pay back and penalizes those who are paying off their debt. For those who already did pay back their loans, the same might happen with credit card late fees. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) recently proposed a new rule that would result in a massive LOWERING of credit card late fees. Why? Because CFPB thinks of consumers who each month pay their credit card bills on time are “sophisticated” while those who repeatedly pay late are “naïve.”

Based on the late fees considered “reasonable and proportional,” most credit card companies charge $30 for your first late payment and $41 thereafter. However, if you are repeatedly tardy, late fees can increase.

CFPB is proposing a basic $8 late fee. Who do you think will take full advantage of a paltry $8 late fee on their credit card purchases?

VISA and MasterCard have 90 percent of the market with their cards offered through banks and other financial businesses. The rest are private businesses such as retailers and airlines with their own cards and programs. Should credit card companies no longer be able to access late fees (that encourages people to pay off their bills), the lost revenue will come from other areas. Two areas frequently mentioned that will hurt consumers who pay their credit card bills on time each month are:

  • Reduction in rewards programs
  • Reduced fraud detection

As with most everything the Biden administration touches, honest, law-abiding citizens would get the shaft.


We are inundated with supposed political experts analyzing candidates and presidential polls. Often times, these pundits count on Americans not remembering their previous bogus predictions. For instance:

  • In 2012, Dick Morris (who started his career as a Democrat but had switched to Republican) was frequently on Fox News predicting that Mitt Romney would handily win the presidential election.
  • In 2016, Democrat analyst Larry Sabato (“Sabato’s Crystal Ball) predicted that Hillary Clinton would win 352 electoral votes and be elected America’s first woman president. Clinton lost to Donald Trump and only received 227 electoral votes.

On the REPUBLICAN side, if you wonder why RINOs are repeatedly elected and then re-elected, consider that 39 states have OPEN PRIMARIES where voters who are unaffiliated can vote for the Republican nominee. That makes absolutely no sense. In California, only Republicans can vote in the Republican primary; however, the state has a “top two” primary system. That means whoever receives the top two votes (and it doesn’t matter their party affiliation) goes onto the general election.

On the DEMOCRAT side, Vice President Kamala Harris is a bigger liability than Joe Biden. According to RNC Research, just 31 percent of Americans have a favorable view of Harris — even lower than Biden. Oh, didn’t you know it has to do with Harris being a WOMAN OF COLOR! (What a crock!) South Carolina Democrat Representative Jim Clyburn, shared why on the September 25 Meet the Press:

Because when you compare the first woman of color and first woman to be vice president of the United States, and compare that to all of the history before, you will get that. I think that during this campaign, she will demonstrate, as she did in that hall last night, that she knows exactly what she's doing. She has the capacity and the capability to be president of the United States if called upon to do so.

With Democrats, the excuse is always related to someone being a victim!

For a perspective you won’t find on other news websites, read Rich Kozlovich’s article “America’s Cities are a Disaster, and Democrats Own it All”

LOS ANGELES: Will homeless be put into ritzy hotels?

If you live in the City of Los Angeles and like what is happening in New York City, where more than half the hotel rooms are now used for  homeless illegal aliens, you might support a Los Angeles initiative that will be on the March 2024 ballot.

Unite Here Local 11, a hotel workers’ union, originated the “Responsible Hotel Ordinance” ballot initiative that would require county hotels to report EACH AFTERNOON how many vacant rooms they have along with their daily rates. This would allow the Los Angeles Housing Department to give homeless people vouchers to use at the hotels, which would receive a “fair market rate” from the city. The hotels could not decline “guests” who show up with vouchers.

What could be more fun than a family vacationing in Los Angeles and finding that their overpriced hotel room is next to a room occupied by a mentally disturbed drunk or drug addict, compliments of taxpayers? Wouldn’t that be more fun than seeing Jaws on the Universal Studios tour?

If the initiative passes, people will book hotels outside of Los Angeles (the city, not the county). Goodbye Los Angeles hotel industry!

Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California, which opposes the initiative because it fails to address the actual causes of homelessness and will make the problem even worse.

“This ballot measure seeks to infringe on the property rights by forcing hotels to house clientele that will harm their business. We need to commit instead to provide shelter beds in properly managed facilities that require residents to follow clean, sane and sober rules and accept treatment.”

