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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, October 1, 2023

P&D Geopolitics Edition

By Rich Kozlovich
DKosig/Getty Images (Editor's Note: This picture appeared in the weekly wrap up of the world's events by a subscription site (RANE/Stratfor) and I thought it fit the subject.  RK)
Once again, geopolitics has three components.  Geographics, demographics, and economics, but there's also a fourth component, the most elusive component of all, but in many ways the most important, the happiness quotient,  and the world isn't happy.  
What we're seeing everywhere can only be called "Arcs of Instability"!  Whether it's in the Middle East, the Caucasus, South East Asia, Central Asia, or Africa, the happiness quotient is almost non existent, and that lack of happiness is high and rising here in America.  

One thing I think needs to be made clear.  The world's workers are under attack by green misfits, technology, despotic tyrants, and globalists.  And guess what?  They're afraid. 
Trade imbalances are taking their toll, and the two central forces for economic world stability, the US and Europe are in trouble because for their insane spending, regulations, along with DEI initiatives that are both socially and economically destructive.   
Germany's economy and social problems are such it has the potential to drag down all of Europe.  As for South America, they're a mixed bag of far left insanity and those who recognize the consequences of that thinking, but South America entirely is a continent of instability, much like Africa.  One thing keeps coming to the fore.  They all seem to be indebted to either China or the IMF, both of whom will never be repaid since their all facing high levels of spending, high levels of central planning economically and socially, high levels of inflation, and massively high levels of corruption.


India has a lot of "inter-communal tension", and if there ever was a lesson in how disastrous all this diversity claptrap the left is pushing on the world really is, India is one of the best teachers.  But they understand if they can't maintain a good economy, it will all break out in violence.  But India is functionally a socialist economic central planning state, and now they're wanting to impose restrictions on the import/export economy in order to stimulate innovation and growth in India.  

The big problem with this is they're incapable of having a successful economy on their own, and just as the 1930 Smoot Hawley Tariff triggered a trade war, this will probably do the same, and India lacks what can only be called the five foundational pillars to withstand a trade war.  They have to be able to feed themselves, fuel themselves, arm themselves, defend themselves, and create their own internal market.  They don't have all five pillars.  

India is facing the consequences of bad weather, high inflation, and they have a food problem.  So, their answer?  They've going to continue to implement food export restriction, and is making demands on any food importers.  Before this India was a major world exporter of food stuffs, and now that they've started this protectionist policy, you can be sure the cost of food worldwide, with increase, substantially when you add the grain issues involving the Russo/Ukraine War.  

 Timeline of India's recent food export bans

As for energy, they're out in the cold, so all their "home made" manufacturing efforts are totally dependent on the good will of others, and now Russia has ended their discounted oil to India, Saudi Arabia will be their go to guy.  

Once again....and we're really shocked at this.....Right?  The Pakistan military is taking a more active role in politics, but they have serious economic issues and need to appease the IMF, and not doing it very well, and appeasing the IMF's "bailout requirements will sustain higher inflation, interest rates and taxes in the long run, giving rise to risks of social unrest."  And they have an election coming up. 

They're facing the same issues all the other nations of the Indian subcontinent.  Economics, energy, food, inflation, and fraudulent elections.  The level of instability there is high, and all these nations are failing the "happiness quotient", and there's a potential for the military to take over. 

China's economy is now and has always been smoke and mirrors, but now that Xi has made himself into the nation's central planning economic tyrant, it's worse than it's been since Mao died and took his economic planning insanity with him to the grave.  But Xi has resurrected that insanity.   Their real estate sector is a disaster in the making, and in order to create some stability to their economy they're deciding to restrict their import/export policies, all of which they're calling "economic rebalancing".  It will fail, in spite of all the talks and negotiations between Peking and all the other Asian nations, including Japan and South Korea, while it's true the economic bonds between these nations is powerful, and China needs them and vise versa, we have to understand, nothing about China is ever as it appears.  

I can't help but believe the background motive is to diffuse their determination to prevent China from imposing their blatantly illegal efforts to control the entire South China Sea with what China calls the, "Nine Dash Line", which in one way or another impacts Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines, which this RANE  map shows, all in violation of international law, to which China is a signatory.  None of which isn't going to happen.  They may want and need China as an economic partner, they don't need or want China as their master. 

 Map of South China Sea claims

Xi's economic meddling and tyrannous activities are pronounced, and to the point China's capitalists are leaving and taking their capital with them, where possible, because they understand central planning in support of statism isn't effective or sustainable.  In point of fact, all this is a very real threat of economic viability.  

Xi can't be trusted even by those who he claims, and they claim, are allies, as China is getting really chummy with those Central Asian nations that were formerly part of the Soviet Union, China's Strengthening Its Position in Northern Russia and the Arctic Sea, which must concern Moscow. I've said in the past, and I say it now.  NATO was never a short term or long term threat to Russia, but China is, and there are those who believe, and I'm one of them, this "love fest" between China and Russia will collapse, and Moscow is gong to lose out to Beijing, and Putin having wasted his resource on Ukraine, will not be able to do anything about it, except pout, whine, and meaninglessly threaten.

China's economy is now, and has always been smoke and mirrors, but now that Xi has made himself into the nation's central planning economic tyrant, it's worse than it's been since Mao died and took his economic planning insanity with him to the grave.  But Xi has resurrected that insanity.   Their real estate sector is a disaster, and in order to create some stability to their economy they're deciding to restrict their import/export policies, all of which they're calling "economic rebalancing".  It will fail, in spite of all the talks and negotiations between Peking and all the other Asian nations, including Japan and South Korea, while it's true the economic bonds between these nations is powerful, and economically they need each other,  we have to understand, nothing about China is ever as it appears.  