PLUS—Has anyone in Los Angeles government considered that they would be putting unprepared low-level hotel workers on the front lines of dealing with individuals who might be drug addicts, alcoholics, mentally unstable, and/or violent?

Some A-listers come to these swanky hotels following plastic surgery, Botox treatments, power lunches, massage therapies to get away from the public or to be interviewed by reporters. Surely the pretty people who live in mansions behind tall gates and have their own private security wouldn’t mind relaxing by the hotel pool with a few homeless folks.


Some recent events that make us wonder if the republic can be saved. 

This is a good news/bad news post regarding California. The good news is that the communist-run state is predicted to lose FIVE House seats based on the 2030 census. People are leaving, especially parents who don’t want their children indoctrinated with a communist manifesto while attending public schools. The bad news is those lost seats are predicted to be in Republican districts.

Panasonic is building a $4 BILLION electric vehicle battery factory in De Soto, Kansas to make the Biden administration happy and push people into EVs that many don’t want. The EV electric vehicle battery factory requires so much ENERGY that the state is delaying the closing of a coal plant just to make the sure EV facility has enough power to build EV batteries that would help to put coal out of business. (We had to check this out several times to make sure it was not a Babylon Bee story.) 


With our prayers and involvement, we must have hope of saving our republic. Let’s look at some recent wins that show the tide might be turning in the direction of Conservative Judeo-Christian values. However, we need Republican LEADERSHIP, which seems to be in short supply:

Texas is a red state, but there are bastions of deep blue areas such as San Antonio, Dallas, and Austin. That’s why it’s VERY encouraging that Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson announced on September 22 that he is leaving the (Marxist) Democrat party and switching to Republican. Johnson, who is black, wrote in his Wall Street Journal op-ed:

“...the future of America’s great urban centers depends on the willingness of the nation’s mayors to champion law and order and practice fiscal conservatism. ...Our cities desperately need the genuine commitment to these principles (as opposed to the inconsistent, poll-driven commitment of many Democrats) that has been a defining characteristic of the GOP. ...In other words, American cities need Republicans—and Republicans need American cities.”

As of this writing, 22 states have banned gender transitioning for minors (with some states allowing any child who has already started puberty blockers/hormone “therapy” to continue).

Gender clinics in states that still allow gender transitioning for minors are showing reluctance, now that they are being sued by the “trans” person who has reached adulthood and realizes he/she was NOT a trans, but someone in need of psychological medical help. From the Daily Mail:

Two such states, Missouri and North Dakota, have halted children’s prescriptions because medical providers are wary of harsh liability provisions in those same laws.  Under those laws, patients can sue for injury from the treatment until they turn 36, or even longer if the harm continues past then.


A growing number of ‘de-transitioners’ have come forward or launched legal action against doctors who they claim rushed them down the route of irreversible sex change care or didn’t challenge them enough.


Do you remember that in 2020 San Francisco joined with many other liberal cities to defund the police? Guess they’re now tired of the city’s growing crime wave with few officers available to do much about it. From the Daily Wire:


San Francisco, which announced support for defunding the police after the death of George Floyd, is now trying to recruit cops — from Texas… This month the city’s police department is visiting four Texas university campuses: Texas Southern University, Sam Houston State University, Prairie View A&M University, and Texas A&M University. The purpose is to recruit prospective cops.

BIDENOMICS: It’s doing great

Come on, man! Bidenomics is doing fantastic! LendingClub reports that             61 percent of adults are living paycheck to paycheck, up from last year’s 59 percent. If that doesn’t make you smile, consider that mortgage rates are now averaging 7.25 percent and rising, the highest rates since 2001. Fill your car with gas and that’s sure to make you want to shout, “I love Corn Pop!”

 Want more good news? The average real wealth of U.S. middle-class households has fallen more than $33,000 so far in 2023 – and the year isn’t over.

Things are so good thanks to Bidenomics that:

Airtable (technology) – Is saying goodbye to 27 percent of its workforce.

Barstool Sports (entertainment) – will say goodbye to about 25 percent of its workforce.

Centene (healthcare) – is slashing roughly 2,000 employees (3 percent of its workforce) as competition increases in providing government-subsidized healthcare plans under Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

CVS (retail) – will close 900 stores by the end of 2024, moving to digital. That’s 10 percent of all its brick-and-mortar stores. Crime is the major reason why, another round of applause for Joe Biden!

Farmers Insurance (insurance) – laid off 2,400 employees (11 percent of its workforce) in late August.

Snap (technology) – announced it will lay off about 170 employees in it AR Enterprise unit. (AR = augmented reality).

Target (retail) – due to the high cost of doing business where crime does pay, nine stores will close on October 21 in Portland, San Francisco, Oakland, Seattle, and New York City.

Anyone facing difficult economic times and can still support Joe “Big Guy” Biden, deserves their economic troubles.


Our weekly campaign continues where we email one leading print publication and one senator with a very simple message:

America is being invaded by illegal aliens! The Democrat-sanctioned open border is destroying the USA!


Share on your social media, email your family and friends. Let’s send thousands of email messages while we still have a country to save!

POLICE STATE: Documentary in theaters soon

From the website of Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary POLICE STATE. Link below to order your tickets as the film will only be shown in select theaters on October 23 or October 25. There might be nothing more frightening this Halloween than under-standing what is happening to our beloved constitutional republic.

Dinesh D’Souza:

“Police State is a movie that I never wanted to make, because I never wanted America to get to a point where a movie like this needed to be made. I feel like the animal that alerts the herd to approaching danger, so we can take precautionary steps before it’s too late.”

Dan Bongino:

“The police state isn’t coming, it’s already here. The signs are everywhere. And once you recognize then, your senses will be heightened to the danger we’re all in.”

Nick Searcy:

“The relentless persecution of political opponents by the party in power is a hallmark of totalitarian countries. In a police state, the only real crime is daring to question the State. America is now a police state.”

Patriot Neighbors would like to add one more quote:

Auschwitz survivor Primo Levi:

“It happened; therefore, it can happen again. It can happen anywhere.”

Thanks to Joe Biden, the national debt grew by $1 TRILLION in the last THREE MONTHS! This is unsustainable, but the important thing is that Joey gets to vacation about 40 percent of the time. 

To show solidarity with the striking auto workers in Michigan, Joe Biden spent about 12 MINUTES with them on the picket line. 12 minutes … Then he flew off to a fundraiser. The next day, Donald Trump gave an impassive speech to current and former UAW workers telling them that whatever gains they get in their contract negotiations will be gone in a few years because of Biden’s push for electric vehicles that will be manufactured in China and don’t work as well as combustible engines. Our guess is that the UAW leadership will endorse Biden (no surprise there), but the rank-and-file UAW workers will vote Republican.

Here are some other thoughts that will make you laugh, cry or say amen:

Joe Biden speech at the United Nations: When I taught at UPenn, I said the U.N. fulfilled my pal’s Ghandi’s promise that I heard him say at his bar mitzvah.

Kamala Harris says the Biden administration is committed to making sure that the coming nuclear Armageddon is equitable, diverse and affirming.

My favorite season is when all the mosquitoes are dead.

I visited a monastery and as I walked past the kitchen a man was frying chips. I asked, “Are you the friar?” He answered, “No, I’m the chip monk.”

Sadly, I do most of my proofreading after I hit sned.

Andy Rooney: “I don't think being a minority makes you a victim of anything except numbers. The only things I can think of that are truly discriminatory are things like the United Negro College Fund, Jet Magazine, Black Entertainment Television, and Miss Black America.

Why do doctors continually tell us to exercise to live longer lives? The rabbit is always jumping up and down but only lives about 2 years. The tortoise that doesn’t exercise at all can live to 400 years.

AOC: The world will end in 12 years due to climate change.  Al Gore: I’ve been saying that for 30 years.

Driver at a gas station: I call this old car an electric vehicle because every time I fill up the tank, I am in for a shock.

My wife says I keep pushing her buttons. If that was true, I would have found the mute button by now.

Grocho Marx: If you find it hard to laugh at yourself, I would be glad to do it for you.

Donald Trump – raised the bar, Kamala Harris – failed the bar, Alexandria Cortez – worked at a bar, Nancy Pelosi – lives at the bar, Joe Biden – can’t spell the word “bar”, and Hillary Clinton – should be behind bars


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