I can't help but believe the background motive is to diffuse their determination to prevent China from imposing their blatantly illegal efforts to control the entire South China Sea with what China calls the, "Nine Dash Line", which in one way or another impacts Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines, which this RANE  map shows, all in violation of international law, to which China is a signatory.  None of which isn't going to happen.  They may want and need China as an economic partner, they don't need or want China as their master. 

 Map of South China Sea claims

Xi's economic melding and tyrannous activities are pronounced, and to the point China's capitalists are leaving and taking their capital with them. where possible because they understand central planning in support of statism isn't effective or sustainable  In point of fact, all this is a very real threat of economic viability. 

On the other hand, Xi has the same problem all dictators have.  He's paranoid. He doesn't even trust his own generals, so Xi's decided to fix that, and it's amazing, China's generals keep disappearing.  Imagine that.  However, to some extent, that's understandable when  you understand the structure of their military and the history behind it.

The CCP have long granted a large degree of autonomy to the military, provided they understood they had to support the CCP totally, and if so, they would be allowed them to run things as they saw fit.  Which created massive levels of incompetence and corruption, since there were no government checks or balances in place, and Xi didn't like that.  So he made himself the absolute civilian authority over the military and started purging the corrupt, the incompetent, and installing those who were absolute Xi supporters, much like Obama did to the American military, only Obama eliminated the competent and installed corrupt and incompetent, and Biden is continuing that madness. 

But the story is complicated.  No matter how much he purges, he has no idea how deep the corruption runs, the Chinese military is massive, the expenditures for their growth is off the charts, and he absolutely needs them, only he can't trust anything they tell him.  He has no idea whether or not they can fight their way out of a wet paper bag, let alone conquering Taiwan, all of which adds to war deterrence.

Couple that with Taiwan's effort to enhance their navy with advanced submarines from other nations, the resistance from Australia, Japan, South Korea, India, and the United States, an attack on Taiwan isn't in the works, no matter how much sabre rattling is being done by Beijing. 


One of the things that's playing out is Ukrainian concern the west is going to abandon them.  And rightly so.  Ukraine had more than enough knowledge of Putin's motives and action to know this was coming, and instead of plying all their corruption they should have armed themselves to the hilt. They didn't, and Europe and America is tired of weakening their economies and military to support them. Supporting them with massive amounts of money for which there's no accounting.  Audits the Democrats in Congress prevented. Why? Perhaps because that would ultimately expose all the corruption of the Biden Crime Family and their corrupt deals with deals in China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and other foreign entities?  As a result, the Biden administration and the DNC have blocked all efforts at accountability. 

Because of this insane spending America is a shadow of it's former self, and all this is impacting the average person, and that's absolutely true of Europe, but Europe has skin in this game.  How does America benefit? What is the answer for why US Taxpayers are Subsidizing Small Businesses in Ukraine Inject $25 Billion in Non-Military Aid Since War Began Bustling Farmers Market on *John McCain* Street in Kiev, and destroying small businesses in America?  Because that's good for America.  Yeah, right!

The Wagner group has become involved on the front lines again, the Ukrainian offensive is at a snails pace. Russian defensive moves have been fairly effective, and neocons want U.S. boots on the ground...but only as advisors.  Just like in Vietnam.  

Listening to the back and forth arguments at the E.U. over all this requires a translator who is fluent in Orwellian Newspeak.   

Everyone wants to end this war, at least all those not fighting in the war.  But there are no talks between Putin and Zelenskyy.  So, the war rages on, at the expense of western nations, since Ukraine has no money, their infrastructure is being decimated, the manufacturing ability has been destroyed, along with their energy production, and their agriculture is a mess, and their population is either dying or leaving.


As I've pointed out the Ukrainian offensive isn't going all that well, but Russia has a problem with their  “divine” historical mission at revanche, a policy for the return of all former Imperial and Soviet controlled territories.  Not fear of NATO.  

But Russia has issues with their own military.  Bad planning, bad strategies, bad generals, and a arrogant, paranoid, tyrannical monster 7for their leader.  Now they just about exhausted their military manpower, even recruiting Serbs for their army, along with non Slavic peoples from Central Asia and the Middle East.  Russia Toys With Statistics on Contracted Soldiers:

Most of the newly recruited contracted soldiers come from the following groups:

  • Previously contracted soldiers with expired or expiring contracts have been forced to sign new ones. This group is estimated to total somewhere between 150,000 and 200,000 (see EDM, June 12).
  • Those recruits most recently mobilized have been manipulated into becoming formally contracted soldiers. This group is estimated to reach at least several tens of thousands (media, August 16);
  • Volunteers (including former mercenaries) and prisoners who signed short-term contracts for three, six or nine months have been forced to sign new, longer-term contracts by. This group, too, numbers several tens of thousands. Due to signing these additional contracts, this group may have been counted twice by the Ministry of Defense (BBC News Russian, May 3; ru, June 12;, July 20;, August 30).

They've lost untold about of equipment, and more importantly, they're incapable of restoring that equipment internally. Why?  Because Russia isn't a natural capital generating nation, as a result, he has all the same problems all communist/socialist/Marxist central planners all face.  Lack of production, lack of motivation, and lack of innovation.  Even if they could produce more, can they produce better?  Russian claims about their manufacturing ability are at best dubious, leaving Russia with the threat of using nuclear arms. 

Now they're having to buy from Iran, North Korea, now he's indebted to these lesser nations, and internationally gets weaker by the day.   Russia faces an "Arc of Instability, starting with Belarus, which in spite of media coverage, isn't united by any stretch of the imagination and the Caucuses' are a mess. 

And now Russia is demanding the U.N. give them back their seat on the Human Rights Commission.  Why? Because "Russia speaks for the world majority who no long want to live under someone else's dictation."

Imagine that!

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